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Last active January 3, 2016 20:19
/* Kasper (18c98c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #sailsjs
<Kasper> Hi there!
<Kasper> Anyone got time for a question?
<robdubya> nothing but time Kasper
<Kasper> Wonderful! It's related to Services: How would I access the Sails config when writing a service?
* sailsTroll ( has joined #sailsjs
<robdubya> ha Kasper, how prescient of you
// api/services/FooService.js
module.exports = {
* Some function that does stuff.
* @param {[type]} options [description]
* @param {Function} cb [description]
lookupDumbledore: function(options, cb) {
// `sails` object is available here:
var conf = sails.config;
cb(null, conf.whatever);
// `sails` is not available here (it doesn't exist yet)
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this answers the question:

How would I access the Sails config when writing a service?

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Also see Create config variables in sails.js? for more details on other usage patterns.

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davesag commented May 4, 2014

In my routes.js I am trying to set the page title within a route as per

'/index': {
  view: 'home/index',
  locals: {
    title: sails.config.myApp + ' | The Home Page'

but it says ReferenceError: sails is not defined

How do I access configs within route definitions?

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marsanla commented Sep 9, 2014


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seth2810 commented Oct 1, 2014


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lrdiv commented Oct 9, 2014


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