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Created November 13, 2017 19:13
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module Interactable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
around_action :format_interactor_response
def format_interactor_response
result = yield
# No-op if we haven't returned an interactor context
return result unless result.is_a?(Interactor::Context)
# Determine http status
default_status = result.success? ? 200 : 400
status = result.http_status || default_status
# Extract the response data from interactor result
data = format_response_data(, result.success?)
render json: data, status: status
# If the data is a string, wrap it in a hash
# Otherwise return the data as-is
def format_response_data(data, success)
data.is_a?(String) ? { message: data } : data
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