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Last active September 24, 2018 18:21
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Using cURL to talk OAuth2 to Weekdone

You'll need to register an 'app' with Weekdone, as per their API docs.

CLIENT_ID={provided by weekdone app registration}
CLIENT_SECRET={provided by weekdone app registration}
REDIRECT_URL=https://localhost   # this does not need to be valid, we just use it to snag the auth code

Login, to get a session cookie

curl -v -X POST -d "email=$USER" -d "password=$PASSWORD"
#< Set-Cookie: ln=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; expires=Sat, 10-Sep-2016 23:42:32 GMT; path=/

Then using this cookie, connect to the oauth_authorize endpoint to get the auth code.

# gives 302 redirect to https://localhost/code=xxxx
curl -v --cookie 'ln=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' "${CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URL}&response_type=code"

# it's also possible to get this auth code by browsing to:
#    ... and just pulling it out of the broken localhost redirect that comes back after you login

Use auth-code to get token & refresh token

curl  -v -X POST -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}&redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URL}&code=${AUTH_CODE}&grant_type=authorization_code"

Now start using the API!

# Add an item (type_id=1 == Done, type_id=2 == In Progress)
curl -X POST -d "type_id=1&description=woo-api"${AUTH_TOKEN}

# List your own items
curl${AUTH_TOKEN} | jq -C '.' | less -r

Token will expire, you can refresh it:

curl  -v -X POST -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}&redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URL}&code=${AUTH_CODE}&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=${REFRESH_TOKEN}"
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