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declare namespace MapboxSdk {
* SDK Types
export interface EventEmitter {
response: MapiResponse;
error: MapiError;
downloadProgress: ProgressEvents;
uploadProgress: ProgressEvents;
export interface ProgressEvents {
export interface MapiRequest {
/** An event emitter */
/** This request's MapiClient. */
client: MapiClient;
/** If this request has been sent and received a response, the response is available on this property. */
response: MapiResponse;
/** If this request has been sent and received an error in response, the error is available on this property. */
error: MapiError;
/** If the request has been aborted (via abort), this property will be true. */
aborted: boolean;
/** If the request has been sent, this property will be true.
* You cannot send the same request twice, so if you need to create a new request
* that is the equivalent of an existing one, use clone.
sent: boolean;
/** The request's path, including colon-prefixed route parameters. */
path: string;
/** The request's origin. */
origin: string;
/** The request's HTTP method. */
method: string;
/** A query object, which will be transformed into a URL query string. */
query: GeocodeRequest;
/**A route parameters object, whose values will be interpolated the path. */
params: Object;
/** The request's headers, */
headers: Object;
/** Data to send with the request. If the request has a body, it will also be sent with the header 'Content-Type: application/json'. */
body: Object | string | null;
/** A file to send with the request. The browser client accepts Blobs and ArrayBuffers. */
file: Blob | ArrayBuffer | string;
url(): string;
send(): Promise<MapiResponse>;
abort(): void;
eachPage(): void;
clone(): MapiRequest;
export interface MapiResponse {
/**The response body, parsed as JSON. */
body: Object;
/**The raw response body. */
/**The response's status code. */
statusCode: number;
/**The parsed response headers. */
headers: Object;
/**The parsed response links */
links: Object;
/**The response's originating MapiRequest. */
request: MapiRequest;
hasNextPage(): boolean;
nextPage(): MapiRequest;
export interface MapiError {
/**The errored request. */
request: MapiRequest;
/** The type of error. Usually this is 'HttpError'.
* If the request was aborted, so the error was not sent from the server, the type will be 'RequestAbortedError'.
type: string;
/** The numeric status code of the HTTP response */
statusCode?: number;
/** If the server sent a response body, this property exposes that response, parsed as JSON if possible. */
body: Object |string;
/** Whatever message could be derived from the call site and HTTP response. */
message?: string;
export interface MapiClient {
accessToken: string;
export interface SdkConfig {
accessToken: string;
* Geocoder Types
export type GeocodeMode = "mapbox.places" | "mapbox.places-permanent";
export type GeocodeQueryType = "country" |
"region" |
"postcode" |
"district" |
"place" |
"locality" |
"neighborhood" |
"address" |
"poi" |
export interface Geocoding {
(config: SdkConfig): GeocodeService;
export interface GeocodeService {
forwardGeocode(request: GeocodeRequest): MapiRequest;
reverseGeocode(request: GeocodeRequest): MapiRequest;
export interface IBBox {
minx: number;
miny: number;
maxx: number;
maxy: number;
export interface GeocodeRequest {
// A location. This will be a place name for forward geocoding or a coordinate pair (longitude, latitude) for reverse geocoding.
query: string | mapboxgl.LngLatLike;
// Either mapbox.places for ephemeral geocoding, or mapbox.places-permanent for storing results and batch geocoding.
mode: GeocodeMode;
// Limit results to one or more countries. Options are ISO 3166 alpha 2 country codes
countries?: string[];
//Bias local results based on a provided location. Options are longitude,latitude coordinates.
proximity?: number[];
//Filter results by one or more feature types
types?: GeocodeQueryType[];
//Forward geocoding only. Return autocomplete results or not. Options are true or false and the default is true .
autocomplete?: boolean;
//Forward geocoding only. Limit results to a bounding box. Options are in the format minX,minY,maxX,maxY .
bbox?: IBBox;
//Limit the number of results returned. The default is 5 for forward geocoding and 1 for reverse geocoding.
limit?: number;
// Specify the language to use for response text and, for forward geocoding, query result weighting.
// Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more
// IETF subtags for country or script.
language?: string[];
export interface GeocodeResponse {
/** "Feature Collection" , a GeoJSON type from the GeoJSON specification . */
type: string;
/** An array of space and punctuation-separated strings from the original query. */
query: string[];
/**An array of feature objects. */
features: GeocodeFeature[];
/**A string attributing the results of the Mapbox Geocoding API to Mapbox and links to Mapbox's terms of service and data sources. */
attribution: string;
export interface GeocodeFeature {
/** A string feature id in the form {type}.{id} where {type} is the lowest hierarchy feature in the place_type field.
