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Created January 6, 2016 15:00
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;; Die ersten drei Zeilen dieser Datei wurden von DrRacket eingefügt. Sie enthalten Metadaten
;; über die Sprachebene dieser Datei in einer Form, die DrRacket verarbeiten kann.
#reader(lib "" "deinprogramm")((modname properties) (read-case-sensitive #f) (teachpacks ()) (deinprogramm-settings #(#f write repeating-decimal #f #t none explicit #f ())))
; Kapitel "Eigenschaften von Prozeduren"
; 3 Checks schlagen fehl.
; Kommutativität von +
(for-all ((a number)
(b number))
(= (+ a b)
(+ b a))))
; Kommutativität von -
(for-all ((a number)
(b number))
(= (- a b)
(- b a))))
(for-all ((a number)
(b number)
(c number))
(= (+ a (+ b c))
(+ (+ a b) c))))
(+ 2.6666666666666665 (+ 6.857142857142857 -6.857142857142857))
(+ (+ 2.6666666666666665 6.857142857142857) -6.857142857142857)
; Assoziativität von +
(for-all ((a rational)
(b rational)
(c rational))
(= (+ a (+ b c))
(+ (+ a b) c))))
(for-all ((a number)
(b number)
(c number))
(expect-within (+ a (+ b c))
(+ (+ a b) c)
; Distributivität von + und *
(for-all ((a rational)
(b rational)
(c rational))
(= (* a (+ b c))
(+ (* a b) (* a c)))))
; neutrales Element
(for-all ((a rational))
(= (+ a 0) a)))
; inverses Element
(for-all ((a rational))
(= (+ a (- a)) 0)))
(for-all ((a rational))
(= (+ (- a) a) 0)))
; Kommutativität von *
(for-all ((a rational)
(b rational))
(= (* a b)
(* b a))))
; Kommutativität als abstrakte Eigenschaft, 1. Versuch
(: commutativity ((rational rational -> rational) -> property))
(check-property (commutativity *))
(check-property (commutativity +))
(define commutativity
(lambda (op)
(for-all ((a rational)
(b rational))
(= (op a b)
(op b a)))))
; Kommutativität von and
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean))
(boolean=? (and a b)
(and b a))))
; Kommutativität als abstrakte Eigenschaft, 2. Versuch
(: commutativity ((%a %a -> %b) signature (%b %b -> boolean) -> property))
(check-property (commutativity * (signature rational) =))
(check-property (commutativity + (signature rational) =))
(check-property (commutativity (lambda (a b) (and a b))
(signature boolean) boolean=?))
(check-property (commutativity (lambda (a b) (or a b))
(signature boolean)
(define commutativity
(lambda (op sig =?)
(for-all ((a sig)
(b sig))
(=? (op a b)
(op b a)))))
; Assoziativität als abstrakte Eigenschaft
(: associativity ((%a %a -> %a) signature (%a %a -> boolean) -> property))
(check-property (associativity + (signature rational) =))
(check-property (associativity * (signature rational) =))
(check-property (associativity (lambda (a b) (and a b))
(signature boolean)
(check-property (associativity (lambda (a b) (or a b))
(signature boolean)
(define associativity
(lambda (op sig =?)
(for-all ((a sig)
(b sig)
(c sig))
(=? (op a (op b c))
(op (op a b) c)))))
; Assoziativität von and
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean)
(c boolean))
(boolean=? (and a (and b c))
(and (and a b) c))))
; Distributivität von and und or: ÜBUNGSAUFGABE
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean)
(c boolean))
(boolean=? (and a (or b c))
(or (and a b) (and a c)))))
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean)
(c boolean))
(boolean=? (or a (and b c))
(and (or a b) (or a c)))))
; DeMorgan von and
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean))
(boolean=? (not (and a b))
(or (not a) (not b)))))
; DeMorgan von or
(for-all ((a boolean)
(b boolean))
(expect (not (or a b))
(and (not a) (not b)))))
; Reflexivität von =
(for-all ((a number))
(= a a)))
; Symmetrie von =
(for-all ((a number)
(b number))
(==> (= a b)
(= b a))))
; Transitivität von =
(for-all ((a number)
(b number)
(c number))
(==> (and (= a b) (= b c))
(= a c))))
(: concatenate ((list-of %a) (list-of %a) -> (list-of %a)))
(check-expect (concatenate (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))
(check-expect (concatenate (list 1 2 3) empty) (list 1 2 3))
(check-expect (concatenate empty (list 1 2 3)) (list 1 2 3))
(check-expect (concatenate empty empty) empty)
(check-expect (concatenate (list 1 2 3) (list "vier" "fünf" "sechs")) (list 1 2 3 "vier" "fünf" "sechs"))
(associativity concatenate (signature (list-of number)) number-list=?))
(for-all ((lis (list-of number)))
(number-list=? lis (concatenate empty lis))))
(for-all ((lis (list-of number)))
(number-list=? lis (concatenate lis empty))))
(commutativity concatenate (signature (list-of number)) number-list=?))
