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Last active November 4, 2015 23:20
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Bug creating containers with image from juju state server on wily


Juju is having problems creating trusty containers on wily.

Here's a status output from after an openstack installer run (not a deployer bundle):

ubuntu@openstack-single-ubuntu:~$ juju --version

ubuntu@openstack-single-ubuntu:~$ juju status --format=tabular
NAME                      STATUS  EXPOSED CHARM                                 
glance                    unknown false   cs:trusty/glance-24                   
glance-simplestreams-sync unknown false   cs:trusty/glance-simplestreams-sync-3 
keystone                  unknown false   cs:trusty/keystone-28                 
mysql                     unknown false   cs:trusty/mysql-28                    
neutron-api               unknown false   cs:trusty/neutron-api-17              
neutron-gateway           unknown false   cs:trusty/neutron-gateway-5           
neutron-openvswitch               false   cs:trusty/neutron-openvswitch-9       
nova-cloud-controller     unknown false   cs:trusty/nova-cloud-controller-60    
nova-compute              unknown false   cs:trusty/nova-compute-26             
ntp                               false   cs:trusty/ntp-11                      
openstack-dashboard       unknown false   cs:trusty/openstack-dashboard-16      
rabbitmq-server           unknown false   cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-34          

ID                          WORKLOAD-STATE AGENT-STATE VERSION  MACHINE PORTS PUBLIC-ADDRESS MESSAGE                                    
glance-simplestreams-sync/0 unknown        allocating           1/lxc/6                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
glance/0                    unknown        allocating           1/lxc/7                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
keystone/0                  unknown        allocating           1/lxc/1                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
mysql/0                     unknown        allocating           1/lxc/0                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
neutron-api/0               unknown        allocating           1/lxc/5                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
neutron-gateway/0           unknown        idle 3                                                    
nova-cloud-controller/0     unknown        allocating           1/lxc/3                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
nova-compute/0              unknown        idle 2                                                    
openstack-dashboard/0       unknown        allocating           1/lxc/4                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
rabbitmq-server/0           unknown        allocating           1/lxc/2                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 

ID         STATE   VERSION  DNS        INS-ID                 SERIES HARDWARE                                          
0          started localhost  localhost              wily                                                     
1          started ubuntu-local-machine-1 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=2 mem=6144M root-disk=20480M 
2          started  ubuntu-local-machine-2 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=4096M root-disk=40960M 
3          started  ubuntu-local-machine-3 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=2048M root-disk=20480M 

Note all the containers on machine 1 are stalled.

Here I poke around and look at groups and versions:

ubuntu@openstack-single-ubuntu:~$ juju ssh 1

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ groups
ubuntu adm dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo apt-cache policy lxc
  Installed: 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.9
  Candidate: 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.9
  Version table:
 *** 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.9 0
        500 trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     1.0.3-0ubuntu3 0
        500 trusty/main amd64 Packages

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo apt-cache policy libvirt-bin
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.14
  Version table:
     1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.14 0
        500 trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages
     1.2.2-0ubuntu13 0
        500 trusty/main amd64 Packages

And check networking out from the VM:

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=38 time=38.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=38 time=38.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=38 time=38.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 38.010/38.407/38.617/0.323 ms

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release 

We see no containers have been created:

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo lxc-ls -f

Looking at the log:

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo less /var/log/juju/machine-1.log 
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.container lock.go:50 acquire lock "juju-trusty-lxc-template", ensure clone exists
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:77 template does not exist, creating
2015-11-02 19:19:33 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:65 discovered init system "upstart" from series "trusty"
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container image.go:88 lxc image for trusty (amd64) is
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:425 creating lxc container "juju-trusty-lxc-template"
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:426 lxc-create template params: [--debug --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/cloud-init --hostid juju-trusty-lxc-template -r trusty -T]
2015-11-02 19:19:34 ERROR juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:129 lxc template container creation failed: lxc container creation failed: juju-trusty-lxc-template
2015-11-02 19:19:34 INFO juju.container lock.go:66 release lock "juju-trusty-lxc-template"