* The {id} suffix of the feature id is unstable and may change within versions.
id: string;
/**"Feature" , a GeoJSON type from the GeoJSON specification . */
type: string;
/**An array of feature types describing the feature. Options are country , region , postcode , district , place , locality , neighborhood ,
* address , poi , and poi.landmark . Most features have only one type, but if the feature has multiple types,
* all applicable types will be listed in the array. (For example, Vatican City is a country , region , and place .)
place_type: string[];
/** A numerical score from 0 (least relevant) to 0.99 (most relevant) measuring how well each returned feature matches the query.
* You can use the relevance property to remove results that don't fully match the query.
relevance: number;
/**A string of the house number for the returned address feature. Note that unlike the
* address property for poi features, this property is outside the properties object.
address?: string;
* An object describing the feature. The property object is unstable and only Carmen GeoJSON properties are guaranteed.
* Your implementation should check for the presence of these values in a response before it attempts to use them.
properties: GeocodeProperties;
/** A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified. */
text: string;
/**A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified, and its full result hierarchy. */
place_name: string;
/**A string analogous to the text field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
* For example, querying "Köln, Germany" with language set to English might return a feature with the
* text "Cologne" and the matching_text "Köln".
matching_text: string;
/**A string analogous to the place_name field that more closely matches the query than results in the specified language.
* For example, querying "Köln, Germany" with language set to English might return a feature with the place_name "Cologne, Germany"
* and a matching_place_name of "Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany".
matching_place_name: string;
* A string of the IETF language tag of the query's primary language.
* Can be used to identity text and place_name properties on this object
* in the format text_{language}, place_name_{language} and language_{language}
language: string;
/**An array bounding box in the form [ minX,minY,maxX,maxY ] . */
bbox?: number[];
/** An array in the form [ longitude,latitude ] at the center of the specified bbox . */
center: number[];
/** An object describing the spatial geometry of the returned feature.*/
geometry: Geometry;
/** An array representing the hierarchy of encompassing parent features. Each parent feature may include any of the above properties.*/
context: GeocodeFeature[];
export interface Geometry {
/**" Point" , a GeoJSON type from the GeoJSON specification . */
type: string;
/** An array in the format [ longitude,latitude ] at the center of the specified bbox . */
coordinates: number[];
/** A boolean value indicating if an address is interpolated along a road network. This field is only present when the feature is interpolated. */
interpolated: boolean;
export interface GeocodeProperties extends GeocodeFeature {
/** The Wikidata identifier for the returned feature.*/
wikidata?: string;
/**A string of comma-separated categories for the returned poi feature. */
category?: string;
/**A formatted string of the telephone number for the returned poi feature. */
tel?: string;
/** The name of a suggested Maki icon to visualize a poi feature based on its category . */
maki?: string;
/**A boolean value indicating whether a poi feature is a landmark. Landmarks are
* particularly notable or long-lived features like schools, parks, museums and places of worship.
landmark?: boolean;
/**The ISO 3166-1 country and ISO 3166-2 region code for the returned feature. */
short_coide: string;
* Directions Types
export type MapboxProfile = "driving" |
"walking" |
export type DirectionsProfile = MapboxProfile | "driving-traffic";
export type DirectionsAnnotation = "duration" | "distance" | "speed" | "congestion";
export type DirectionsApproach = "unrestricted" | "curb";
export type DirectionsGeometry = "geojson" | "polyline" | "polyline6";
export type DirectionsOverview = "full" | "simplified";
export type DirectionsUnits = "imperial" | "metric";
export type DirectionsSide = "left" | "right";
export type DirectionsMode = "driving" | "ferry" | "unaccessible" | "walking" | "cycling" | "train";
export type DirectionsClass = "toll" | "ferry" | "restricted" | "motorway" | "tunnel";
export type ManeuverModifier =
"uturn" |
"sharp right" |
"right" |
"slight right" |
"straight" |
"slight left" |
"left" |
"sharp left" |
"depart" |
export type ManeuverType = "turn" |
"new name" |
"depart" |
"arrive" |
"merge" |
"on ramp" |
"off ramp" |
"fork" |
"end of road" |
"continue" |
"roundabout" |
"rotary" |
"roundabout turn" |
"notification" |
"exit roundabout" |
"exit rotary";
export interface Directions {
(config: SdkConfig): DirectionsService;
export interface DirectionsService {
getDirections(request: DirectionsRequest): MapiRequest;
export interface DirectionsRequest {
/**Routing profile; either mapbox/driving-traffic , mapbox/driving , mapbox/walking , or mapbox/cycling */
profile: DirectionsProfile;
waypoints: DirectionsRequestWaypoint[];
/**Whether to try to return alternative routes. An alternative is classified as a route that is significantly
* different than the fastest route, but also still reasonably fast. Such a route does not exist in all circumstances.
* Currently up to two alternatives can be returned. Can be true or false (default).
alternatives?: boolean;
/**Whether or not to return additional metadata along the route. Possible values are: duration , distance , speed , and congestion .
* Several annotations can be used by including them as a comma-separated list. See the RouteLeg object for more details on
* what is included with annotations.
annotations?: DirectionsAnnotation[];
/**Whether or not to return banner objects associated with the routeSteps .
