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Updating jshint in Sublime Text 2 (Sublime Linter)

I wanted my built-in syntax highlighting to support the latest stuff from jshint. Like nocomma.

But unfortunately, I'm using Sublime Text 2, because I'm a luddite and bad person and subhuman really. So I clawed my way up my macbook's legs and took a look around.

Finding where you're supposed to put it

In sublime text 2, after some searching, I was able to find Sublime Linter's copy of jshint here:

/Users/mikermcneil/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/SublimeLinter/sublimelinter/modules/libs/jshint/jshint.js

Finding what you're supposed to put there

Then I copied the raw text from the latest 2.x version of jshint to my clipboard, which I found by looking at the commits.

Pasting it

Then I pasted it over the other file. Apparently you don't have to quit sublime even-- just hit CMD+S to save-- because then I was successfully able to use nocomma: true.


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