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Last active April 9, 2022 04:15
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Potential update to GoLang `encoding/csv`. Provides a ReadFunc() method that allows tweaking the logic for processing a CSV file.

Making encoding/csv.Reader extensible

The simple idea behind these potential modifications is to add a function csv.ReadFunc() that can be passed a csv.LogicFunc when called where the signature of the passed closure and related type and consts would be.

In this case there is really only one evalation needed, but there could easily be multiple in other use-cases.

type LogicFunc func(LogicType, interface{}, LogicFunc, ...*Reader) interface{}
type LogicType int

const (
   IsQuote LogicType = iota

This would allow calling csv.ReadFunc() like so:

func main() {
   in := strings.Join([]string{
      "`Michael (\"Mike\")`,\"Schinkel\",mikeschinkel",
   }, "\n")
   r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(in))
   for {
      record, err := r.ReadFunc(func(logic csv.LogicType, data interface{}, def csv.LogicFunc, _ ...*csv.Reader) interface{} {
         switch logic {
         case csv.IsQuote:
            rn := data.(rune)
            return rn == '"' || rn == '`'

            // Default to the default logic. This is forward-looking
            // to ensure backward compatibility for potential addition 
            // of new csv.LogicTypes in the future.
            return def(logic, data, nil)
      if err == io.EOF {
      if err != nil {

