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mikes-hacks / Blue_Team_Hardening_Windows.csv
Last active July 25, 2022 18:26
Blue Team Hardening Windows
ID Task Command Description
1 IP cmd (as admin) > ipconfig confirm good ip for dns/dhcp
2 Clear DNS Cache ipconfig /flushdns clear possible dns poison
3 Hosts notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts delete bad entries
4 View Hidden Files Windows Explorer > View > Hidden/Ext/OS/Drives good practice
5 DUO > Signup > Weblogin > Install > Auth Consider for Auth
6 Stopping Network Shares net share /delete somebadshare delete bad shares
7 User and Group Config Control panel > System settings > Users and Groups
New Admin PW, Disable Guest, Del Bad Users This needs development
Check/Remove bad users from Admin Group