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Last active February 6, 2020 21:36
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Audit Log Parser
// Include Parser.php - The LogAudit Source
// Create an instance of the Auth Class
// If an argument is passed, it is expecting
// a username.
// @ $arg Not Required
$Audit = new \LogAudit\Auth('sixeightzero');
// $Audit->getLength will search for entries that
// match your operator passed as a string in the
// argument.
foreach($Audit->getLength('> 10200') as $Entry){
// $Entry contains all entries which
// are greater than 10200 seconds
// $Audit->getUser will search for entries that
// were logged by the specified user.
// NOTE: If you start the class with a user,
// this will only return results for the user
// passed in the construct
foreach($Audit->getUser('root') as $Entry){
// $Entry contains all entries which
// occured for the root user
// $Audit->getMonth will search for entries that
// occured in the specified numeric month
foreach($Audit->getMonth(12) as $Entry){
// $Entry contains all entries which
// occured during the provided month
// $Audit->getModule will search for entries that
// were created by the daemon/log source you supply
foreach($Audit->getModule('sshd') as $Entry){
// $Entry contains all entries which
// were created by sshd
// $Audit->getHost will search for entries that
// were generated by the provided host
foreach($Audit->getHost('angryserver') as $Entry){
// $Entry contains all entries which
// were created on angryserver. This
// is useful for a syslog server
stdClass Object (
[entry] => Aug 23 22:36:53 angryserver sshd[8049]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user sixeightzero
[date] => 22:36:53
[time] => Aug-23
[start_timestamp] => 1345775813
[end_timestamp] => 1345788487
[host] => angryserver
[daemon] => sshd
[pid] => 8049
[module] => sshd
[function] => session
[user] => sixeightzero
[month] => 08
[day] => 23
[session_time] => 12674
[searched_for] => session_time
stdClass Object (
[entry] => Aug 29 20:10:01 angryserver sshd[31908]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user sixeightzero
[date] => 20:10:01
[time] => Aug-29
[start_timestamp] => 1346285401
[end_timestamp] => 1346476329
[host] => angryserver
[daemon] => sshd
[pid] => 31908
[module] => sshd
[function] => session
[user] => sixeightzero
[month] => 08
[day] => 29
[session_time] => 190928
[searched_for] => session_time
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* LogAudit
* Minimum PHP version 5.3
* LICENSE: All scripts which are created or modified by
* sixeightzero, angrystatic, HighOnPHP, High on PHP, and
* all other affiliated names are goverend by this script,
* wherein there is no conflict with the original license,
* which takes precedence. You are permitted to use, modify,
* distribute this code, as long as this license agreement
* remains in the document. A longtext version of this
* license may be found at:
* @category Audit
* @package LogAudit
* @author sixeightzero <>
* @copyright 2012 sixeightzero
* @license
* @version SVN: 231
* @link
* Place includes, constant defines and $_GLOBAL settings here.
* Make sure they have appropriate docblocks to avoid phpDocumentor
* construing they are documented by the page-level docblock.
* @namespace LogAudit
namespace LogAudit;
* @errorreporting Silence Notices Only
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE & E_DEPRECATED));
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
* LogAudit - Parser
* Minimum PHP version 5.3
* LICENSE: All scripts which are created or modified by
* sixeightzero, angrystatic, HighOnPHP, High on PHP, and
* all other affiliated names are goverend by this script,
* wherein there is no conflict with the original license,
* which takes precedence. You are permitted to use, modify,
* distribute this code, as long as this license agreement
* remains in the document. A longtext version of this
* license may be found at:
* @category Audit
* @package LogAudit
* @class Parser
* @author sixeightzero <>
* @copyright 2012 sixeightzero
* @license
* @version SVN: 231
* @link
class Parser{
public function __construct(){
// This provides a Catch All
public function __call($catch, $all){
$methods = array(
'getUser' => 'user',
'getDate' => 'date',
'getDay' => 'day',
'getMonth' => 'month',
'getMonthDay' => 'md',
'getLength' => 'length',
if(array_key_exists($catch, $methods)){
return self::searchEntries($methods[$catch], $all[0]);
return false;
protected function grabLog(){
$this->log = explode("\n", file_get_contents($this->log_file));
protected function getEntries(){
return array_values($this->entries);
protected function searchEntries($type = NULL, $value = NULL){
return self::_search($type, $value);
private function _search($search, $input){
$outputArray = array();
