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Created March 2, 2017 17:07
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Open WebStorm files through the command line using Git Bash on Windows.
# Opens WebStorm from the command line using Git Bash for Windows. If you're
# working within the integrated terminal in WebStorm, this will open the file
# passed in using just the relative path. If the file specified doesn't exist,
# it creates it and opens it. Just copy wstorm() into wherever you keep your
# Bash aliases and make sure you change your Terminal path to Git Bash (see
# Notes section).
# ------
# Notes:
# ------
# If you want this to work in WebStorm, you have to change the terminal path in
# Tools > Terminal to the following (quotes included):
# "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" -login -i
# If you have 32-bit Git installed, add " (x86)" to "Program Files".
# FYI, I got this working with version 2016.3.2.
# -----------------
# From the website:
# -----------------
# In order to open a file from WebStorm through the command line, the format
# needs to be as follows:
# <WebStorm> <path1> --line <number> <path2>
# where:
# <WebStorm> is the platform-specific product launcher
# <path1> is the path to the project that contains the desired file
# <number> is the number of the line, where the caret should rest
# <path2> is the path to the file to be opened
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wstorm() {
# Since the WebStorm binary is stored in a folder contingent on the version
# installed, search for the folder matching "WebStorm" and inject that into
# the path to the executable.
ws_root=`ls -1d /c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/JetBrains/WebStorm\ * | tail -n1`
ws_folder="$(basename "$ws_root")"
ws_exe="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\JetBrains\\$ws_folder\\bin\\webstorm.exe"
if [ $path_arg ]; then
# If the first three characters are "/c/", then it's a full
# path.
hasRoot=$([ ${path_arg:0:3} == "/c/" ] && echo "true" || echo "false")
# If the last character was a slash or dot, it's a directory,
# otherwise it's a file with a relative path.
last_path_char=${path_arg: -1}
if ([ $last_path_char != "/" ] && [ $last_path_char != "." ]); then
base_path="$(dirname "$full_path")"
# Creates the file if it doesn't exist, if you don't want to use this,
# just comment it out.
if [ ! -e "$full_path" ]; then
# If you specify a file in a directory that doesn't exist, create it
# create the file, and open it.
if [ ! -d "$base_path" ]; then
# If you want to create and open a file in a subdirectory of a
# subdirectory of a subdirectory, go buck wild, this will make it
# happen!
mkdir -p $base_path
touch $full_path
"$ws_exe" $wd --line 1 $full_path
# If it's a directory, the [line] and [file path] arguments aren't
# required.
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
"$ws_exe" $wd
# If no path argument was specified, inform the user and exit:
echo "Please specify a path or file name."
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