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Last active November 8, 2017 11:42
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Save mikesmullin/935333ac93bda2334d79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wrapper for tcpflow which enhances its stdout output to include easily parsed timestamp format, incl. milliseconds, tz offset, and packaged in flat json one-object-per-row ideal for mapreducing on
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
# install on ubuntu:
# sudo apt-get install automake autoconf libpcap-dev zlib1g-dev libboost-dev libcairo2-dev
# cd /tmp/
# git clone --recursive -b tcpflow-1.4.4 tcpflow/
# cd tcpflow/
# sh
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
# which tcpflow
# tcpflow --version
# usage:
# sudo tcpflow -i eth0 -c -B -d5 "(tcp port 80)" 2>&1 | ./ >> /var/log/server.log
# produces output like:
# {"src":"","sprt":"32912","dst":"",
# "dprt":"00443","data":"%xt%o%mi%1116821%42%19%\u0000",
# "dir":"in","ts":"2014-5-18 0:12:14.369 6"}
stream = require 'stream'
class TcpFlowParser
@create: (emit) ->
ws = stream.Writable()
msg = {}
buf = ''
pop = (type, data) ->
if type is 'tcpflow'
# ignoring for now
# TODO: output JSON connection events
else if type is 'packet'
data.dir =
# NOTICE: hard-coded for now
if /172\.016\.000\.\d{3}/.test(data.src) and /00443/.test(data.sprt)
emit data
ws._write = (chunk, enc, next) ->
buf += chunk.toString 'utf8'
while (m = buf.match /\n+/) isnt null
line = buf.substr 0, m.index + (m[0].length - 1)
buf = buf.substr m.index + m[0].length
# determine type of line
if /^tcpflow: /.test line
# can pop these immediately and ignore that they interrupt messages
pop 'tcpflow', data: line
else if (m = line.match /^(\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3})\.(\d{5})-(\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3})\.(\d{5}): (.+)$/) isnt null
# don't pop any messages until a new line type is identified
pop 'packet', msg
msg = src: m[1], sprt: m[2], dst: m[3], dprt: m[4], data: m[5]
else # append to previous message += line
return ws
out = (event) ->
d = new Date
event.ts = "#{d.getFullYear()}-#{d.getMonth()+1}-#{d.getDate()} #{d.getHours()}:#{d.getMinutes()}:#{d.getSeconds()}.#{d.getMilliseconds()} #{d.getTimezoneOffset()/60}"
process.stdout.write "#{JSON.stringify event}\n"
process.stdin.setEncoding 'utf8'
.pipe TcpFlowParser.create (event) ->
out event
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