Modifications from original




// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files.
// There are many kinds of CSV files; this package supports the format
// described in RFC 4180.
// A csv file contains zero or more records of one or more fields per record.
// Each record is separated by the newline character. The final record may
// optionally be followed by a newline character.
// field1,field2,field3
// White space is considered part of a field.
// Carriage returns before newline characters are silently removed.
// Blank lines are ignored. A line with only whitespace characters (excluding
// the ending newline character) is not considered a blank line.
// Fields which start and stop with the quote character " are called
// quoted-fields. The beginning and ending quote are not part of the
// field.
// The source:
// normal string,"quoted-field"
// results in the fields
// {`normal string`, `quoted-field`}
// Within a quoted-field a quote character followed by a second quote
// character is considered a single quote.
// "the ""word"" is true","a ""quoted-field"""
// results in
// {`the "word" is true`, `a "quoted-field"`}
// Newlines and commas may be included in a quoted-field
// "Multi-line
// field","comma is ,"
// results in
// {`Multi-line
// field`, `comma is ,`}
package csv
import (
// A ParseError is returned for parsing errors.
// Line numbers are 1-indexed and columns are 0-indexed.
type ParseError struct {
StartLine int // Line where the record starts
Line int // Line where the error occurred
Column int // Column (1-based byte index) where the error occurred
Err error // The actual error
func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
if e.Err == ErrFieldCount {
return fmt.Sprintf("record on line %d: %v", e.Line, e.Err)
if e.StartLine != e.Line {
return fmt.Sprintf("record on line %d; parse error on line %d, column %d: %v", e.StartLine, e.Line, e.Column, e.Err)
return fmt.Sprintf("parse error on line %d, column %d: %v", e.Line, e.Column, e.Err)
func (e *ParseError) Unwrap() error { return e.Err }
// These are the errors that can be returned in ParseError.Err.
var (
ErrTrailingComma = errors.New("extra delimiter at end of line") // Deprecated: No longer used.
ErrBareQuote = errors.New("bare \" in non-quoted-field")
ErrQuote = errors.New("extraneous or missing \" in quoted-field")
ErrFieldCount = errors.New("wrong number of fields")
var errInvalidDelim = errors.New("csv: invalid field or comment delimiter")
func validDelim(r rune) bool {
return r != 0 && r != '"' && r != '\r' && r != '\n' && utf8.ValidRune(r) && r != utf8.RuneError
// A Reader reads records from a CSV-encoded file.
// As returned by NewReader, a Reader expects input conforming to RFC 4180.
// The exported fields can be changed to customize the details before the
// first call to Read or ReadAll.
// The Reader converts all \r\n sequences in its input to plain \n,
// including in multiline field values, so that the returned data does
// not depend on which line-ending convention an input file uses.
type Reader struct {
// Comma is the field delimiter.
// It is set to comma (',') by NewReader.
// Comma must be a valid rune and must not be \r, \n,
// or the Unicode replacement character (0xFFFD).
Comma rune
// Comment, if not 0, is the comment character. Lines beginning with the
// Comment character without preceding whitespace are ignored.
// With leading whitespace the Comment character becomes part of the
// field, even if TrimLeadingSpace is true.
// Comment must be a valid rune and must not be \r, \n,
// or the Unicode replacement character (0xFFFD).
// It must also not be equal to Comma.
Comment rune
// FieldsPerRecord is the number of expected fields per record.
// If FieldsPerRecord is positive, Read requires each record to
// have the given number of fields. If FieldsPerRecord is 0, Read sets it to
// the number of fields in the first record, so that future records must
// have the same field count. If FieldsPerRecord is negative, no check is
// made and records may have a variable number of fields.
FieldsPerRecord int
// If LazyQuotes is true, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a
// non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field.
LazyQuotes bool
// If TrimLeadingSpace is true, leading white space in a field is ignored.
// This is done even if the field delimiter, Comma, is white space.
TrimLeadingSpace bool
// ReuseRecord controls whether calls to Read may return a slice sharing
// the backing array of the previous call's returned slice for performance.
// By default, each call to Read returns newly allocated memory owned by the caller.
ReuseRecord bool
TrailingComma bool // Deprecated: No longer used.
