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Last active July 25, 2022 18:26
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Blue Team Hardening Windows
ID Task Command Description
1 IP cmd (as admin) > ipconfig confirm good ip for dns/dhcp
2 Clear DNS Cache ipconfig /flushdns clear possible dns poison
3 Hosts notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts delete bad entries
4 View Hidden Files Windows Explorer > View > Hidden/Ext/OS/Drives good practice
5 DUO > Signup > Weblogin > Install > Auth Consider for Auth
6 Stopping Network Shares net share /delete somebadshare delete bad shares
7 User and Group Config Control panel > System settings > Users and Groups
New Admin PW, Disable Guest, Del Bad Users This needs development
Check/Remove bad users from Admin Group
8 Scheduled Tasks Start > Task Scheduler > Delete All Bad guys hide here. Delete all: schtasks /delete /tn * /f
9 Powershell Get-PSSessionConfiguration Hardening Powershell
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration -Name *
10 Malwarebytes D/L > Install > Update > Full Scan > Clean
11 Removing Unwanted Software Cpanel > Add Remove > Bad/Suspicious Apps Consider Spybot for hidden uninstalls:
12 Firewall Leave it alone, for now Better to relying on Network Firewall
13 Security Policy After AD policy is setup: gpupdate /force.. Reboot
14 ELK Logging D/L > Copy > Edit winlogbeat.yml Install Winlogbeat for centralized logging
Run in PowerShell: winlogbeat.exe -c winlogbeat.yml
15 Policies Relying on AD Group policy mostly
16 Services Disable unneeded
17 Remote Desktop MyPc Prop > Remote > Adv > Check who can RDP
18 Automatic Updating Ideal but we had to skip Takes tooo long to update, when limited on time
19 Service Packs Skip Will take tooo long to run updates, and we are limited on time
20 Processes and Open Ports To help monitor/kill connections (also: netstat -ano)
21 Alternate Data Streams Consider doing a scan with ADSSpy
22 Removing Programs from Startup Run > msconfig.. Disable bad guys
23 Adding and Removing Components CPanel > Programs > Windows Features on/off Remove crap you don’t need: telnet, media, print, games, xps, snmp
Look for SMB v1 .. (Eternal Blue exploit)… KEEP Powershell !!
24 Sticky Keys CPanel > Ease of Access > Uncheck Sticky Keys Will prevent an Exploit
25 User Account Control Configuration Cpanel > System and Sec > Action > Change UAC User Account Control Settings … All the way up!
26 TMP System Props > Adv > Env Var Check Path and Temp Folders
27 Anti-Virus Consider installing AVG .. Full scan
28 Lockdown Legit Apps Wordpress/Joomla.. Disable upload/extended features
Login and disable other admin/users
SQL - Locking down sysadmin
MySql - mysql_secure_installation..for lockdowns
29 Disable Dump File Creation Cpanel > System > Adv > Startup/Rec > Settings Write Debugging Info: None
30 Creating a Restore Point MyPC > Pro > System Prot > Config Turn On Didnt need for Event - but good practice
31 Saved Windows Credentials Cpanel > User Accts > Manage Creds > Delete There should be NO saved entries here!! Windows/Web
32 Internet Options Tools > Opt > Zones High > Clear SSL Other things are optional here
33 Power Settings Cpanel > System/Sec > Power > Require PW
34 Data Execution Prevention Cpanel > Performance > Adjust Visual > DEP Data Execution Prevention: Turn on for all except (leave empty)
35 Malicious and Outdated Drivers Consider scanning for bad-drivers with Uniblue Couldn’t find a good d/l for this.. Looks retired
36 Rootkit Scanning Consider scanning for rootkits with GMER
37 CCleaner Consider running a cleanup/reg with Ccleaner
38 Microsoft Security Baseline Analyzer Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.1.1 (2k-2k8r)
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.3
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