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Forked from alq666/haproxy.awk
Last active December 18, 2015 00:59
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# File dropped of by Chef, local modifications will be overwritten!
# 2013-05-08T00:00:02+00:00 haproxy[30746]: [07/May/2013:23:59:56.974] public dogdispatcher/i-5e4d843b:9000 4/0/5001/1002/6009 202 166 - - ---- 132/132/35/11/1 0/0 "POST /api/v1/series/?api_key=<redacted> HTTP/1.1"
# Field numbers, description, example
# Ref:
# 1 (rsyslog) log time
# 2 (rsyslog) haproxy server
# 3 process_name '[' pid ']:' haproxy[14389]:
# 4 client_ip ':' client_port
# 5 '[' accept_date ']' [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655]
# 6 frontend_name http-in
# 7 backend_name '/' server_name static/srv1
# 8 Tq '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Tt* 10/0/30/69/109
# 9 status_code 200
# 10 bytes_read* 2750
# 11 captured_request_cookie -
# 12 captured_response_cookie -
# 13 termination_state ----
# 14 actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries* 1/1/1/1/0
# 15 srv_queue '/' backend_queue 0/0
# 16 '{' captured_request_headers* '}' {}
# 17 '{' captured_response_headers* '}' {}
# 18 '"' http_request '"' "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
now = systime();
one_hour_ago = now - 3600;
# only report on log entries that match the time range
# need to do some fun string conversions, and by fun I mean not.
log_line_time_raw = $1
gsub(/[-:]|T|+/," ",log_line_time_raw);
split(log_line_time_raw, d, " ");
# Now we have an array 'd' that maps to:
# 1 YYYY
# 2 MM
# 3 DD
# 4 HH
# 5 MM
# 6 SS
# 7 TZ-HH
# 8 TZ-MM
log_line_time_epoch = mktime(d[1]" "d[2]" "d[3]" "d[4]" "d[5]" "d[6])
status_code = $9
# compare converted timestamp to determine if in time range
if ( log_line_time_epoch <= now && log_line_time_epoch >= one_hour_ago )
# then test to see if the status_code is indeed a status_code
valid = match(status_code, /^[0-9]+/);
if (valid != 0)
freq[status_code]++ ;
# No 'else' statements, simply pass on lines that don't match
for (code in freq)
printf "%s,%s\n", code, freq[code]
# Dump some debug info to stderr
print now, NR, "Records Processed" > "/dev/stderr";
# File dropped of by Chef, local modifications will be overwritten!
import csv
import sys
# use dogstatsd instead of the API directly
from statsd import statsd
reader = csv.reader(sys.stdin)
for line in reader:
tag = "code:%s" % (line[0])
statsd.gauge('dd.haproxy.response_codes_per_hour', line[1], tags=[tag])
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