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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Graphite whisper file sizing calculator
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# eg: graphite-calc.rb 10s:10d,5m:400d,24h:20y 20
# to calculate sizing for 20 hosts, 1000 metrics per host, 10s metric update interval
graphite_policy = ARGV.shift
num_hosts = ARGV.shift || 1
num_metrics = ARGV.shift || 1000
update_interval = ARGV.shift || 10
update_interval = Integer(update_interval)
num_metrics = Integer(num_metrics)
num_hosts = Integer(num_hosts)
policy_fragments = graphite_policy.split(/,/)
total_datapoints = 0
frag_datapoints = {}
def convert_to_seconds(time_spec)
case time_spec
when /^(\d+)$/
return Integer($1)
when /^(\d+)s$/
return Integer($1)
when /^(\d+)m$/
return Integer($1) * 60
when /^(\d+)h$/
return Integer($1) * 60 * 60
when /(\d+)d$/
return Integer($1) * 60 * 60 * 24
when /(\d+)y$/
return Integer($1) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
raise "Bogus value '#{time_spec}'"
policy_fragments.each do |frag|
(precision, duration) = frag.split(/:/)
precision_in_sec = convert_to_seconds(precision)
duration_in_sec = convert_to_seconds(duration)
frag_datapoints[frag] = (duration_in_sec / precision_in_sec)
total_datapoints += frag_datapoints[frag]
puts "Policy: #{graphite_policy}"
puts "Send frequency (s): #{update_interval}"
puts "Number of metrics: #{num_metrics}"
puts "Number of hosts: #{num_hosts}"
puts "Total Datapoints per metric: #{total_datapoints}"
puts "Per-fragment Datapoints: #{frag_datapoints}"
puts "Size per metric: #{total_datapoints * 12 / 1024}KiB"
puts "Datapoints recd per second: #{ num_metrics * num_hosts / update_interval }"
puts "Total disk space needed: #{ total_datapoints * 12 * num_hosts * num_metrics / ( 1024 * 1024 )}MiB"
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