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Created January 19, 2021 14:52
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Discussing a charter for WebAppSec in 2021.

WebAppSec Charter 2019


The mission of the Web Application Security Working Group is to develop security and policy mechanisms to improve the security of Web Applications, and enable secure cross-origin communication.


Modern Web Applications are composed of many parts and technologies. They may transclude, reference or have information flows between resources at the same, related or different origins. Due to the historically coarse-grained nature of the security boundaries and principals defined for such applications, they can be very difficult to secure.

In particular, application authors desire uniform policy mechanisms to allow application components to drop privileges and reduce the chance they will be exploited, or that exploits will compromise other content, to isolate themselves from vulnerabilities in content that might otherwise be within the same security boundaries, and to communicate securely across security boundaries. These issues are especially relevant for the many web applications which incorporate other web application resources (mashups). That is, they comprise multiple origins (i.e., security principals).

Areas of scope for this working group include:

Vulnerability Mitigation

Vulnerabilities are inevitable in sufficiently complex applications. The WG will work on mechanisms to reduce the scope, exploitability and impact of common vulnerabilities and vulnerability classes in web applications, especially script injection / XSS.

Attack Surface Reduction

The WG will design mechanisms to:

  • Allow applications to restrict or forbid potentially dangerous features which they do not intend to use
  • Govern information and content flows into and out of an application
  • Allow applications to isolate themselves from other content which may contain unrelated vulnerabilities
  • Sandbox potentially untrusted content and allow it to be interacted with more safely
  • Uniquely identify application content such that unauthorized modifications may be detected and prevented
  • Replace or augment injection-prone APIs in the browser with safer alternatives using strategies such as sanitization, strict contextual autoescaping, and other validation and encoding strategies currently employed by server-side code.

Secure Mashups

Several mechanisms for secure resource sharing and messaging across origins exist or are being specified, but several common and desirable use cases are not covered by existing work, such as:

  • Allowing child IFRAMEs to protect themselves from "clickjacking"
  • Providing labeled information flows and confinement properties to enable secure mashups. This is especially relevant for, e.g. applications communicating between security principals with different user-granted permissions (e.g. geolocation)


Given the ad-hoc nature in which many important security features of the Web have evolved, providing uniformly secure experiences to users is difficult for developers. The WG will document and create uniform experiences for several undefined areas of major utility, including:

  • Treatment of Mixed HTTPS/HTTP Content and defining Secure/Authenticated Origins for purposes of user experience, content inclusion/transclusion and other information flows, and for features which require a verifiably secure environment
  • Providing hinting and direct support for credential managers, whether integrated into the user-agent or 3rd-party, to assist users in managing the complexities of secure passwords
  • Application awareness of features which may require explicit user permission to enable.

The Web Security Model

The WG may be called on to advise other WGs or the TAG on the fundamental security model of the Web Platform and may produce Recommendations towards the advancement of, or addressing legacy issues with, the model, such as mitigating cross-origin data leaks or side channel attacks.

In addition to developing Recommendation Track documents in support of these goals, the Web Application Security Working Group may provide review of specifications from other Working Groups, in particular as these specifications touch on chartered deliverables of this group (in particular CSP), or the Web security model, and may also develop non-normative documents in support of Web security, such as developer and user guides for its normative specifications.

Success Criteria

To advance to Proposed Recommendation, each specification is expected to have two independent implementations of each feature described in the specification.

Each specification should contain a section detailing all known security and privacy implications for implementers, Web authors, and end users.

For specifications of technologies that directly impact user experience, each specification should contain a section on accessibility that describes the benefits and impacts, including ways specification features can be used to address them, and recommendations for maximising accessibility in implementations.


  • CSP3 (FPWD; Editor’s draft last update Nov 2020)
  • Content Security Policy: Embedded Enforcement (Editor’s draft, last update Oct 2018)
  • Mixed Content (Level 1 CR 2106; Level 2 Editor’s draft, last update Nov 2020)
  • Upgrade Insecure Requests (CR in 2015; last update 2016)
  • Secure Contexts (CR 2016; last update Feb 2020)
  • Clear Site Data (Editor’s draft; last update Nov 2017)
  • Referrer Policy (CR 2017; last update July 2020)
  • Credential Management API (Editor’s draft, last update Oct 2019)
  • Subresource Integrity Level 2 (Level 1 REC 2016; Level 2 Editor’s draft, last update Jan 2020)
  • Suborigins (Last update May 2017)
  • Origin-Wide Policy (Still in WICG)
  • Permissions API (Editor’s draft, last update July 2020)
  • Permissions Policy (Editor’s draft, last update Dec 2020)

Dependencies and Liasons

W3C Groups

Outside Groups


To be successful, the Web Application Security Working Group is expected to have 10 active participants for its duration. Effective participation to Web Application Security Working Group is expected to consume one day per week for chairs and editors. The Web Application Security Working Group will allocate also the necessary resources for building Test Suites for each specification.


This group conducts general discussion on the public mailing list (archive).

Discussion on issues related to specific deliverables is primarily conducted through the use of GitHub issues. The WG's main GitHub repository is at, which links to individual repositories for each deliverable.

Information about the group (deliverables, participants, face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, etc.) is available from the Web Application Security Working Group home page.

Decision Policy

As explained in the Process Document (section 3.3), this group will seek to make decisions when there is consensus. When the Chair puts a question and observes dissent, after due consideration of different opinions, the Chairs should put a question out for voting within the group (allowing for remote asynchronous participation -- using, for example, email and/or web-based survey techniques) and record a decision, along with any objections. The matter should then be considered resolved unless and until new information becomes available.

Any resolution first taken in a face-to-face meeting or teleconference [i.e., that does not follow a 7 day call for consensus on the mailing list] is to be considered provisional until confirmed by an asynchronous call for consensus. If no objections are raised on the mailing list within that time, the resolution will be considered to have consensus as a resolution of the Working Group.

Patent Policy

This Working Group operates under the W3C Patent Policy (Version of 5 February 2004 updated 1 August 2017). To promote the widest adoption of Web standards, W3C seeks to issue Recommendations that can be implemented, according to this policy, on a Royalty-Free basis. For more information about disclosure obligations for this group, please see the W3C Patent Policy Implementation.


This Working Group will use the W3C Software and Document license for all deliverables.

About This Charter

This charter for the Web Application Security Working Group has been created according to section 5.2 of the Process Document. In the event of a conflict between this document or the provisions of any charter and the W3C Process, the W3C Process shall take precedence.

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