* Should be used in conjunction with steps . Can be true or false . The default is false .
bannerInstructions?: boolean;
/** Sets the allowed direction of travel when departing intermediate waypoints. If true , the route will continue in the same
* direction of travel. If false , the route may continue in the opposite direction of travel. Defaults to true for mapbox/driving and
* false for mapbox/walking and mapbox/cycling .
continueStraight?: boolean;
/**Exclude certain road types from routing. Valid values depend on the profile in use.
* The default is to not exclude anything from the profile selected.
exclude?: DirectionsProfile[];
/**Format of the returned geometry. Allowed values are: geojson (as LineString ),
* polyline with precision 5, polyline6 (a polyline with precision 6). The default value is polyline .
geometries?: DirectionsGeometry;
/**Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See supported languages . The default is en for English. */
language?: string;
/**Type of returned overview geometry. Can be full (the most detailed geometry available),
* simplified (a simplified version of the full geometry), or false (no overview geometry). The default is simplified .
overview?: DirectionsOverview;
/**Emit instructions at roundabout exits. Can be true or false . The default is false . */
roundaboutExits?: boolean;
/**Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions. Can be true or false . The default is false . */
steps?: boolean;
/**Whether or not to return SSML marked-up text for voice guidance along the route. Should be used in conjunction with steps .
* Can be true or false . The default is false .
voiceInstructions?: boolean;
/**Which type of units to return in the text for voice instructions. Can be imperial or metric . Default is imperial . */
voiceUnits?: DirectionsUnits;
interface DirectionsRequestWaypoint {
/**Semicolon-separated list of {longitude},{latitude} coordinate pairs to visit in order. There can be between 2 and 25 coordinates. */
coordinates: number[] | mapboxgl.LngLatLike;
/**Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach a waypoint.
* Accepts unrestricted (default) or curb . If set to unrestricted , the routes can approach waypoints from either side of the road.
* If set to curb , the route will be returned so that on arrival, the waypoint will be found on the side that corresponds with the
* driving_side of the region in which the returned route is located. Note that the approaches parameter influences how you arrive at a waypoint,
* while bearings influences how you start from a waypoint. If provided, the list of approaches must be the same length as the list of waypoints.
* However, you can skip a coordinate and show its position in the list with the ; separator.
approach?: DirectionsApproach;
/**Maximum distance in meters that each coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment. There must be as many radiuses as there are coordinates in the request, each separated by ; . Values can be any number greater than 0 or the string unlimited . A NoSegment error is returned if no routable road is found within the radius. */
radius?: string | "unlimited";
interface DirectionsResponse {
/**Array of Route objects ordered by descending recommendation rank. May contain at most two routes. */
routes: Route[];
/** Array of Waypoint objects. Each waypoints is an input coordinate snapped to the road and path network.
* The waypoints appear in the array in the order of the input coordinates.
waypoints: Waypoint[];
/**String indicating the state of the response. This is a separate code than the HTTP status code.
* On normal valid responses, the value will be Ok.
code: string;
uuid: string;
interface Waypoint {
/**String with the name of the way the coordinate snapped to */
name: string;
/**Array of [ longitude, latitude ] for the snapped coordinate */
location: number[];
/**Used to filter the road segment the waypoint will be placed on by direction and dictates the angle of approach.
* This option should always be used in conjunction with the radiuses parameter. The parameter takes two values per waypoint.
* The first value is an angle clockwise from true north between 0 and 360, and the second is the range of degrees the angle can deviate by.
* The recommended value for the range is 45° or 90°, as bearing measurements tend to be inaccurate.
* This is useful for making sure the new routes of rerouted vehicles continue traveling in their current direction.
* A request that does this would provide bearing and radius values for the first waypoint and leave the remaining values empty.
* If provided, the list of bearings must be the same length as the list of waypoints.
* However, you can skip a coordinate and show its position in the list with the ; separator.
bearing?: number[];
/**Custom names for waypoints used for the arrival instruction in banners and voice instructions, each separated by ; .
* Values can be any string and total number of all characters cannot exceed 500. If provided, the list of waypoint_names must be the same
* length as the list of waypoints, but you can skip a coordinate and show its position with the ; separator.
waypointName?: string;
interface Route {
/**Depending on the geometries parameter this is a GeoJSON LineString or a Polyline string.