OK, the template container create failed. So I retried the lxc-create with the same parameters as above, to see if I could get better debug info:

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n mikestest -- --debug --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/cloud-init --hostid juju-trusty-lxc-template -r trusty -T
+ '[' amd64 = i686 ']'
+ '[' 0 = 0 ']'
+ case "$hostarch:$arch" in
+ :
+ '[' tryreleased '!=' daily -a tryreleased '!=' released -a tryreleased '!=' tryreleased ']'
+ '[' -z /var/lib/lxc/mikestest ']'
++ id -u
+ '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'
+ config=/var/lib/lxc/mikestest/config
+ '[' -z /var/lib/lxc/mikestest/rootfs ']'
+ type ubuntu-cloudimg-query
ubuntu-cloudimg-query is /usr/bin/ubuntu-cloudimg-query
+ type wget
wget is /usr/bin/wget
+ cache=/var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ mkdir -p /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' tryreleased = tryreleased ']'
+ stream=released
+ ubuntu-cloudimg-query trusty released amd64
+ '[' -n ']'
+ url2=
++ basename
+ filename=ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ '[' -n ']'
+ do_extract_rootfs
+ cd /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -f ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz ']'
+ wget
--2015-11-02 20:06:02--
Connecting to connected.
ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘/O=juju/CN=juju-generated CA for environment "local"’:
  Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
ERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches
	requested host name ‘’.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'

... spurious cascading errors from the ubuntu-cloud lxc template are snipped here.

lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1125 container creation template for mikestest failed
lxc_container: lxc_create.c: main: 271 Error creating container mikestest

So, what's going on with the certificates for the state server?

Here's the machine log from the VM machine-1, starting from the beginning and stopping at the first failed container creation

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo cat /var/log/juju/machine-1.log 
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:37 running jujud [ gc]
2015-11-02 19:15:59 DEBUG juju.agent agent.go:482 read agent config, format "1.18"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:420 machine agent machine-1 start ( [gc])
2015-11-02 19:15:59 DEBUG juju.wrench wrench.go:112 couldn't read wrench directory: stat /var/lib/juju/wrench: no such file or directory
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.cmd.jujud upgrade.go:87 no upgrade steps required or upgrade steps for have already been run.
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO network.go:242 setting prefer-ipv6 to false
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "statestarter"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "api"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "termination"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "statestarter" started
2015-11-02 19:15:59 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:191 stop "state"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "termination" started
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:262 dialing "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:15:59 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:194 connection established to "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:262 dialing "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:194 connection established to "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.apicaller open.go:88 replacing insecure password
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:191 stop "state"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:262 dialing "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:194 connection established to "wss://"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "api-post-upgrade"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "api-post-upgrade" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "upgrade-steps"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "upgrade-steps" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "api" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.wrench wrench.go:112 couldn't read wrench directory: stat /var/lib/juju/wrench: no such file or directory
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:275 stopped "upgrade-steps", err: <nil>
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:203 "upgrade-steps" done: <nil>
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:206 removing "upgrade-steps" from known workers
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "upgrader"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "upgrader" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker.upgrader upgrader.go:154 desired tool version:
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:1665 upgrades done, starting worker "api-post-upgrade"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "proxyupdater"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.proxyupdater proxyupdater.go:69 write system files: true
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "proxyupdater" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "reboot"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "reboot" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.proxyupdater proxyupdater.go:151 new proxy settings proxy.Settings{Http:"", Https:"", Ftp:"", NoProxy:"localhost"}
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "logger"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:35 initial log config: "<root>=DEBUG"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "logger" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "machiner"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "machiner" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "apiaddressupdater"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "apiaddressupdater" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "stateconverter"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "stateconverter" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:60 logger setup
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "rsyslog"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.rsyslog worker.go:108 starting rsyslog worker mode 1 for "machine-1" "ubuntu-local"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "rsyslog" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "storageprovisioner-machine"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "storageprovisioner-machine" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "diskmanager"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "diskmanager" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "authenticationworker"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "authenticationworker" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "networker"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "networker" started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.reboot reboot.go:65 Reboot worker setup
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG network.go:268 no lxc bridge addresses to filter for machine
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker.machiner machiner.go:100 setting addresses for machine-1 to ["local-machine:" "local-cloud:" "local-machine:::1"]
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:45 reconfiguring logging from "<root>=DEBUG" to "<root>=DEBUG;unit=DEBUG"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.networker networker.go:163 networker is disabled - not starting on machine "machine-1"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker runner.go:275 stopped "networker", err: <nil>
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:203 "networker" done: <nil>
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:206 removing "networker" from known workers
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.rsyslog worker.go:225 making syslog connection for "juju-ubuntu-local-machine-1" to
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.reboot reboot.go:82 Reboot worker got action: noop
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh authorisedkeys.go:91 reading authorised keys file /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh authorisedkeys.go:91 reading authorised keys file /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh authorisedkeys.go:128 writing authorised keys file /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG network.go:268 no lxc bridge addresses to filter for machine
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.agent agent.go:556 API server address details [["localhost:17070" "" "" "" "" "[::1]:17070"]] written to agent config as ["" "" ""]
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:191 stop "state"
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.proxyupdater proxyupdater.go:170 new apt proxy settings proxy.Settings{Http:"", Https:"", Ftp:"", NoProxy:""}
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.container.kvm kvm.go:71 kvm-ok output:
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used