r *bufio.Reader
// numLine is the current line being read in the CSV file.
numLine int
// rawBuffer is a line buffer only used by the readLine method.
rawBuffer []byte
// recordBuffer holds the unescaped fields, one after another.
// The fields can be accessed by using the indexes in fieldIndexes.
// E.g., For the row `a,"b","c""d",e`, recordBuffer will contain `abc"de`
// and fieldIndexes will contain the indexes [1, 2, 5, 6].
recordBuffer []byte
// fieldIndexes is an index of fields inside recordBuffer.
// The i'th field ends at offset fieldIndexes[i] in recordBuffer.
fieldIndexes []int
// fieldPositions is an index of field positions for the
// last record returned by Read.
fieldPositions []position
// lastRecord is a record cache and only used when ReuseRecord == true.
lastRecord []string
// logicFunc enable customizable logic for processing CSV
logicFunc LogicFunc
type LogicFunc func(LogicType, interface{}, LogicFunc, ...*Reader) interface{}
type LogicType int
const (
IsQuote LogicType = iota
// NewReader returns a new Reader that reads from r.
func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
return &Reader{
Comma: ',',
r: bufio.NewReader(r),
func (r *Reader) isQuote(rn rune) bool {
if r.logicFunc != nil {
return r.logicFunc(IsQuote, rn, defaultLogicFunc, r).(bool)
return isQuote(rn)
func (r *Reader) isHeaderLine(line []byte) bool {
if len(line) == 0 {
return true
rn, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
return !r.isQuote(rn)
func isQuote(rn rune) bool {
return rn == '"' || rn == '`'
// defaultLogicFunc provides the default customizable logic
var defaultLogicFunc = func(logic LogicType, data interface{}, def LogicFunc, r ...*Reader) interface{} {
switch logic {
case IsQuote:
return isQuote(data.(rune))
if def == nil {
return nil
return def(logic, data, nil)
// ReadFunc calls Read() after chaining the passed
// LogicFunc to handle customizable logic.
func (r *Reader) ReadFunc(f LogicFunc) (record []string, err error) {
save := r.logicFunc
r.logicFunc = f
record, err = r.Read()
r.logicFunc = save
return record, err
// Read reads one record (a slice of fields) from r.
// If the record has an unexpected number of fields,
// Read returns the record along with the error ErrFieldCount.
// Except for that case, Read always returns either a non-nil
// record or a non-nil error, but not both.
// If there is no data left to be read, Read returns nil, io.EOF.
// If ReuseRecord is true, the returned slice may be shared
// between multiple calls to Read.
func (r *Reader) Read() (record []string, err error) {
if r.ReuseRecord {
record, err = r.readRecord(r.lastRecord)
r.lastRecord = record
} else {
record, err = r.readRecord(nil)
return record, err
// FieldPos returns the line and column corresponding to
// the start of the field with the given index in the slice most recently
// returned by Read. Numbering of lines and columns starts at 1;
// columns are counted in bytes, not runes.
// If this is called with an out-of-bounds index, it panics.
func (r *Reader) FieldPos(field int) (line, column int) {
if field < 0 || field >= len(r.fieldPositions) {
panic("out of range index passed to FieldPos")
p := &r.fieldPositions[field]
return p.line, p.col
// pos holds the position of a field in the current line.
type position struct {
line, col int
// ReadAll reads all the remaining records from r.
// Each record is a slice of fields.
// A successful call returns err == nil, not err == io.EOF. Because ReadAll is
// defined to read until EOF, it does not treat end of file as an error to be
// reported.
func (r *Reader) ReadAll() (records [][]string, err error) {
for {
record, err := r.readRecord(nil)
if err == io.EOF {
return records, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
records = append(records, record)
// readLine reads the next line (with the trailing endline).
// If EOF is hit without a trailing endline, it will be omitted.
// If some bytes were read, then the error is never io.EOF.
// The result is only valid until the next call to readLine.
func (r *Reader) readLine() ([]byte, error) {
line, err := r.r.ReadSlice('\n')
if err == bufio.ErrBufferFull {
r.rawBuffer = append(r.rawBuffer[:0], line...)
for err == bufio.ErrBufferFull {
line, err = r.r.ReadSlice('\n')
r.rawBuffer = append(r.rawBuffer, line...)
line = r.rawBuffer
if len(line) > 0 && err == io.EOF {
err = nil
// For backwards compatibility, drop trailing \r before EOF.
if line[len(line)-1] == '\r' {
line = line[:len(line)-1]
// Normalize \r\n to \n on all input lines.
if n := len(line); n >= 2 && line[n-2] == '\r' && line[n-1] == '\n' {
line[n-2] = '\n'
line = line[:n-1]
return line, err
// lengthNL reports the number of bytes for the trailing \n.
