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Last active August 19, 2019 19:36
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Kotlin code snippet
class _First {
infix fun sign(into: _Into) = into
class _Into {
infix fun your(console: _Console) {
// insert sign in logic, ie via Robolectric
return console
class _Console { val Then = this
infix fun check(your: _Your) = your
class _Your {
infix fun point(balance: _Balance) {
// insert code to navigate to balance-checking page, ie via Robolectric
return balance
infix fun points(to: _To) = to
infix fun point(balance: _Balance) {
// insert code to navigate to balance screen, ie via Robolectric
return balance
class _Balance { val There = this
val It = this
infix fun should(be: _Be) = be
infix fun should(now: _Now) = now
class _Be {
infix fun fifteen(points: _Points) {
// insert an assertion to make sure the number of poitns are 15
return points
class _Points { val Then = this
infix fun use(all: _All) = all
infix fun you(have: _Have) {
// insert logic to purchase a ticket to Guam with your points, ie via Robolectric
return have
class _All {
infix fun of(your: _Your) = your
class _To {
infix fun buy(a: _A) = a
infix fun Guam(that: _That) = that
class _A {
infix fun ticket(to: _To) = to
class _That {
infix fun costs(exactly: _Exactly) = exactly
class _Exactly {
infix fun the(number: _Number) = number
class _Number {
infix fun of(points: _Points) = points
class _Have { val Then = this
infix fun check(your: _Your) = your
class _Now {
infix fun be(zero: _Zero) {
// an assertion that the current number of points are 0
return zero
class _Zero {
val all = _All()
val to = _To()
val that = _That()
val exactly = _Exactly()
val number = _Number()
val be = _Be()
val a = _A()
val have = _Have()
val points = _Points()
val now = _Now()
val your = _Your()
val into = _Into()
val First = _First()
val zero = _Zero()
val console = _Console()
val balance = _Balance()
fun `times with kotlin`() {
First sign into your console.
Then check your point balance. There should be fifteen points.
Then use all of your points to buy a ticket to Guam that costs exactly the number of points you have.
Then check your point balance. It should now be zero.
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