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Created April 6, 2018 08:31
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iCalendar event with VTIMEZONE, using Perl, DateTime, and Data::ICal
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw<:encoding(UTF-8) :std>;
use Data::ICal::Entry::Event;
use Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Daylight;
use Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Standard;
use Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone;
use Data::ICal;
use DateTime::Duration;
use DateTime::Format::ICal;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
use DateTime;
use English qw<-no_match_vars>;
my $utc_start = DateTime->new(
year => 2018,
month => 4,
day => 5,
hour => 12,
minute => 30,
second => 0,
time_zone => 'UTC',
my $utc_end = $utc_start->clone->add(minutes => 60);
my $ical = Data::ICal->new(rfc_strict => 1);
$ical->add_properties(method => 'PUBLISH');
my $tzid = 'Europe/London';
my $vtimezone = Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone->new;
$vtimezone->add_properties(tzid => $tzid);
my $tz_observance_start = tz_observance($utc_start, $tzid);
my $tz_observance_end = tz_observance($utc_end, $tzid);
if $tz_observance_start->property('dtstart')->[0]->value
ne $tz_observance_end->property('dtstart')->[0]->value;
my $local_start = $utc_start->clone->set_time_zone($tzid);
my $local_end = $utc_end->clone->set_time_zone($tzid);
my $vevent = Data::ICal::Entry::Event->new;
my $uid = ical_uid();
my $dtstamp = DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime(DateTime->now);
my $dtstart = DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($local_start);
my $dtend = DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($local_end);
uid => $uid,
dtstamp => $dtstamp,
dtstart => formatted_string_to_prop($dtstart),
dtend => formatted_string_to_prop($dtend),
location => 'Somewhere',
summary => 'My summary',
description => 'My description',
organizer => '',
attendee => ['', {
CN => 'The Attendee',
say $ical->as_string;
sub ical_uid {
return sprintf '%s-%s@%s',
DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime( DateTime->now ),
sub formatted_string_to_prop {
my ($str) = @_;
# TZID=Europe/London:20180405T143000
my @parts = split /:/xms, $str;
my $value = pop @parts;
my %props = map { split /=/xms } @parts;
return [$value, \%props];
sub tz_observance {
my ($dt, $tz_name) = @_;
# A VTIMEZONE requires at least one of the "STANDARD" or "DAYLIGHT"
# sub-components. From RFC 5545:
# The collection of properties that are used to define the "STANDARD" and
# "DAYLIGHT" sub-components include:
# > The mandatory "DTSTART" property gives the effective onset date and
# > local time for the time zone sub-component definition. "DTSTART" in
# > this usage MUST be specified as a date with a local time value.
# > The mandatory "TZOFFSETFROM" property gives the UTC offset that is in
# > use when the onset of this time zone observance begins.
# To make that more clear, "DTSTART" is actually the local time at which
# the *previous* time zone observance ends. For example, at 1967-10-29
# 02:00:00 in New York, the clocks were put back by one hour to 01:00:00.
# "DTSTART" must be be 02:00:00, not 01:00:00. The tz database gives the
# local start time for EST as 01:00:00. So we need to get the local *end*
# time of the previous time zone observance.
# Find the start and end times of the time zone observance in which our UTC
# time occurs.
my $to_span = DateTime::TimeZone::Span->new(
name => $tz_name,
date_time => $dt,
# Get the Rata Die seconds for the start of the offset observance.
my $to_start_utc = $to_span->utc_start;
# Subtract one second from the start of the observance to give us a Rata
# Die seconds value that occurs in the *previous* time zone observance...
my $tmp_dt = DateTime::RataDie->new(
rd_seconds => $to_start_utc - 1,
# ...from which we can get the start and end times of the previous time
# zone observance...
my $from_span = DateTime::TimeZone::Span->new(
name => $tz_name,
date_time => $tmp_dt,
my $from_end_local = $from_span->local_end;
my $from_dt = DateTime::RataDie->new(
rd_seconds => $from_end_local,
my $class = $to_span->is_dst
? 'Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Daylight'
: 'Data::ICal::Entry::TimeZone::Standard';
my $tz_observance = $class->new;
tzname => $to_span->short_name,
dtstart => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($from_dt),
tzoffsetfrom => DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string($from_span->offset),
tzoffsetto => DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string($to_span->offset),
return $tz_observance;
package DateTime::TimeZone::Span;
use Const::Fast;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
const my $UTC_START => 0;
const my $UTC_END => 1;
const my $LOCAL_START => 2;
const my $LOCAL_END => 3;
const my $OFFSET => 4;
const my $IS_DST => 5;
const my $SHORT_NAME => 6;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => $args{name});
my $span = $tz->_span_for_datetime('utc', $args{date_time});
return bless {
name => $args{name},
date_time => $args{date_time},
time_zone => $tz,
span => $span,
}, $class;
sub utc_start {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$UTC_START];
sub utc_end {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$UTC_END];
sub local_start {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$LOCAL_START];
sub local_end {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$LOCAL_END];
sub offset {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$OFFSET];
sub is_dst {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$IS_DST];
sub short_name {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{span}[$SHORT_NAME];
package DateTime::RataDie;
use Const::Fast;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
const my $SECONDS_PER_DAY => 60 * 60 * 24;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
return bless {rd_seconds => $args{rd_seconds}}, $class;
sub utc_rd_values {
my ($self) = @_;
my $rd_days = int($self->{rd_seconds} / $SECONDS_PER_DAY);
my $rd_seconds = $self->{rd_seconds} - $rd_days * $SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return ($rd_days, $rd_seconds, 0);
sub time_zone {
DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'floating');
sub as_datetime {
my ($self) = @_;
return DateTime->from_object(object => $self);
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