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Last active August 14, 2022 21:16
Password Resetting in Servicestack
using CORE.Kernel.ExtensionMethods;
using CORE.Models;
using ServiceStack.Common;
using ServiceStack.Common.Web;
using ServiceStack.FluentValidation;
using ServiceStack.ServiceHost;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Auth;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.ServiceModel;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Validation;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Validation;
namespace CORE
public class PasswordResetRequest
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public string newpassword { get; set; }
public class passwordResetResponse
public string id { get; set; }
public bool passwordChanged { get; set; }
public bool valid { get; set; }
internal class PasswordResetService : AppServiceBase
public IUserAuthRepository UserAuthRepo { get; set; }
//Called when a password reset link is clicked.
public object Get(PasswordResetRequest request)
if (!ValidationLibrary.validate(request.Id, ValidationLibrary.GUID))
return new passwordResetResponse() { valid = false };
//Display Change Password Screen
var resetrequest = Cache.Get<PasswordResetRequest>(request.Id);
var response = new passwordResetResponse();
response.valid = !(resetrequest == null); = request.Id;
return response;
//Called when the password request is initiated.
public string Post(PasswordResetRequest request)
if (request.Email == null)
this.Response.StatusCode = 400;
return "You must provide an email address.";
if (UserAuthRepo.GetUserAuthByUserName(request.Email) == null)
this.Response.StatusCode = 400;
return "Email Address not registered.";
request.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Cache.Add<PasswordResetRequest>(request.Id, request, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
var email = new Email(); = new List<EmailAddress>(); EmailAddress() { email = request.Email });
email.from = new EmailAddress() { email = "" };
email.subject = "Password Reset";
email.body = "<p>Uh Oh! Have you forgotten your password?</p><p>Somebody asked for a password reminder, if it was you click this link to reset it now.</p><p><a href=\""+AppConfig.getAppConfig().appURL+"/passwordreset?id=" + request.Id + "\">"+AppConfig.getAppConfig().appURL+"/passwordreset?id=" + request.Id + "</a></p><p>This link is valid for 1 hour</p><p>If you've remember your password, or you didn't request a reset, you can ignore this email</p><p>Regards</p><p>Cornwall College</p>";
email.TrackingId = request.Id;
return "An email has been sent with a link to reset your password.";
public passwordResetResponse Put(PasswordResetRequest request)
if (!ValidationLibrary.validate(request.Id, ValidationLibrary.GUID))
return new passwordResetResponse() { valid = false };
if (!ValidationLibrary.validate(request.newpassword, ValidationLibrary.UserPassword))
return new passwordResetResponse() { valid = false };
//Changes the password
var resetrequest = Cache.Get<PasswordResetRequest>(request.Id);
var response = new passwordResetResponse();
if (resetrequest == null)
response.valid = false;
return response;
response.valid = true;
var existingUser = UserAuthRepo.GetUserAuthByUserName(resetrequest.Email);
if (existingUser == null)
return new passwordResetResponse() { valid = false };
UserAuthRepo.UpdateUserAuth(existingUser, existingUser, request.newpassword);
response.passwordChanged = true;
return response;
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Hi Mike,

I like your solution, and it's exactly what I am looking for! Thanks for share the code.

If you don't mind, could you also put the code of:

  1. PublishMessage(email);
  2. ValidationLibrary.validate()

So I can complete my own test version of it?

Or you could email me the code at

Many thanks in advance,


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There is a security issue here!

Line 103 should be:
if (resetrequest == null || resetrequest.Email != request.Email)

otherwise it is possible to ask a password reset from one user and then reset the password of another user. Nice!

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Just my 2 pence: Further to this, on Line 69-71, I wouldn't return an error if it's an unknown email address as this leaves you open to brute force "find a valid email address" attacks - return should be a success and on the client give a message like "If you're a valid user you'll receive an email..."

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Thanks for idea of using cache to store reset request

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