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Last active December 20, 2015 19:38
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Save miketucker/6184269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
// Create a Sublime Text 2 project from a Unity project
// Includes folders and file types of your choosing
// Includes all assemblies for autocompletion in CompleteSharp package
public class SyncSublimeText : Editor
// Put all Assets subfolders you want to include here
private static string[] includeFolders = new[]{"/Scripts/", "/Shaders/", "/Plugins/"};
// Put all extensions you want to include here
private static string[] includeExtensions = new[]{"cs", "js", "txt", "shader", "cginc", "xml"};
// Put a custom path for the Unity Managed DLLs here, if you want one
private const string customUnityDLLPath = "";
private static string unityDLLPath = "";
[MenuItem("Assets/Sync Sublime Text 2 Project")]
static void SyncST2Project()
// Set the managed DLL path
if(customUnityDLLPath != "")
unityDLLPath = customUnityDLLPath;
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor)
unityDLLPath = EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath + "/Frameworks/Managed/";
unityDLLPath = EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath + "/Managed/";
// Output file string
string outFile = "";
// Output file location
string outFolder = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, Application.dataPath.Length - 7);
// Get folder name for current project
string projectFolderName = outFolder.Substring(outFolder.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
// Add project folders
outFile = "{\n";
outFile += "\t\"folders\":\n";
outFile += "\t[\n";
for(int n = 0; n < includeFolders.Length; n++)
string cFolder = includeFolders[n];
outFile += "\t\t{\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"file_include_patterns\":\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t[\n";
for(int i = 0; i < includeExtensions.Length; i++)
string cExtension = includeExtensions[i];
outFile += "\t\t\t\t\"*." + cExtension + "\"";
if(i != includeExtensions.Length-1)
outFile += ",";
outFile += "\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t],\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"path\": \"" + Application.dataPath + cFolder + "\"\n";
outFile += "\t\t}";
if(n != includeFolders.Length-1)
outFile += ",";
outFile += "\n";
outFile += "\t],\n";
outFile += "\n";
// Add autocompletion assemblies
outFile += "\t\"settings\":\n";
outFile += "\t{\n";
outFile += "\t\t\"completesharp_assemblies\":\n";
outFile += "\t\t[\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"" + unityDLLPath + "UnityEngine.dll\",\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"" + unityDLLPath + "UnityEditor.dll\",\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"" + Application.dataPath + "/../Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp.dll\",\n";
outFile += "\t\t\t\"" + Application.dataPath + "/../Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll\"";
string[] dllFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if(dllFiles.Length > 0)
outFile += ",\n";
outFile += "\n";
foreach(string file in dllFiles)
outFile += "\t\t\t\"" + file + "\"";
if(file != dllFiles[dllFiles.Length-1])
outFile += ",";
outFile += "\n";
outFile += "\t\t]\n";
outFile += "\t}\n";
outFile += "}\n";
// Write the file to disk
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outFolder + "/" + projectFolderName + " - ST2.sublime-project");
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