* Depending on the overview parameter this is the complete route geometry (full), a simplified geometry
* to the zoom level at which the route can be displayed in full (simplified), or is not included (false)
geometry: GeoJSON.LineString | GeoJSON.MultiLineString;
/**Array of RouteLeg objects. */
legs: Leg[];
/** String indicating which weight was used. The default is routability which is duration-based,
* with additional penalties for less desirable maneuvers.
weight_name: string;
/**Float indicating the weight in units described by weight_name */
weight: number;
/**Float indicating the estimated travel time in seconds. */
duration: number;
/**Float indicating the distance traveled in meters. */
distance: number;
/**String of the locale used for voice instructions. Defaults to en, and can be any accepted instruction language. */
voiceLocale?: string;
interface Leg {
/**Depending on the summary parameter, either a String summarizing the route (true, default) or an empty String (false) */
summary: string;
weight: number;
/**Number indicating the estimated travel time in seconds */
duration: number;
/** Depending on the steps parameter, either an Array of RouteStep objects (true, default) or an empty array (false) */
steps: Step[];
/** Number indicating the distance traveled in meters */
distance: number;
/**An annotations object that contains additional details about each line segment along the route geometry.
* Each entry in an annotations field corresponds to a coordinate along the route geometry.
annotation: DirectionsAnnotation[];
interface Step {
/**Array of objects representing all intersections along the step. */
intersections: Intersection[];
/**The legal driving side at the location for this step. Either left or right. */
driving_side: DirectionsSide;
/** Depending on the geometries parameter this is a GeoJSON LineString or a
* Polyline string representing the full route geometry from this RouteStep to the next RouteStep
geometry: GeoJSON.LineString | GeoJSON.MultiLineString;
/**String indicating the mode of transportation. Possible values: */
mode: DirectionsMode;
/**One StepManeuver object */
maneuver: Maneuver;
/**Any road designations associated with the road or path leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.
* Optionally included, if data is available. If multiple road designations are associated with the road, they are separated by semicolons.
* A road designation typically consists of an alphabetic network code (identifying the road type or numbering system), a space or hyphen,
* and a route number. You should not assume that the network code is globally unique: for example, a network code of “NH” may appear on a
* “National Highway” or “New Hampshire”. Moreover, a route number may not even uniquely identify a road within a given network.
ref?: string;
weight: number;
/**Number indicating the estimated time traveled time in seconds from the maneuver to the next RouteStep. */
duration: number;
/**String with the name of the way along which the travel proceeds */
name: string;
/** Number indicating the distance traveled in meters from the maneuver to the next RouteStep. */
distance: number;
voiceInstructions: VoiceInstruction[];
bannerInstructions: BannerInstruction[];
/**String with the destinations of the way along which the travel proceeds. Optionally included, if data is available. */
destinations?: string;
/**String with the exit numbers or names of the way. Optionally included, if data is available. */
exits?: string;
/** A string containing an IPA phonetic transcription indicating how to pronounce the name in the name property.
* This property is omitted if pronunciation data is unavailable for the step.
pronunciation?: string;
interface Instruction {
/**String that contains all the text that should be displayed */
text: string;
/**Objects that, together, make up what should be displayed in the banner.
* Includes additional information intended to be used to aid in visual layout
components: Component[];
/**The type of maneuver. May be used in combination with the modifier (and, if it is a roundabout, the degrees) to for an icon to
* display. Possible values: 'turn', 'merge', 'depart', 'arrive', 'fork', 'off ramp', 'roundabout'
type?: string;
/** The modifier for the maneuver. Can be used in combination with the type (and, if it is a roundabout, the degrees)
* to for an icon to display. Possible values: 'left', 'right', 'slight left', 'slight right', 'sharp left', 'sharp right', 'straight', 'uturn'
modifier?: ManeuverModifier;
/**The degrees at which you will be exiting a roundabout, assuming 180 indicates going straight through the roundabout. */
degrees?: number;
/** A string representing which side the of the street people drive on in that location. Can be 'left' or 'right'. */
driving_side: DirectionsSide;
interface BannerInstruction {
/**float indicating in meters, how far from the upcoming maneuver
* the banner instruction should begin being displayed. Only 1 banner should be displayed at a time.
distanceAlongGeometry: number;
/**Most important content to display to the user. Our SDK displays this text larger and at the top. */
primary: Instruction;
/**Additional content useful for visual guidance. Our SDK displays this text slightly smaller and below the primary. Can be null. */
secondary?: Instruction[];
then?: any;
/**Additional information that is included if we feel the driver needs a heads up about something.
* Can include information about the next maneuver (the one after the upcoming one) if the step is short -
* can be null, or can be lane information. If we have lane information, that trumps information about the next maneuver.
sub?: Sub;
interface Sub {
/** String that contains all the text that should be displayed */
text: string;
/**Objects that, together, make up what should be displayed in the banner.
* Includes additional information intended to be used to aid in visual layout
components: Component[];
interface Component {
/**String giving you more context about the component which may help in visual markup/display choices.
* If the type of the components is unknown it should be treated as text. Note: Introduction of new types
* is not considered a breaking change. See the Types of Banner Components table below for more info on each type.
type: string;
/** The sub-string of the parent object's text that may have additional context associated with it */
text: string;
/**The abbreviated form of text. If this is present, there will also be an abbr_priority value.
* See the Examples of Abbreviations table below for an example of using abbr and abbr_priority.
abbr?: string;
/**An integer indicating the order in which the abbreviation abbr should be used in place of text.
