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Last active August 30, 2021 20:25
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  • Save mikeseese/eaac28cc52a0778ab0d23f1ab5caad64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A modified version of to work with Unreal's build scripts (i.e. RunUAT and RunUBT)
# 0.9.20140504
# Copyright: (C) 1999, 2012-2014, Bjarni R. Einarsson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Some useful color codes, see end of file for more.
$col_black = "\033[30m";
$col_red = "\033[31m";
$col_green = "\033[32m";
$col_yellow = "\033[33m";
$col_blue = "\033[34m";
$col_magenta = "\033[35m";
$col_cyan = "\033[36m";
$col_ltgray = "\033[37m";
$col_drkgray = "\033[1;30m";
$col_norm = "\033[00m";
$col_background = "\033[07m";
$col_brighten = "\033[01m";
$col_underline = "\033[04m";
$col_blink = "\033[05m";
# Customize colors here...
$col_default = $col_ltgray;
$col_gcc = $col_magenta . $col_brighten;
$col_make = $col_cyan;
$col_ue = $col_gcc;
$col_filename = $col_blue;
$col_linenum = $col_cyan;
$col_trace = $col_yellow;
$col_warning = $col_yellow;
$col_comment = $col_drkgray;
$tag_error = "";
$col_error = $tag_error . $col_red . $col_brighten;
$col_success = $col_green . $col_brighten;
$error_highlight = $col_brighten;
$col_build_config = $col_cyan;
# read in config files: system first, then user
for $file ("/usr/share/colormake/colormake.rc", "$ENV{HOME}/.colormakerc")
unless (!-f $file or do $file)
warn "couldn't parse $file: $@" if $@;
# Get size of terminal
$lines = shift @ARGV || 0;
$cols = shift @ARGV || 0;
$cols -= 19;
$in = 'unknown';
$| = 1; # auto flush
$skip = 0;
while (<>)
$orgline = $thisline = $_;
# Remove multiple spaces
$thisline =~ s/ \+/ /g;
# skip lines
if ($skip < 0)
$skip = 0;
# Truncate lines.
# I suppose this is bad, but it's better than what less does!
if ($cols >= 0)
$thisline =~ s/^(.{$cols}).....*(.{15})$/$1 .. $2/;
# remove the "Dist/HostProject/Plugins/<Plugin>" that is created in the BuildPlugin command
$thisline =~ s|Dist[/\\]HostProject[/\\]Plugins[/\\][a-zA-Z\_\-]+[/\\]||g;
# make[1]: Entering directory `/blah/blah/blah'
if ($thisline =~ s/^((p|g)?make\[)/$col_make$1/x)
$in = 'make';
elsif ($thisline =~ s/^(\s*(libtool:\s*)?((compile|link):\s*)?(([[:ascii:]]+-)?g?(cc|\+\+)|(g|c)\+\+|clang|CC|CXX).*)$/$col_gcc$1$col_norm/)
$in = 'gcc';
if ($thisline =~ /\W-MF\W/)
$skip = 2;
elsif ($thisline =~ s/^\#/$col_comment#$1/x)
$in = 'comment';
elsif ($thisline =~ s/(\[[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\] .*\.(rc2|h|cpp|cc|c|so|a|lib|dylib|target))/$col_ue$1$col_norm/)
$in = 'ue'; # unreal engine
elsif (!$skip && $thisline =~ /^(\s*\(|\[|a(r|wk)|c(p|d|h(mod|own))|do(ne)?|e(cho|lse)|f(ind|or)|i(f|nstall)|mv|perl|r(anlib|m(dir)?)|s(e(d|t)|trip)|tar)\s+/)
$in = $1;
elsif ($thisline =~ s/([0-9]+ error(s)? generated\.)/$col_error$1$col_norm/)
$in = 'unknown';
elsif ($thisline =~ s/(Total time in (Local|Parallel) executor: [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? seconds|BUILD SUCCESSFUL)/$col_success$1$col_norm/)
$in = 'unknown';
elsif ($thisline =~ s/(BUILD SUCCESSFUL)/$col_success$1$col_norm/)
$in = 'unknown';
elsif ($thisline =~ s/^(Running: .*UnrealBuildTool.exe\"? )(.*)( -Project.*)/$1$col_build_config$2$col_norm$3/)
# this colors the build configuration (i.e. UE4Editor Mac Development)
$in = 'unknown';
elsif (($in eq 'gcc' || $in eq 'ue')
&& $thisline !~ /^mv\W/
# Do interesting things if make is compiling something.
if (($thisline !~ /[,:]$/) && ($thisline !~ /warning/) && ($thisline !~ /note:/))
# error?
if ($cols >= 0)
# Retruncate line, because we are about to insert "Error:".
my $c = $cols - length($tag_error);
$thisline = $orgline;
$thisline =~ s/^(.{$c}).....*(.{15})$/$1 .. $2/;
$thisline =~ s/(\d+:\s+)/$1$col_default$col_error/;
$thisline = $error_highlight . $thisline . $col_norm;
elsif (thisline =~ /note:/)
# note/info
$thisline =~ s|(note:\s+)(.*)$|$1$col_comment$2|;
# warning
$thisline =~ s|(warning:\s+)(.*)$|$1$col_warning$2|;
# In file included from main.cpp:38:
# main.cpp: In function int main(...)':
$thisline =~ s/(In f(unction|ile))/$col_trace$1/x;
# /blah/blah/blah.cpp:123:
$thisline =~ s|(\s)([A-Z])(:\\)|$1-DRIVE$2|g; # temporarily remove the D:\ for -DRIVED since to not confuse line numbers, for windows
$thisline =~ s|^([^:]+)|$col_filename$1$col_default|;
$thisline =~ s|:(\d+)([:,])|:$col_linenum$1$col_default$2|;
$thisline =~ s|(\s)(-DRIVE)([A-Z])|$1$3:\\|g; # remove temporary place holders
if ($thisline !~ /^\s+/)
print $col_norm, $col_default;
print $thisline;
print $col_norm;
#%colors = (
# 'black' => "\033[30m",
# 'red' => "\033[31m",
# 'green' => "\033[32m",
# 'yellow' => "\033[33m",
# 'blue' => "\033[34m",
# 'magenta' => "\033[35m",
# 'purple' => "\033[35m",
# 'cyan' => "\033[36m",
# 'white' => "\033[37m",
# 'darkgray' => "\033[30m");
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mikeseese commented Aug 30, 2021

This is a gist of a modified version of @ v0.9.20140504 that adds in hooks for using Unreal Engine's build scripts for Bash environments (i.e. Mac/Linux). I made this to help identify warnings and errors in the build output when compiling C++ plugins that I compile and distribute on the Marketplace with the BuildPlugin command to

This script works on Windows if you use MINGW (i.e. Git Bash).

A couple of key points:

  • Modify the colors in lines 43-54
  • Sample usage would be something like (this is running in the directory of the plugin itself, with this file in that directory):
/Users/Shared/Epic\ Games/UE_4.26/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ \
  BuildPlugin \
  -Plugin=$(pwd)/FileSDK.uplugin \
  -Package=$(pwd)/Dist \
  -TargetPlatforms=Mac \
  -Rocket \
  -VS2017 \
  | ./ --short

The output generates something like this:


This isn't maintained or supported, but happy to update it with any suggestions.

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