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// Docs:
// This is what it actually means:
// =========================================================================================================
var $elementToStretch = $('#the-element');
var debouncedStretchInnards = _.debounce(stretchInnards);
var $allAncestors = $elementToStretch.parents();
editorMD.ancestorObservers = _.reduce($allAncestors, function (memo, ancestorRawDOMElement) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function onMutation(){ debouncedStretchInnards(); });
observer.observe(ancestorRawDOMElement, { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] });
// Track ancestor observer.
return memo;
}, []);
// Then in onRemove, call `.disconnect()` on each "observer" in `editorMD.ancestorObservers`.
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