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Created September 17, 2012 19:56
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multiplatform shader
varying lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD2;
varying lowp vec3 xlv_TEXCOORD1;
varying highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
uniform lowp vec4 _WorldSpaceLightPos0;
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform lowp vec4 _LightColor0;
void main ()
lowp vec4 c;
lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
tmpvar_1 = texture2D (_MainTex, xlv_TEXCOORD0);
lowp vec4 c_i0_i1; = (( * * (max (0.0, dot (xlv_TEXCOORD1, * 2.0));
c_i0_i1.w = tmpvar_1.w;
c = c_i0_i1; = ( + ( * xlv_TEXCOORD2));
gl_FragData[0] = c;
SubProgram "opengl " {
Bind "vertex" Vertex
Bind "texcoord" TexCoord0
Bind "texcoord1" TexCoord1
Vector 9 [unity_LightmapST]
Vector 10 [_MainTex_ST]
# 6 ALU
PARAM c[11] = { program.local[0],
program.local[5..10] };
MAD result.texcoord[0].xy, vertex.texcoord[0], c[10], c[10].zwzw;
MAD result.texcoord[1].xy, vertex.texcoord[1], c[9], c[9].zwzw;
DP4 result.position.w, vertex.position, c[4];
DP4 result.position.z, vertex.position, c[3];
DP4 result.position.y, vertex.position, c[2];
DP4 result.position.x, vertex.position, c[1];
# 6 instructions, 0 R-regs
SubProgram "d3d9 " {
Bind "vertex" Vertex
Bind "texcoord" TexCoord0
Bind "texcoord1" TexCoord1
Matrix 0 [glstate_matrix_mvp]
Vector 8 [unity_LightmapST]
Vector 9 [_MainTex_ST]
; 6 ALU
dcl_position0 v0
dcl_texcoord0 v2
dcl_texcoord1 v3
mad oT0.xy, v2, c9, c9.zwzw
mad oT1.xy, v3, c8, c8.zwzw
dp4 oPos.w, v0, c3
dp4 oPos.z, v0, c2
dp4 oPos.y, v0, c1
dp4 oPos.x, v0, c0
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