//echo "Searching For $input";
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($this->entries));
foreach($iterator as $id => $sub){
$subArray = $iterator->getSubIterator();
if($search == 'length'){
if($id == 'session_time' && eval('return '.strtolower($sub).$input.';')){
// echo "Found it in $id - posted in ID $input";
$subArray = iterator_to_array($subArray);
$outputArray[] = (object) array_merge($subArray, array('searched_for' => $id));
if($id == $search && strtolower($sub) == strtolower($input)){
// echo "Found it in $id - posted in ID $input";
$subArray = iterator_to_array($subArray);
$outputArray[] = (object) array_merge($subArray, array('searched_for' => $id));
return (object) $outputArray;
* LogAudit - Entry
* Minimum PHP version 5.3
* LICENSE: All scripts which are created or modified by
* sixeightzero, angrystatic, HighOnPHP, High on PHP, and
* all other affiliated names are goverend by this script,
* wherein there is no conflict with the original license,
* which takes precedence. You are permitted to use, modify,
* distribute this code, as long as this license agreement
* remains in the document. A longtext version of this
* license may be found at:
* @category Audit
* @package LogAudit
* @class Entry
* @author sixeightzero <>
* @copyright 2012 sixeightzero
* @license
* @version SVN: 231
* @link
class Entry{
public $entry;
public $date;
public $time;
public $start_timestamp;
public $end_timestamp;
public $host;
public $daemon;
public $pid;
public $module;
public $function;
public $user;
public $month;
public $day;
const DATE_FORMAT = 'M-j';
const TIME_FORMAT = 'G:i:s';
public function __construct($entry){
$elements = array('entry', 'date', 'host', 'daemon', 'pid', 'module', 'function', 'user');
foreach($entry as $id => $arg){
$this->$elements[$id] = $arg;
if($elements[$id] == 'date'){
$this->time = $this->delog_time($arg, true);
$this->date = $this->delog_time($arg, false, true);
$this->month = $this->delog_time($arg, false, false, 'm');
$this->day = $this->delog_time($arg, false, false, 'd');
$this->start_timestamp = $this->delog_time($arg);
public function module(){
return $this->module;
public function user(){
return $this->user;
public function date(){
return $this->date;
public function time(){
return $this->time;
public function timestamp(){
return $this->timestamp;
public function status(){
return $this->status;
public function closeEntry($obj){
$this->end_timestamp = $this->delog_time($obj[1]);
$this->session_time = $this->end_timestamp - $this->start_timestamp;
private function delog_time($time, $flag=false,$tflag = false, $format=NULL){
$time = date_parse_from_format("M j G:i:s", $time);
$timestamp = mktime($time['hour'], $time['minute'], $time['second'], $time['month'], $time['day'], date('Y'));
return date(self::DATE_FORMAT, $timestamp);
return date(self::TIME_FORMAT, $timestamp);
return date($format, $timestamp);
return $timestamp;
* LogAudit - Auth
* Minimum PHP version 5.3
* LICENSE: All scripts which are created or modified by
* sixeightzero, angrystatic, HighOnPHP, High on PHP, and
* all other affiliated names are goverend by this script,
* wherein there is no conflict with the original license,
* which takes precedence. You are permitted to use, modify,
* distribute this code, as long as this license agreement
* remains in the document. A longtext version of this
* license may be found at:
* @category Audit
* @package LogAudit
* @class Auth
* @author sixeightzero <>
* @copyright 2012 sixeightzero
* @license
* @version SVN: 231
* @link
class Auth extends Parser{
public $user;
var $entries = array();
var $log_file = '/var/log/auth.log';
public function __construct($user = NULL){
// If we are looking for a user, set it
$this->user = $user;
// Instantiate the log file
private function _instLog(){
if(strlen($this->user) > 0){
$this->log = array_values(preg_grep('/for user '.$this->user.'/', $this->log));
return true;
private function _parseLog(){
$this->incomplete = array();
foreach($this->log as $line){
if(preg_match('/([A-Za-z0-9:\s]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\[([0-9]+)\]\: pam_unix\(([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\:([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\)\: session opened for user (['.(isset($this->user) ? $this->user : 'a-zA-Z0-9_-').']+)/', $line, $open)){
$this->incomplete[$open[4]] = true;
$this->entries[$open[4]] = new Entry($open);
elseif(preg_match('/([A-Za-z0-9:\s]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\[([0-9]+)\]\: pam_unix\(([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\:([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\)\: session closed for user (['.(isset($this->user) ? $this->user : 'a-zA-Z0-9_-').']+)/', $line, $close)){
$this->incomplete[$close[4]] = true;
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