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Created February 20, 2012 21:11
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SQLAlchemy, dynamic table creation
def init_i18n_class(cls):
"""Create, via metadata reflection, an I18N class object
for i18n-enabled tables."""
tablename = cls.__tablename__ + "_i18n"
if Base.metadata.tables.get(tablename) is not None:
classname = cls.__name__ + "I18N"
i18nt = Table(tablename, Base.metadata,
Column("id", ForeignKey("" % cls.__tablename__), primary_key=True),
Column("culture", String(25), primary_key=True),
ForeignKeyConstraint(["id"], ["" % cls.__tablename__]),
autoload=True, extend_existing=True)
globals()[classname] =type(classname, (Base,), dict(__table__=i18nt))
setattr(cls, tablename, relationship(classname, cascade="all,delete-orphan",
primaryjoin=" ==" % (classname, cls.__name__)))
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