2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker.authenticationworker worker.go:92 "machine-1" key updater worker started
2015-11-02 19:16:00 INFO juju.worker.diskmanager diskmanager.go:62 block devices changed: [{vda []     20480  true } {vdb [/dev/disk/by-label/cidata] cidata    0 iso9660 false }]
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:26 volumes alive: [], dying: [], dead: []
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.storageprovisioner filesystems.go:76 filesystem attachment alive: [], dying: [], dead: []
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.storageprovisioner filesystems.go:28 filesystems alive: [], dying: [], dead: []
2015-11-02 19:16:00 DEBUG juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:63 volume attachments alive: [], dying: [], dead: []
2015-11-02 19:16:01 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "deployer"
2015-11-02 19:16:01 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "deployer" started
2015-11-02 19:16:01 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "1-container-watcher"
2015-11-02 19:16:01 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "1-container-watcher" started
2015-11-02 19:16:01 DEBUG juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:1665 upgrades done, starting worker "1-container-watcher"
2015-11-02 19:16:01 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:65 discovered init system "upstart" from series "trusty"
2015-11-02 19:16:01 INFO juju.worker.machiner machiner.go:63 "machine-1" started
2015-11-02 19:19:32 INFO juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:105 initial container setup with ids: [1/lxc/0]
2015-11-02 19:19:32 DEBUG juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:144 setup and start provisioner for lxc containers
2015-11-02 19:19:32 DEBUG juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:189 running initialiser for lxc containers
2015-11-02 19:19:32 INFO juju.utils.packaging.manager utils.go:57 Running: apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install lxc
2015-11-02 19:19:32 INFO juju.utils.packaging.manager utils.go:57 Running: apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install cloud-image-utils
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.worker runner.go:269 start "lxc-provisioner"
2015-11-02 19:19:33 DEBUG juju.worker runner.go:196 "lxc-provisioner" started
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:143 Starting up provisioner task machine-1
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:413 found machine pending provisioning id:1/lxc/0, details:1/lxc/0
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:258 provisioner-harvest-mode is set to destroyed; unknown instances not stopped []
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.provisioner.lxc lxc-broker.go:88 starting lxc container for machineId: 1/lxc/0
2015-11-02 19:19:33 DEBUG juju.provisioner lxc-broker.go:100 address allocation feature flag not enabled; using DHCP for container "1/lxc/0"
2015-11-02 19:19:33 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:65 discovered init system "upstart" from series "trusty"
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:32 wait for flock on juju-trusty-lxc-template
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.container lock.go:50 acquire lock "juju-trusty-lxc-template", ensure clone exists
2015-11-02 19:19:33 INFO juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:77 template does not exist, creating
2015-11-02 19:19:33 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:65 discovered init system "upstart" from series "trusty"
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container image.go:88 lxc image for trusty (amd64) is
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:425 creating lxc container "juju-trusty-lxc-template"
2015-11-02 19:19:34 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:426 lxc-create template params: [--debug --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/cloud-init --hostid juju-trusty-lxc-template -r trusty -T]
2015-11-02 19:19:34 ERROR juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:129 lxc template container creation failed: lxc container creation failed: juju-trusty-lxc-template
2015-11-02 19:19:34 INFO juju.container lock.go:66 release lock "juju-trusty-lxc-template"
2015-11-02 19:19:34 ERROR juju.provisioner.lxc lxc-broker.go:168 failed to start container: failed to retrieve the template to clone: lxc container creation failed: juju-trusty-lxc-template
2015-11-02 19:19:34 INFO juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:711 retryable error received on start instance - retrying instance creation 3 times with a 10s delay
2015-11-02 19:19:42 INFO juju.provisioner container_initialisation.go:105 initial container setup with ids: [1/lxc/1]
2015-11-02 19:19:44 INFO juju.provisioner.lxc lxc-broker.go:88 starting lxc container for machineId: 1/lxc/0
2015-11-02 19:19:44 DEBUG juju.provisioner lxc-broker.go:100 address allocation feature flag not enabled; using DHCP for container "1/lxc/0"
2015-11-02 19:19:44 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:65 discovered init system "upstart" from series "trusty"
2015-11-02 19:19:44 INFO juju.container.lxc clonetemplate.go:32 wait for flock on juju-trusty-lxc-template

