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Created April 30, 2020 15:37
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Create a temporary Alpine chroo
# Create and launch an alpine chroot
# If /tmp is not tmpfs, change this to /dev/shm
set -eu
if ! [ -f $rootfs/etc/resolv.conf ]; then
if ! [ -f ~/Downloads/alpine.tar.gz ]; then
curl -Lf -o ~/Downloads/alpine.tar.gz
mkdir -p $rootfs
sudo tar -C $rootfs -xf ~/Downloads/alpine.tar.gz
if ! [ -d $rootfs/dev/stdout ]; then
echo dev proc run sys | xargs -d' ' -I% sudo mount /%/ $rootfs/%/ --bind
sudo cp -a /etc/resolv.conf $rootfs/etc/.
sudo chroot $rootfs /bin/sh -i
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