* The highest priority is 0 and a higher integer value means it should have a lower priority. There are no gaps in
* integer values. Multiple components can have the same abbr_priority and when this happens all components with the
* same abbr_priority should be abbreviated at the same time. Finding no larger values of abbr_priority means that the
* string is fully abbreviated.
abbr_priority?: number;
/** String pointing to a shield image to use instead of the text. */
imageBaseURL?: string;
/** (present if component is lane): An array indicating which directions you can go from a lane (left, right, or straight).
* If the value is ['left', 'straight'], the driver can go straight or left from that lane
directions?: string[];
/** (present if component is lane): A boolean telling you if that lane can be used to complete the upcoming maneuver.
* If multiple lanes are active, then they can all be used to complete the upcoming maneuver.
active: boolean;
interface VoiceInstruction {
/** float indicating in meters, how far from the upcoming maneuver the voice instruction should begin. */
distanceAlongGeometry: number;
/**String containing the text of the verbal instruction. */
announcement: string;
/**String with SSML markup for proper text and pronunciation. Note: this property is designed for use with Amazon Polly.
* The SSML tags contained here may not work with other text-to-speech engines.
ssmlAnnouncement: string;
interface Maneuver {
/**Number between 0 and 360 indicating the clockwise angle from true north to the direction of travel right after the maneuver */
bearing_after: number;
/**Number between 0 and 360 indicating the clockwise angle from true north to the direction of travel right before the maneuver */
bearing_before: number;
/**Array of [ longitude, latitude ] coordinates for the point of the maneuver */
location: number[];
/** Optional String indicating the direction change of the maneuver */
modifier?: ManeuverModifier;
/**String indicating the type of maneuver */
type: ManeuverType;
/**A human-readable instruction of how to execute the returned maneuver */
instruction: string;
interface Intersection {
/**Index into the bearings/entry array. Used to extract the bearing after the turn. Namely, The clockwise angle from true north to
* the direction of travel after the maneuver/passing the intersection.
* The value is not supplied for arrive maneuvers.
out?: number;
/** A list of entry flags, corresponding in a 1:1 relationship to the bearings.
* A value of true indicates that the respective road could be entered on a valid route.
* false indicates that the turn onto the respective road would violate a restriction.
entry: boolean[];
/**A list of bearing values (for example [0,90,180,270]) that are available at the intersection.
* The bearings describe all available roads at the intersection.
bearings: number[];
/**A [longitude, latitude] pair describing the location of the turn. */
location: number[];
/** Index into bearings/entry array. Used to calculate the bearing before the turn. Namely, the clockwise angle from true
* north to the direction of travel before the maneuver/passing the intersection. To get the bearing in the direction of driving,
* the bearing has to be rotated by a value of 180. The value is not supplied for departure maneuvers.
in?: number;
/** An array of strings signifying the classes of the road exiting the intersection. */
classes?: DirectionsClass[];
/**Array of Lane objects that represent the available turn lanes at the intersection.
* If no lane information is available for an intersection, the lanes property will not be present.
lanes: Lane[];
export interface Lane {
/**Boolean value for whether this lane can be taken to complete the maneuver. For instance, if the lane array has four objects and the
* first two are marked as valid, then the driver can take either of the left lanes and stay on the route.
valid: boolean;
/**Array of signs for each turn lane. There can be multiple signs. For example, a turning lane can have a sign with an arrow pointing left and another sign with an arrow pointing straight.
Example Lane object
"valid": true,
"indications": [
indications: string[];
* Token Types
export interface Tokens {
(config: SdkConfig): TokensService;
export interface TokensService {
/**List your access tokens. */
listTokens(): MapiRequest;
* Create a new access token.
* @param request
createToken(request: CreateTokenRequest): MapiRequest;
* Create a new temporary access token.
* @param request
createTemporaryToken(request: TemporaryTokenRequest): MapiRequest;
* Update an access token.
* @param request
updateToken(request: UpdateDeleteTokenRequest): MapiRequest;
/**Get data about the client's access token. */
getToken(): MapiRequest;
* Delete an access token.
