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Created December 4, 2012 19:20
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Basic web proxy with Play 2.0 - example only and not for actual use...
package controllers
// Basic proxying web service...
// Standard play libs - all the Scala stuff
// is in the play.api package so it doesn't
// conflict with the Java equivalents.
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
// Import the ws package
// This stuff is needed to configure the asyncronous
// stuff which operates via a worker pool
import play.api.libs.concurrent.execution.defaultContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
// Controllers are (usually) singleton objects in Scala, rather than classes
object MyProxyController extends Controller {
// Take an url, like http://localhost:7474/db/data/, call it,
// and return the results as json
def proxy(url: String) = Action {
// 'Async' is a wrapper that allows you to return an asyncronous
// response as if it were a regular one...
Async {
// The WS lib is asyncronous, so it returns a 'future' web
// service response.
// The 'get' is a us calling GET, as opposed to POST or DELETE
val futureResult: Future[ws.Response] = ws.WS.url(url).get
// To specify what we'd like to do when the 'future' is redeemed
// we use its 'map' function (lots of things in Scala have a map
// function, which basically means 'take whats inside of this and
// process it with the given function' { response =>
// 'Ok' is a Response with a 200 status... we're not bothering
// to check for errors in the web service request...
# Routes (conf/routes)
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
GET /proxy controllers.MyProxyController.proxy(url: String)
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