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Last active March 8, 2017 14:55
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// Registration
rpDisplayName: "Acme",
displayName: "John P. Smith",
name: "",
id: "1098237235409872",
imageURL: ""
}, [
type: "ScopedCred",
algorithm: "ES256"
type: "ScopedCred",
algorithm: "RS256"
], "Y2xpbWIgYSBtb3VudGFpbg", {
timeoutSeconds: 300,
excludeList: [],
extensions: {
"webauthn.location": true
.then(credentialInfo => {
// Send new credential info to server for verification and registration.
.catch(e => {
// No acceptable authenticatior, or user refused.
// Authentication, with no hint.
timeoutSeconds: 300,
allowList: [{
type: "ScopedCred"
.then(assertion => {
// Send |assertion| to server for verification.
.catch(e => {
// Handle |e| gracefully.
// Authentication, with hint.
timeoutSeconds: 300,
allowList: [
type: "ScopedCred",
type: "ScopedCred",
id: "cm9zZXMgYXJlIHJlZCwgdmlvbGV0cyBhcmUgYmx1ZQo="
extensions: {
'webauthn.txauth.simple': "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care"
.then(function (assertion) {
// Send assertion to server for verification
}).catch(function (err) {
// No acceptable credential or user refused consent. Handle appropriately.
// Assumign something like the following IDL:
interface AwesomeNewCredential : Credential {
readonly attribute AwesomeNewCredentialAssertion? assertion;
static Promise<AwesomeNewCredential> register(AwesomeNewCredentialData data);
dictionary AwesomeNewCredentialData : CredentialData {
required DOMString relyingParty;
required DOMString displayName;
required DOMString id;
DOMString name;
USVString imageURL;
sequence<AlgorithmIdentifier> algorithm;
BufferSource challenge;
ScopedCredentialOptions options;
interface AwesomeNewCredentialAssertion {
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer clientDataJSON;
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer attestationObject;
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer? signature;
dictionary AwesomeNewCredentialRequestOptions : CredentialRequestOptions {
BufferSource challenge;
unsigned long timeoutSeconds;
USVString rpId;
sequence <ScopedCredentialDescriptor> allowList;
WebAuthnExtensions extensions;
partial dictionary CredentialRequestOptions {
AwesomeNewCredentialRequestOptions AwesomeNew;
// Registration
try {
var c = await AwesomeNewCredential.register({
relyingParty: "Acme",
displayName: "John P. Smith",
name: "",
id: "1098237235409872",
imageURL: "",
algorithms: [ "ES256", "RS256" ],
challenge: "Y2xpbWIgYSBtb3VudGFpbg",
options: {
timeoutSeconds: 300,
excludeList: [],
extensions: {
"webauthn.location": true
// Send |c.assertion| to the server to bind it to an account.
} catch (e) {
// Handle |e| gracefully.
// Authentication, with no hint:
try {
var c = await navigator.credentials.get({
AwesomeNew: {
challenge: "Y2xpbWIgYSBtb3VudGFpbg",
timeoutSeconds: 300
// Send |c.assertion| to server for verification.
} catch (e) {
// Handle |e| gracefully.
// Authentication, with hint:
try {
var c = await navigator.credentials.get({
AwesomeNew: {
challenge: "Y2xpbWIgYSBtb3VudGFpbg",
timeoutSeconds: 300,
allowList: [ "ISEhISEhIWhpIHRoZXJlISEhISEhIQo=", "cm9zZXMgYXJlIHJlZCwgdmlvbGV0cyBhcmUgYmx1ZQo=" ],
extensions: {
'webauthn.txauth.simple': "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care"
// Send |c.assertion| to server for verification.
} catch (e) {
// Handle |e| gracefully.
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