* @param request
deleteToken(request: UpdateDeleteTokenRequest): MapiRequest;
/**List your available scopes. Each item is a metadata object about the scope, not just the string scope. */
listScopes(): MapiRequest;
export interface Token {
/**the identifier for the token */
id: string;
/**the type of token */
usage: string;
/**the client for the token, always 'api' */
client: string;
/**if the token is a default token */
default: boolean;
/**human friendly description of the token */
note: string;
/** array of scopes granted to the token */
scopes: string[];
/**date and time the token was created */
created: string;
/** date and time the token was last modified */
modified: string;
/**the token itself */
token: string;
export interface CreateTokenRequest {
note?: string;
scopes?: string[];
resources?: string[];
export interface TemporaryTokenRequest {
expires: string;
scopes: string[];
export interface UpdateDeleteTokenRequest extends CreateTokenRequest
tokenId: string;
export interface TokenDetail {
code: string;
token: Token;
export interface Scope {
id: string;
public: boolean;
description: string;
* Map Matching Types
export interface MapMatching {
(config: SdkConfig): MapMatchingService;
export interface MapMatchingService {
getMatching(request: MapMatchingRequest): MapiRequest
export interface MapMatchingRequest {
/**An ordered array of MapMatchingPoints, between 2 and 100 (inclusive). */
points: MapMatchingPoint[],
/** A directions profile ID. (optional, default driving) */
profile?: DirectionsProfile;
/**Specify additional metadata that should be returned. */
annotations?: DirectionsAnnotation;
/**Format of the returned geometry. (optional, default "polyline") */
geometries?: DirectionsGeometry;
/**Language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See supported languages. (optional, default "en") */
language?: string;
/** Type of returned overview geometry. (optional, default "simplified")*/
overview?: DirectionsOverview;
/**Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions. (optional, default false) */
steps?: boolean;
/** Whether or not to transparently remove clusters and re-sample traces for improved map matching results. (optional, default false) */
tidy?: boolean;
export interface Point {
coordinates: mapboxgl.LngLatLike;
/**Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach a waypoint. */
approach?: DirectionsApproach;
export interface MapMatchingPoint extends Point {
/**A number in meters indicating the assumed precision of the used tracking device. */
radius?: number;
/**Whether this coordinate is waypoint or not. The first and last coordinates will always be waypoints. */
isWaypoint?: boolean;
/**Custom name for the waypoint used for the arrival instruction in banners and voice instructions. Will be ignored unless isWaypoint is true. */
waypointName?: boolean;
/**Datetime corresponding to the coordinate. */
timestamp?: string | number | Date;
export interface MapMatchingResponse {
/**an array of Match objects */
matchings: Matching[];
/**an array of Tracepoint objects representing the location an input point was matched with.
* Array of Waypoint objects representing all input points of the trace in the order they were matched.
* If a trace point is omitted by map matching because it is an outlier, the entry will be null.
tracepoints: Tracepoint[];
/**&a string depicting the state of the response; see below for options */
code: string;
export interface Tracepoint {
/** Number of probable alternative matchings for this trace point. A value of zero indicates that this point was matched unambiguously.
* Split the trace at these points for incremental map matching.
alternatives_count: number;
/**Index of the waypoint inside the matched route. */
waypoint_index: number;
location: number[];
name: string;
/**Index to the match object in matchings the sub-trace was matched to. */
matchings_index: number;
export interface Matching {
/**a number between 0 (low) and 1 (high) indicating level of confidence in the returned match */
confidence: number;
geometry: string;
legs: Leg[];
distance: number;
duration: number;
weight_name: string;
weight: number;
* Matrix Types
export interface Matrix {
(config: SdkConfig): MatrixService;
export interface MatrixService {
* Get a duration and/or distance matrix showing travel times and distances between coordinates.
* @param request
getMatrix(request: MatrixRequest): MapiRequest
export interface MatrixRequest {
points: Point[];
profile?: DirectionsProfile;
sources?: number[];
destinations?: number[];
annotations?: DirectionsAnnotation;
export interface MatrixResponse {
code: string;
durations?: number[][];
distances?: number[][];
destinations: Destination[];
sources: Destination[];
export interface Destination {
location: number[];
name: string;
* Static Map Types
export interface StaticMap {
(config: SdkConfig): StaticMapService;
export interface StaticMapService {
* Get a static map image..
* @param request
getStaticImage(request: StaticMapRequest): MapiRequest
export interface StaticMapRequest {
ownerId: string;
styleId: string;
width: number;
height: number;
position: {
coordinates: mapboxgl.LngLatLike | "auto";
zoom: number;
bearing?: number;
pitch?: number;
} | "auto";
overlays?: CustomMarkerOverlay[] | PathOverlay[] | GeoJsonOverlay[];
highRes?: boolean;
insertOverlayBeforeLayer?: string;
attribution?: boolean;
logo?: boolean;
export interface CustomMarkerOverlay {
marker: CustomMarker
export interface CustomMarker {
coordinates: mapboxgl.LngLatLike;
url: string;
export interface PathOverlay {
/**An array of coordinates describing the path. */
coordinates: mapboxgl.LngLatBoundsLike[];
strokeWidth?: number;
strokeColor?: string;
/**Must be paired with strokeColor. */
strokeOpacity?: number;
/** Must be paired with strokeColor. */
fillColor?: string;
/** Must be paired with strokeColor. */
fillOpacity?: number;
export interface GeoJsonOverlay {
geoJson: Object;
* Tile Query (Places) Types
export interface TileQuery {
(config: SdkConfig): TileQueryService;
export interface TileQueryService {
* Get a static map image..
