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Created January 12, 2018 06:31
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
[CustomEditor( typeof( Sample ) )]
public class SampleEditor : Editor {
private ReorderableList reorderableList;
private void OnEnable() {
Sample sample = ( Sample )target;
reorderableList = new ReorderableList(
elements: ****, //配列要素
elementType: typeof( **** ), //要素の種類
draggable: true, //ドラッグして要素を入れ替えられるか
displayHeader: true, //ヘッダーを表示するか
displayAddButton: true, //要素追加用の+ボタンを表示するか
displayRemoveButton: true //要素削除用の-ボタンを表示するか
reorderableList.drawElementBackgroundCallback = OnDrawElementBackground;
reorderableList.drawElementCallback = OnDrawElement;
reorderableList.drawFooterCallback = OnDrawFooter;
reorderableList.drawHeaderCallback = OnDrawHeader;
reorderableList.elementHeightCallback = OnElementHeight;
reorderableList.onAddCallback = OnAdd;
reorderableList.onAddDropdownCallback = OnAddDropdown;
reorderableList.onCanAddCallback = OnCanAdd;
reorderableList.onCanRemoveCallback = OnCanRemove;
reorderableList.onChangedCallback = OnChanged;
reorderableList.onMouseUpCallback = OnMouseUp;
reorderableList.onRemoveCallback = OnRemove;
reorderableList.onReorderCallback = OnReorder;
reorderableList.onSelectCallback = OnSelect;
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
public void OnDrawElementBackground( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) {
public void OnDrawElement( Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused ) {
public void OnDrawFooter( Rect rect ) {
public void OnDrawHeader( Rect rect ) {
public float OnElementHeight( int index ) {
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
public void OnAdd( ReorderableList list ) {
public void OnAddDropdown( Rect buttonRect, ReorderableList list ) {
public bool OnCanAdd( ReorderableList list ) {
return false;
public bool OnCanRemove( ReorderableList list ) {
return false;
public void OnMouseUp( ReorderableList list ) {
public void OnChanged( ReorderableList list ) {
public void OnRemove( ReorderableList list ) {
public void OnReorder( ReorderableList list ) {
public void OnSelect( ReorderableList list ) {
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