status after install:

NAME                      STATUS  EXPOSED CHARM                                  
glance                    unknown false   cs:trusty/glance-24                    
glance-simplestreams-sync unknown false   local:wily/glance-simplestreams-sync-0 
keystone                  unknown false   cs:trusty/keystone-28                  
mysql                     unknown false   cs:trusty/mysql-28                     
neutron-api               unknown false   cs:trusty/neutron-api-17               
neutron-gateway           unknown false   cs:trusty/neutron-gateway-5            
neutron-openvswitch               false   cs:trusty/neutron-openvswitch-9        
nova-cloud-controller     unknown false   cs:trusty/nova-cloud-controller-60     
nova-compute              error   false   cs:trusty/nova-compute-26              
ntp                               false   cs:trusty/ntp-11                       
openstack-dashboard       unknown false   cs:trusty/openstack-dashboard-16       
rabbitmq-server           unknown false   cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-34           

ID                          WORKLOAD-STATE AGENT-STATE VERSION  MACHINE PORTS PUBLIC-ADDRESS MESSAGE                                    
glance-simplestreams-sync/0 unknown        allocating           1/lxc/5                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
glance/0                    unknown        allocating           1/lxc/7                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
keystone/0                  unknown        allocating           1/lxc/2                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
mysql/0                     unknown        allocating           1/lxc/0                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
neutron-api/0               unknown        allocating           1/lxc/4                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
neutron-gateway/0           unknown        idle 3                                                    
nova-cloud-controller/0     unknown        allocating           1/lxc/3                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
nova-compute/0              error          idle 2        hook failed: "install"                     
openstack-dashboard/0       unknown        allocating           1/lxc/6                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 
rabbitmq-server/0           unknown        allocating           1/lxc/1                      Waiting for agent initialization to finish 

