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Created February 7, 2017 15:13
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* Greetr JavaScript Library v0.0.1
* Date: 2017-02-07T11:40Z
;(function(global, $){
// 'new' an object
var Greetr = function(firstName, lastName, language) {
return new Greetr.init(firstName, lastName, language);
// hiddent within the scope of the IIFE and never directly accessible
var supportedLangs = ['en', 'es'];
// informal greetings
var greetings = {
en: 'Hello',
es: 'Hola'
//formal greetings
var formalGreetings = {
en: 'Greetings',
es: 'Saludos'
// logger messages
var logMessages = {
en: 'Logged In',
es: 'Inicio sesion'
// prototype holds methods (to save memory space)
Greetr.prototype = {
// 'this' refers to the calling object at execution time
fullName: function() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
validate: function() {
// check that is a valid language
// references the externally inaccessible 'supportedLangs' within the closure
if (supportedLangs.indexOf(this.language) === -1) {
throw "Invalid Language";
// retrieve messages from object by referring to properties using [] syntax
greeting: function() {
return greetings[this.language] + ' ' + this.firstName + '!';
formalGreeting: function() {
return formalGreetings[this.language] + ', ' + this.fullName();
// chainable methods return their own containing object
greet: function(formal) {
var msg;
// If undefined or null it will be coerced to 'false'
if (formal) {
msg = this.formalGreeting();
} else {
msg = this.greeting();
if (console) {
// 'this' refers to the calling object at execution time
// makes the method chainable
return this;
log: function() {
if (console) {
console.log(logMessages[this.language] + ': ' + this.fullName());
// make chainable
return this;
setLang: function(lang) {
// set the language
this.language = lang;
// validate
// make chainable
return this;
HTMLGreeting: function(selector, formal) {
if (!$) {
throw 'jQuery not loaded';
if (!selector) {
throw 'Missing jQuery selector'
// determine the message
var msg;
if (formal){
msg = this.formalGreeting();
} else {
msg = this.greeting();
// inject the message in the chosen place in the DOM
// make chainable
return this;
// the actual object is created here, allowing us to 'new' an object without calling 'new'
Greetr.init = function(firstName, lastName, language) {
var self = this;
self.firstName = firstName || " ";
self.lastName = lastName || " ";
self.language = language || "en";
// trick borrowed from jQuery so we don't have to use the 'new' keyword
Greetr.init.prototype = Greetr.prototype;
// attach our Greetr to the global object, and provide a shorthand '$G' for ease our poor fingers
global.Greetr = global.G$ = Greetr;
}(window, jQuery));
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