* @param request
listFeatures(request: TileQueryRequest): MapiRequest
export interface TileQueryRequest {
/**The maps being queried. If you need to composite multiple layers, provide multiple map IDs. */
mapIds: string[];
/**The longitude and latitude to be queried. */
coordinates: mapboxgl.LngLatLike;
/**The approximate distance in meters to query for features. (optional, default 0) */
radius: number;
/**The number of features to return, between 1 and 50. (optional, default 5) */
limit: number;
/**Whether or not to deduplicate results. (optional, default true) */
dedupe: boolean;
/** Queries for a specific geometry type. */
geometry: GeometryType;
layers?: string[];
export type GeometryType = "polygon" | "linestring" | "point";
* Style Types
export interface Styles {
(config: SdkConfig): StylesService;
export interface StylesService {
* Get a style.
* @param styleId
* @param ownerId
getStyle(config: {styleId: string, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Create a style.
* @param style
* @param ownerId
createStyle(config: {style: Style, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Update a style.
* @param styleId
* @param style
* @param lastKnownModification
* @param ownerId
updateStyle(config: {styleId: string, style: Style, lastKnownModification?: string | number | Date, ownerId?: string});
* Delete a style.
* @param style
* @param ownerId
deleteStyle(config: {style: Style, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* List styles in your account.
* @param start
* @param ownerId
listStyles(config: {start?: string, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Add an icon to a style, or update an existing one.
* @param styleId
* @param iconId
* @param file
* @param ownerId
putStyleIcon(config: {styleId: string, iconId: string, file: Blob | ArrayBuffer | string, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Remove an icon from a style.
* @param styleId
* @param iconId
* @param ownerId
deleteStyleIcon(config: {styleId: string, iconId: string, ownerId?: string});
* Get a style sprite's image or JSON document.
* @param styleId
* @param format
* @param highRes
* @param ownerId
getStyleSprite(config: {styleId: string, format?: "json" | "png", highRes?: boolean, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Get a font glyph range.
* @param fonts
* @param start
* @param end
* @param ownerId
getFontGlyphRange(config: {fonts: string[], start: number, end: number, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Get embeddable HTML displaying a map.
* @param config
* @param styleId
* @param scrollZoom
* @param title
* @param ownerId
getEmbeddableHtml(config: {config: Object, styleId: string, scrollZoom?: boolean, title?: boolean, ownerId?: string}): MapiRequest;
interface Style {
version: number;
name: string;
/**Information about the style that is used in Mapbox Studio. */
metadata: string;
sources: Sources;
sprite: string;
glyphs: string;
layers: string[];
/**Date and time the style was created. */
created: string;
/** The ID of the style. */
id: string;
/**Date and time the style was last modified. */
modified: string;
/**The username of the style owner. */
owner: string;
/** Access control for the style, either public or private . Private styles require an access token belonging to the owner,
* while public styles may be requested with an access token belonging to any user.
visibility: string;
/**Whether the style is a draft or has been published. */
draft: boolean;
interface Sources {
* Datasets Types
export interface Datasets {
(config: SdkConfig): DatasetsService;
export interface DatasetsService {
/**List datasets in your account. */
listDatasets(): MapiRequest;
* Create a new, empty dataset.
* @param config Object
createDataset(config: {name?: string, description?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Get metadata about a dataset.
* @param config
getMetadata(config: {datasetId: string}): MapiRequest;
* Update user-defined properties of a dataset's metadata.
* @param config
updateMetadata(config: {datasetId?: string, name?: string, description?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Delete a dataset, including all features it contains.
* @param config
deleteDataset(config: {datasetId?: string}): MapiRequest;
* List features in a dataset.
* This endpoint supports pagination. Use MapiRequest#eachPage or manually specify the limit and start options.
* @param config
listFeatures(config: {datasetId: string, limit?: number, start?: string});
* Add a feature to a dataset or update an existing one.
* @param config
putFeature(config: {datasetId: string, featureId: string, feature: Object}): MapiRequest;
* Get a feature in a dataset.
* @param config
getFeature(config: {datasetId: string, featureId: string});
* Delete a feature in a dataset.
* @param config
deleteFeature(config: {datasetId: string, featureId: string});
interface Dataset {
/** the username of the dataset owner */
owner: string;
/**id for an existing dataset */
id: string;
/*date and time the dataset was created */
created: string;
/* date and time the dataset was last modified */
modified: string;
/**the extent of features in the dataset as an array of west, south, east, north coordinates */
bounds: number[];
/** the number of features in the dataset */
features: number;
/** the size of the dataset in bytes */
size: number;
/**the name of the dataset */
name: string;
/** the description of the dataset */
description: string;
* Uploads Types
export interface Uploads {
(config: SdkConfig): UploadsService;
export interface UploadsService {
* List the statuses of all recent uploads.
* @param config
listUploads(config: {reverse?: boolean}): MapiRequest;
/**Create S3 credentials. */
createUploadCredentials(): MapiRequest;
* Create an upload.
* @param config
createUpload(config: {mapId: string, url: string, tilesetName?: string}): MapiRequest;
* Get an upload's status.
