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IDbConnection (ExecuteQuery and BulkInsert)
// Variables for paging
var lastId = 10000;
var batchSize = 1000000;
var page = 1;
// Create a source connection (Oracle)
using (var sourceConnection = new OracleConnection(sourceConnectionString))
// Read the data with target columns
using (var reader = sourceConnection.ExecuteReader("SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, LastUpdatedUtc, DateInsertedUtc FROM [dbo].[Person] WHERE Id > @Id OFFSET @Offset FETCH NEXT @BatchSize ROWS ONLY;", new { Id = lastId, Offset = (batchSize * page), BatchSize = batchSize }))
// Create a destination connection (SqlServer)
using (var destinationConnection = new SqlConnection(destinationConnectionString))
// Call the BulkInsert by passing the reader
var insertedRows = destinationConnection.BulkInsert("Person", reader);
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