ID         STATE   VERSION  DNS        INS-ID                 SERIES HARDWARE                                          
0          started localhost  localhost              wily                                                     
1          started ubuntu-local-machine-1 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=2 mem=6144M root-disk=20480M 
2          started ubuntu-local-machine-2 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=4096M root-disk=40960M 
3          started  ubuntu-local-machine-3 trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=2048M root-disk=20480M 

machine log from machine hosting the containers:

ubuntu@ubuntu-local-machine-1:~$ sudo cat /var/log/juju/machine-1.log | pastebinit

contents of /var/lib/juju/containers/*:

tree of dir:

├── juju-trusty-lxc-template
│   ├── cloud-init
│   └── lxc.conf
├── juju-wily-lxc-template
│   ├── cloud-init
│   └── lxc.conf
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-0
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-1
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-2
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-3
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-4
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-5
│   └── cloud-init
├── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-6
│   └── cloud-init
└── ubuntu-local-machine-1-lxc-7
    └── cloud-init

10 directories, 12 files

all contents of those files:

Copy link

Looks like the properly wrapped wget is also having cert issues:

2015-11-04 22:48:33 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:425 creating lxc container "juju-trusty-lxc-template"
2015-11-04 22:48:33 DEBUG juju.container.lxc lxc.go:426 lxc-create template params: [--debug --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/cloud-init --hostid juju-trusty-lxc-template -r trusty -T]
2015-11-04 22:48:33 TRACE golxc.go:448 run: lxc-create [-n juju-trusty-lxc-template -t ubuntu-cloud -f /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/lxc.conf -- --debug --userdata /var/lib/juju/containers/juju-trusty-lxc-template/cloud-init --hostid juju-trusty-lxc-template -r trusty -T]
2015-11-04 22:48:33 TRACE golxc.go:458 run failed output: + '[' amd64 = i686 ']'
+ '[' 0 = 0 ']'
+ case "$hostarch:$arch" in
+ :
+ '[' tryreleased '!=' daily -a tryreleased '!=' released -a tryreleased '!=' tryreleased ']'
+ '[' -z /var/lib/lxc/juju-trusty-lxc-template ']'
++ id -u
+ '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'
+ config=/var/lib/lxc/juju-trusty-lxc-template/config
+ '[' -z /var/lib/lxc/juju-trusty-lxc-template/rootfs ']'
+ type ubuntu-cloudimg-query
ubuntu-cloudimg-query is /usr/bin/ubuntu-cloudimg-query
+ type wget
wget is /tmp/wget992629130/wget
+ cache=/var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ mkdir -p /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' tryreleased = tryreleased ']'
+ stream=released
+ ubuntu-cloudimg-query trusty released amd64
+ '[' -n ']'
+ url2=
++ basename
+ filename=ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ '[' -n ']'
+ do_extract_rootfs
+ cd /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -f ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz ']'
+ wget
--2015-11-04 22:48:33--
Connecting to connected.
ERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches
    requested host name ''.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
+ build_root_tgz ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ url=ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ filename=
++ mktemp -d -p .
+ xdir=./tmp.OdTAAQuXxT
++ basename ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ tarname=ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ imgname='trusty-*-cloudimg-amd64.img'
+ trap buildcleanup EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 -o '!' -f /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz ']'
+ rm -f ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ echo 'Downloading cloud image from ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz'
Downloading cloud image from ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
+ wget ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
--2015-11-04 22:48:33--  http://ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz/
Resolving ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz (ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address 'ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz'
+ echo 'Couldn'\''t find cloud image ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz.'
Couldn't find cloud image ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz.
+ exit 1
+ buildcleanup
+ cd /var/lib/lxc/juju-trusty-lxc-template/rootfs
+ umount -l /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty/./tmp.OdTAAQuXxT
umount: /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty/./tmp.OdTAAQuXxT: not mounted
+ true
+ rm -rf /var/cache/lxc/cloud-trusty
lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1125 container creation template for juju-trusty-lxc-template failed
lxc_container: lxc_create.c: main: 271 Error creating container juju-trusty-lxc-template

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