* @param config
getUpload(config: {uploadId: string});
* Delete an upload.
* @param config
deleteUpload(config: {uploadId: string});
export interface S3Credentials {
accessKeyId: string;
bucket: string;
key: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
sessionToken: string;
url: string;
export interface UploadResponse {
complete: boolean;
tileset: string;
error?: any;
id: string;
name: string;
modified: string;
created: string;
owner: string;
progress: number;
* Tileset Types
export interface Tilesets {
(config: SdkConfig): TilesetsService;
export interface TilesetsService {
listTilesets(config: {ownerId: string}): MapiRequest;
export interface Tileset {
type: string;
center: number[];
created: string;
description: string;
filesize: number;
id: string;
modified: string;
name: string;
visibility: string;
status: string;
* Optimization Types
export interface Optimization {
(config: any): OptimizationService;
export interface OptimizationService {
getContours(config: OptimizationRequest): MapiRequest;
export interface OptimizationRequest {
/**A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID. */
profile: MapboxProfile;
/**A semicolon-separated list of {longitude},{latitude} coordinates. There must be between 2 and 12 coordinates. The first coordinate is the start and end point of the trip. */
waypoints: OptimizationWaypoint[];
/**Return additional metadata along the route. You can include several annotations as a comma-separated list. Possible values are: */
annotations?: "duration" | "speed" | "distance";
/**Specify the destination coordinate of the returned route. Accepts any (default) or last . */
destination?: "any" | "last";
/** Specify pick-up and drop-off locations for a trip by providing a ; delimited list of number pairs that correspond with the coordinates list. The first number of a pair indicates the index to the coordinate of the pick-up location in the coordinates list, and the second number indicates the index to the coordinate of the drop-off location in the coordinates list. Each pair must contain exactly 2 numbers, which cannot be the same. The returned solution will visit pick-up locations before visiting drop-off locations. The first location can only be a pick-up location, not a drop-off location. */
distributions?: number[];
/**The format of the returned geometry. Allowed values are: geojson (as LineString ), polyline (default, a polyline with precision 5), polyline6 (a polyline with precision 6). */
geometries?: "geojson" | "polyline" | "polyline6";
/**The language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See supported languages . The default is en (English). */
language?: string;
/**The type of the returned overview geometry. Can be full (the most detailed geometry available), simplified (default, a simplified version of the full geometry), or false (no overview geometry). */
overview?: "full" | "simplified" | "false";
/**The coordinate at which to start the returned route. Accepts any (default) or first . */
source?: "any" | "first";
/** Whether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions ( true ) or not ( false , default). */
steps?: boolean;
/** Indicates whether the returned route is roundtrip, meaning the route returns to the first location ( true , default) or not ( false ). If roundtrip=false , the source and destination parameters are required but not all combinations will be possible. See the Fixing Start and End Points section below for additional notes. */
roundtrip?: boolean;
export interface OptimizationWaypoint {
coordinates: number;
/** Used to indicate how requested routes consider from which side of the road to approach the waypoint. */
approach?: DirectionsApproach;
/**Used to filter the road segment the waypoint will be placed on by direction and dictates the angle of approach.
This option should always be used in conjunction with a `radius`. The first value is an angle clockwise from true north between 0 and 360,
and the second is the range of degrees the angle can deviate by. */
bearing?: number[];
/**Maximum distance in meters that the coordinate is allowed to move when snapped to a nearby road segment. */
radius?: number | "unlimited";
* Isochrone Types
export interface Isochrone {
(config: any): IsochroneService;
export interface IsochroneService {
getContours(config: IsochroneRequest): MapiRequest;
export interface IsochroneRequest {
// A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID..
profile: MapboxProfile;
// A {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
coordinates: number[];
// The times in minutes to use for each isochrone contour. You can specify up to four contours. Times must be in increasing order. The maximum time that can be specified is 60 minutes.
minutes: number[];
// The colors to use for each isochrone contour, specified as hex values without a leading # (for example, ff0000 for red). If this parameter is used, there must be the same number of colors as there are entries in contours_minutes . If no colors are specified, the Isochrone API will assign a default rainbow color scheme to the output.
colors?: string[];
// Specify whether to return the contours as GeoJSON polygons ( true ) or linestrings ( false , default). When polygons=true , any contour that forms a ring is returned as a polygon.
polygons?: boolean;
// A floating point value from 0.0 to 1.0 that can be used to remove smaller contours. The default is 1.0 . A value of 1.0 will only return the largest contour for a given time value. A value of 0.5 drops any contours that are less than half the area of the largest contour in the set of contours for that same time value.
denoise?: boolean;
// A positive floating point value in meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization . There is no upper bound. If no value is specified in the request, the Isochrone API will choose the most optimized generalization to use for the request. Note that the generalization of contours can lead to self-intersections, as well as intersections of adjacent contours.
generalize?: number;
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