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Last active October 8, 2015 12:00
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Call Downloader
import datetime
import getpass
import os
import shutil
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary
DOWNLOAD_DIR = 'C:/Users/mmedina/Downloads'
DEST_DIR = 'S:/Calls'
URL = ''
FIREFOX_PATH = 'C:/Users/mmedina/Desktop/Firefox/firefox.exe'
def main():
"""Download all available calls from the Securus Tech website.
-Start Firefox
-Log in to Securus Tech Call Monitoring
-Execute the saved search query
-Download all downloadable calls from the query
-Move all downloaded calls from DOWNLOAD_DIR to DEST_DIR
-Rename all downloaded calls to [hhmm] last, first.wav
-Close Firefox
driver = setup_driver()
call_count = get_call_count(driver)
for call_number in range(call_count):
call_number_1indexed = call_number + 1
inmate_name = get_inmate_name(driver, call_number)
call_date, call_time = get_call_date_time(driver, call_number)
print('Working on call {call_number_1indexed} of {call_count} by '
'{inmate_name} on {call_date} at {call_time}'.format(**locals()))
if already_listened_to(driver, call_number):
print('Call #{} has already been listened to.\n'
dl_link = get_dl_link(driver, call_number)
except NoSuchElementException:
print("Call #{} is not available for download.\n"
print('Downloading #{}\n'.format(call_number_1indexed))
move_call(inmate_name, call_time)
def get_element(driver, xpath):
"""Return the element on the page at the given xpath."""
elapsed_time = 0 # x100 milliseconds
while True:
return driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
except NoSuchElementException:
if elapsed_time > 300: # 30 seconds
print('Timed out while looking for element')
print('xpath: {}'.format(xpath))
elapsed_time += 1
def setup_driver():
"""Set up Firefox."""
# Points to Firefox
binary = FirefoxBinary(FIREFOX_PATH)
# This block should change the default download directory.
# Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to do anything.
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.set_preference('', 2)
profile.set_preference('', False)
profile.set_preference('', DOWNLOAD_DIR)
# Start browser
return webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=binary, firefox_profile=profile)
def login(driver):
"""Prompt for username and password then log in."""
user = input('Username: ')
password = getpass.getpass()
username_xpath = '//*[@id="j_username"]'
username_field = get_element(driver, username_xpath)
password_xpath = '//*[@id="j_password"]'
password_field = get_element(driver, password_xpath)
submit_button_xpath = ('/html/body/form[2]/'
get_element(driver, submit_button_xpath).click()
def execute_search(driver):
"""Execute the designated search query."""
saved_searches_xpath = ('//*[@id="callDetailLookupFormId"]/'
get_element(driver, saved_searches_xpath).click()
desired_query_xpath = ('//*[@id="contentDiv"]/'
get_element(driver, desired_query_xpath).click()
# Between 00:00 and 07:00, change the start date to the previous day.
now =
if now.hour <= 7:
search_start_xpath = '//*[@id="startDate"]'
search_start = get_element(driver, search_start_xpath)
search_start.send_keys('{:02d}/{:02d}/{} 00:00:00'
.format(now.month,, now.year))
execute_search_xpath = ('//*[@id="criteriaSectionId"]/'
get_element(driver, execute_search_xpath).click()
def get_call_count(driver):
"""Return the total number of calls."""
call_count_xpath = ('//*[@id="callDetailLookupFormId"]/'
call_count_element = get_element(driver, call_count_xpath)
return int(call_count_element.text.split()[0])
def get_inmate_name(driver, call_number):
"""Return the name of the inmate making the call."""
inmate_name_xpath = ('//*[@id="callDetailLookupFormId"]/'
inmate_name_element = get_element(driver, inmate_name_xpath)
return inmate_name_element.text.strip().title()
def get_call_date_time(driver, call_number):
"""Return the date a nd time of the inmate making the call."""
call_time_xpath = ('//*[@id="callDetailLookupFormId"]/'
call_time_element = get_element(driver, call_time_xpath)
return call_time_element.text.strip().split()
def already_listened_to(driver, call_number):
"""Return whether or not the call has been listened to."""
call_log_xpath = ('/html/body/'
call_log = get_element(driver, call_log_xpath)
# If a style exists, the call has NOT been listened to
style = call_log.get_attribute('style')
listened_to = not(bool(style))
if not listened_to:
# Page sometimes generates 'display: none;' without the space
style = style.replace(' ', '')
assert style == 'display:none;'
return listened_to
def get_dl_link(driver, call_number):
"""Return the element representing the call's download link."""
# get_element isn't used because it continues to look for the element
# until timing out and sometimes this element won't exist
dl_link_xpath = ('//*[@id="icon-row-{}"]/'
return driver.find_element_by_xpath(dl_link_xpath)
def download(dl_link):
"""Download the specified call."""
# Wait for the download to begin
while not any(name.endswith('.part') for name in os.listdir(DOWNLOAD_DIR)):
# Wait for the download to complete
while any(name.endswith('.part') for name in os.listdir(DOWNLOAD_DIR)):
def move_call(inmate_name, call_time):
"""Move the downloaded call from DOWNLOAD_DIR to DEST_DIR."""
downloaded_call = next(name for name in os.listdir(DOWNLOAD_DIR)
if name.endswith('.wav'))
# Change the time from hh:mm:ss to [hhmm]
# because ':'s can't be used in file names
first, last = inmate_name.split()
call_time = ''.join(call_time.split(':')[:2])
file_name = '[{call_time}] {last}, {first}.wav'.format(call_time=call_time,
# Move the call to DEST_DIR using shutil in case DEST_DIR is off disk
shutil.move(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIR, downloaded_call),
os.path.join(DEST_DIR, file_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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