func lengthNL(b []byte) int {
if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] == '\n' {
return 1
return 0
// nextRune returns the next rune in b or utf8.RuneError.
func nextRune(b []byte) rune {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(b)
return r
func (r *Reader) readRecord(dst []string) ([]string, error) {
if r.Comma == r.Comment || !validDelim(r.Comma) || (r.Comment != 0 && !validDelim(r.Comment)) {
return nil, errInvalidDelim
// Read line (automatically skipping past empty lines and any comments).
var line []byte
var errRead error
for errRead == nil {
line, errRead = r.readLine()
if r.Comment != 0 && nextRune(line) == r.Comment {
line = nil
continue // Skip comment lines
if errRead == nil && len(line) == lengthNL(line) {
line = nil
continue // Skip empty lines
if errRead == io.EOF {
return nil, errRead
// Parse each field in the record.
var err error
//const quoteLen = len(`"`)
commaLen := utf8.RuneLen(r.Comma)
recLine := r.numLine // Starting line for record
r.recordBuffer = r.recordBuffer[:0]
r.fieldIndexes = r.fieldIndexes[:0]
r.fieldPositions = r.fieldPositions[:0]
pos := position{line: r.numLine, col: 1}
for {
if r.TrimLeadingSpace {
i := bytes.IndexFunc(line, func(r rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsSpace(r)
if i < 0 {
i = len(line)
pos.col -= lengthNL(line)
line = line[i:]
pos.col += i
if r.isHeaderLine(line) {
// Non-quoted string field
i := bytes.IndexRune(line, r.Comma)
field := line
if i >= 0 {
field = field[:i]
} else {
field = field[:len(field)-lengthNL(field)]
// Check to make sure a quote does not appear in field.
if !r.LazyQuotes {
if j := bytes.IndexByte(line, '"'); j >= 0 {
col := pos.col + j
err = &ParseError{StartLine: recLine, Line: r.numLine, Column: col, Err: ErrBareQuote}
break parseField
r.recordBuffer = append(r.recordBuffer, field...)
r.fieldIndexes = append(r.fieldIndexes, len(r.recordBuffer))
r.fieldPositions = append(r.fieldPositions, pos)
if i >= 0 {
line = line[i+commaLen:]
pos.col += i + commaLen
continue parseField
break parseField
} else {
var fieldPos position
quote, quoteLen := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
if isQuote(quote) {
// Quoted string field
line = line[quoteLen:]
fieldPos = pos
pos.col += quoteLen
for {
i := bytes.IndexRune(line, quote)
if i >= 0 {
// Hit next quote.
r.recordBuffer = append(r.recordBuffer, line[:i]...)
line = line[i+quoteLen:]
pos.col += i + quoteLen
switch rn := nextRune(line); {
case rn == quote:
// `""` sequence (append quote).
r.recordBuffer = append(r.recordBuffer, []byte(string(rn))...)
line = line[quoteLen:]
pos.col += quoteLen
case rn == r.Comma:
// `",` sequence (end of field).
line = line[commaLen:]
pos.col += commaLen
r.fieldIndexes = append(r.fieldIndexes, len(r.recordBuffer))
r.fieldPositions = append(r.fieldPositions, fieldPos)
continue parseField
case lengthNL(line) == len(line):
// `"\n` sequence (end of line).
r.fieldIndexes = append(r.fieldIndexes, len(r.recordBuffer))
r.fieldPositions = append(r.fieldPositions, fieldPos)
break parseField
case r.LazyQuotes:
// `"` sequence (bare quote).
r.recordBuffer = append(r.recordBuffer, '"')
// `"*` sequence (invalid non-escaped quote).
err = &ParseError{StartLine: recLine, Line: r.numLine, Column: pos.col - quoteLen, Err: ErrQuote}
break parseField
} else if len(line) > 0 {
// Hit end of line (copy all data so far).
r.recordBuffer = append(r.recordBuffer, line...)
if errRead != nil {
break parseField
pos.col += len(line)
line, errRead = r.readLine()
if len(line) > 0 {
pos.col = 1
if errRead == io.EOF {
errRead = nil
} else {
// Abrupt end of file (EOF or error).
if !r.LazyQuotes && errRead == nil {
err = &ParseError{StartLine: recLine, Line: pos.line, Column: pos.col, Err: ErrQuote}
break parseField
r.fieldIndexes = append(r.fieldIndexes, len(r.recordBuffer))
r.fieldPositions = append(r.fieldPositions, fieldPos)
break parseField
if err == nil {
err = errRead
// Create a single string and create slices out of it.
// This pins the memory of the fields together, but allocates once.
str := string(r.recordBuffer) // Convert to string once to batch allocations
dst = dst[:0]
if cap(dst) < len(r.fieldIndexes) {
dst = make([]string, len(r.fieldIndexes))
dst = dst[:len(r.fieldIndexes)]
var preIdx int
for i, idx := range r.fieldIndexes {
dst[i] = str[preIdx:idx]
preIdx = idx
// Check or update the expected fields per record.
if r.FieldsPerRecord > 0 {
if len(dst) != r.FieldsPerRecord && err == nil {
err = &ParseError{
StartLine: recLine,
Line: recLine,
Column: 1,
Err: ErrFieldCount,
} else if r.FieldsPerRecord == 0 {
r.FieldsPerRecord = len(dst)
return dst, err
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