(define concatenate
(lambda (lis-1 lis-2)
((empty? lis-1) lis-2)
((pair? lis-1)
(make-pair (first lis-1)
(concatenate (rest lis-1) lis-2))))))
; Zwei Listen aus Zahlen vergleichen
(: number-list=? ((list-of number) (list-of number) -> boolean))
(check-expect (number-list=? empty empty) #t)
(check-expect (number-list=? (list 1.0 2.0 3.0) (list 1.0 2.0 3.0)) #t)
(check-expect (number-list=? (list 1.0 2.0 3.0) (list 1.0 2.0)) #f)
(check-expect (number-list=? (list 1.0 2.0) (list 1.0 2.0 3.0)) #f)
(check-expect (number-list=? (list 1.0 2.0 3.0) (list 1.0 2.1 3.0)) #f)
; Reflexivität
(for-all ((lis (list-of number)))
(number-list=? lis lis)))
; Symmetrie
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of number))
(lis-2 (list-of number)))
(==> (number-list=? lis-1 lis-2)
(number-list=? lis-2 lis-1))))
; Transitivität
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of number))
(lis-2 (list-of number))
(lis-3 (list-of number)))
(==> (and (number-list=? lis-1 lis-2)
(number-list=? lis-2 lis-3))
(number-list=? lis-1 lis-3))))
#;(define number-list=?
(lambda (lis-1 lis-2)
((empty? lis-1)
((empty? lis-2)
... (number-list=? (rest lis-1) ...) ...))))
(define number-list=?
(lambda (lis-1 lis-2)
((empty? lis-1)
((empty? lis-2) #t)
((pair? lis-2) #f)))
((pair? lis-1)
((empty? lis-2) #f)
((pair? lis-2)
(and (= (first lis-1) (first lis-2))
(number-list=? (rest lis-1) (rest lis-2)))))))))
; Elemente einer Liste summieren
(: list-sum ((list-of number) -> number))
(check-expect (list-sum (make-pair 1 (make-pair 7 (make-pair 3 empty)))) 11)
(check-expect (list-sum empty) 0)
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of number))
(lis-2 (list-of number)))
(expect-within (+ (list-sum lis-1) (list-sum lis-2))
(list-sum (concatenate lis-1 lis-2))
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of rational))
(lis-2 (list-of rational)))
(expect (+ (list-sum lis-1) (list-sum lis-2))
(list-sum (concatenate lis-1 lis-2)))))
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of rational))
(lis-2 (list-of rational)))
(expect (list-sum (concatenate lis-1 lis-2))
(list-sum (concatenate lis-2 lis-1)))))
(define list-sum
(lambda (lis)
((empty? lis) 0)
((pair? lis)
(+ (first lis)
(list-sum (rest lis)))))))
; Liste umdrehen
(: invert ((list-of %a) -> (list-of %a)))
(for-all ((lis (list-of number)))
(number-list=? lis (invert (invert lis)))))
(for-all ((lis (list-of string)))
(expect lis (invert (invert lis)))))
(for-all ((lis-1 (list-of rational))
(lis-2 (list-of rational)))
(expect (invert (concatenate lis-1 lis-2))
(concatenate (invert lis-2) (invert lis-1)))))
(define invert
(lambda (lis)
(invert-helper lis empty)))
(: invert-helper ((list-of %a) (list-of %a) -> (list-of %a)))
(define invert-helper
(lambda (lis acc)
((empty? lis) acc)
((pair? lis)
(invert-helper (rest lis)
(make-pair (first lis) acc))))))
; Prozedur mit zwei Parametern staffeln
(: curry ((%a %b -> %c) -> (%a -> (%b -> %c))))
(check-expect (((curry +) 1) 2) 3)
(define curry
(lambda (proc)
(lambda (a)
(lambda (b)
(proc a b)))))
; Prozedur zu einer Prozedur mit zwei Parametern entstaffeln
(: uncurry ((%a -> (%b -> %c)) -> (%a %b -> %c)))
(check-expect ((uncurry (curry +)) 1 2) 3)
; funktioniert nicht:
; (for-all ((proc (string string -> string)))
; (expect (curry (uncurry proc))
; proc)))
(for-all ((a string)
(b string)
(proc (string string -> string)))
(expect ((uncurry (curry proc)) a b)
(proc a b))))
(define uncurry
(lambda (proc)
(lambda (a b)
((proc a) b))))
(: f (natural -> rational))
(for-all ((k natural))
(= (f k) (/ k (+ k 1)))))
(define f
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(/ 1 (* n (+ n 1)))))))
; Fakultät berechnen
(: ! (natural -> natural))
(check-expect (! 0) 1)
(check-expect (! 3) 6)
(check-expect (! 5) 120)
(define !
(lambda (n)
(!-helper n 1)))
(define !-helper
(lambda (n acc)
(if (= n 0)
(!-helper (- n 1) (* acc n)))))
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