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Last active February 16, 2024 20:52
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Exploring how regexes work differently on engines with different code-unit sizes / assumed encodings
Matching code-units that have all the same size OK.
applying /a/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 61 |a|
. . 00000001
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 61 |a|
. . 00000001
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 61 |a|
. . 00000001
Matching all, excluding only units that have the same size OK.
applying /[^b]*/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |a......|
. . 00000007
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |a......|
. . 00000007
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |a......|
. . 00000007
Matching a limited number that includes code-units of different sizes, NOT OK.
applying /../ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 61 cf |a.|
. . 00000002
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c |a..|
. . 00000003
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c |a..|
. . 00000003
Same. Matching different sizes, non-exhaustively, NOT OK.
applying /^[^\n]{3}/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c |a..|
. . 00000003
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c ef bf bd |a.....|
. . 00000006
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 61 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |a......|
. . 00000007
Range has different interpretations for different encodings. NOT OK.
applying /[^\x00-\x7f]{3}/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 cf 8c f0 |...|
. . 00000003
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |......|
. . 00000006
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 3c 4e 4f 20 4d 41 54 43 48 3e |<NO MATCH>|
. . 0000000a
Same. Range has different interpretation for UTF-16 than UTF-32. NOT OK.
applying /[\ud800-\udfff]/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 3c 4e 4f 20 4d 41 54 43 48 3e |<NO MATCH>|
. . 0000000a
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 ef bf bd |...|
. . 00000003
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 3c 4e 4f 20 4d 41 54 43 48 3e |<NO MATCH>|
. . 0000000a
Exhaustive, but different interpretation bites us again. NOT OK.
applying /[\x80-\xff]+/ to '"aฯŒ๐„ž"'
. py UTF-8
. . 00000000 cf 8c f0 9d 84 9e |......|
. . 00000006
. js UTF-16
. . 00000000 3c 4e 4f 20 4d 41 54 43 48 3e |<NO MATCH>|
. . 0000000a
. py UTF-32
. . 00000000 3c 4e 4f 20 4d 41 54 43 48 3e |<NO MATCH>|
. . 0000000a
function applyRegex {
local regex="$1"
local input="$2"
echo applying /"$regex"/ to "'$input'"
echo '. py UTF-8'
python3 -c 'import regex
import json
x ="'"$regex"'".encode("UTF-8"), json.loads(r'"'$input'"').encode("UTF-8"))
if x is None:
print("<NO MATCH>")
import sys
' \
| perl -pe 's/\n\Z//' | hexdump -C | sed 's/^/. . /'
echo '. js UTF-16'
node -e 'console.log(/'"$regex"'/.exec(JSON.parse(String.raw`'"$input"'`))?.[0] ?? "<NO MATCH>")' \
| perl -pe 's/\n\Z//' | hexdump -C | sed 's/^/. . /'
echo '. py UTF-32'
python3 -c '
import regex
import json
x ="'"$regex"'", json.loads(r'"'$input'"'))
print("%s" % (x is None and "<NO MATCH>" or,))
' \
| perl -pe 's/\n\Z//' | hexdump -C | sed 's/^/. . /'
echo Matching code-units that have all the same size OK.
applyRegex 'a' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Matching all, excluding only units that have the same size OK.
applyRegex '[^b]*' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Matching a limited number that includes code-units of different sizes, NOT OK.
applyRegex '..' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Same. Matching different sizes, non-exhaustively, NOT OK.
applyRegex '^[^\n]{3}' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Range has different interpretations for different encodings. NOT OK.
applyRegex '[^\x00-\x7f]{3}' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Same. Range has different interpretation for UTF-16 than UTF-32. NOT OK.
applyRegex '[\ud800-\udfff]' "$THREE_SIZES"
echo Exhaustive, but different interpretation bites us again. NOT OK.
applyRegex '[\x80-\xff]+' "$THREE_SIZES"
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