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Created March 29, 2012 14:41
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CHEF-3010 repro cookbook/recipe
default['appdeploy']['dir'] = '/srv/myapp'
default['app']['dbname'] = 'testdb'
default['app']['dbuser'] = 'sa'
package 'git'
package 'httpd' # for centos
# Create a user
user "appdeploy" do
comment "App Deploy"
uid 3001
gid "users"
home "/home/appdeploy"
# Deployment dirs
].each do |subdir|
directory subdir do
action :create
owner "appdeploy"
group "apache"
template "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}/shared/deploy-ssh-wrapper" do
source "deploy-ssh-wrapper.erb"
owner "appdeploy"
group "users"
mode 0755
:deploy_key => "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}/shared/id_deploy_appdeploy"
# The shared config for this thing
template "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}/shared/config/database.yml" do
source "database.yml.erb"
mode 0440
owner "appdeploy"
group "users"
:dbname => node['app']['dbname'],
:dbuser => node['app']['dbuser']
# This is the one that differs between permissions
cookbook_file "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}/shared/id_deploy_appdeploy" do
source "id_deploy_appdeploy"
owner "apache" # <===== If the permissions are set like this, `deploy` works, `deploy_revision` fails.
group "users"
mode 0600
action :create
# Try and deploy a private repo
deploy_revision "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}" do
repo ""
revision "HEAD"
user "appdeploy"
group "apache"
symlink_before_migrate "config/database.yml" => "database.yml" # This is the shared env config
shallow_clone true
action :deploy
restart_command "touch tmp/restart.txt"
ssh_wrapper "#{node['appdeploy']['dir']}/shared/deploy-ssh-wrapper"
scm_provider Chef::Provider::Git
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Deploy SSH Wrapper
# Rendered by Chef - local changes will be replaced
/usr/bin/env ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -i "<%= @deploy_key %>" $1 $2
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