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Created August 8, 2017 20:04
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class WaitingQueueSignalHandler {
* Flag indicating that a restart is necessary.
* @var bool
protected $rebootRequired = FALSE;
* Flag indicating that a job is currently being processed.
* @var bool
protected $processing = FALSE;
* An array of all the signals for which handlers have been registered.
* @var array
protected $signals = array();
* State variable that tracks if an interrupt has already been sent once on
* this job cycle.
* By keeping track of this, we can allow external actors to forcibly shut
* interrupt a job while in process without having to resort to SIGKILL.
* We do not reuse $rebootRequired in order to clearly separate the expected
* SIGALRM case from an unexpected external signal.
* @var bool
protected $interrupted = FALSE;
* Creates a new signal handler helper, attaching to it the set of desired
* signals.
* @param array $rebootSignals
* An array of signals (e.g., SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP). The only disallowed
* signal is SIGALRM, as waiting_queue uses it internally.
public function __construct(array $rebootSignals = array()) {
* Informs the signal handler that job processing is commencing.
* @param mixed $item
* The job payload that is about to be processed. There are no restrictions
* on payload format, though they tend to be serialize()d strings.
public function startJob($item) {
$this->processing = TRUE;
* Informs the signal handler that job processing has finished.
* Calling this method does not imply success or failure of the job, only that
* processing has ceased.
public function finishJob() {
$this->processing = FALSE;
// Reset interrupt state, even though it shouldn't matter.
$this->interrupted = FALSE;
if (TRUE === $this->rebootRequired) {
* Informs the signal handler that a reboot is needed at the next possible
* opportunity.
public function rebootRequired() {
$this->rebootRequired = TRUE;
* Processes an incoming signal.
* This is the main signal handler method, used to process all signals except
* @param integer $signal
* The signal sent, as an integer.
public function signalHandler($signal) {
if (TRUE === $this->processing) {
if (SIGINT === $signal) {
if (FALSE === $this->interrupted) {
print("A job is currently being processed; the worker will be shut down when the job is finished. Press Ctrl-C again to quit immediately without waiting for the job to complete.\n");
$this->interrupted = TRUE;
else {
print("Shutting down immediately...\n");
else {
* Processes an incoming SIGALRM, used for intentional timed self-termination.
* @param integer $signal
* The integer value of SIGALRM (14).
public function alarmHandler($signal) {
if (TRUE === $this->processing) {
print("Alarm received, job is processing, exit soon\n");
else {
print("Alarm received, exiting now\n");
* Terminate the current process as safely as possible.
protected function gracefulExit() {
// Simply exit. Child classes should put cleanup logic here, if needed.
* Registers signal handlers with the current PHP process.
* @param array $rebootSignals
protected function installHandlers($rebootSignals) {
$this->signals = $rebootSignals;
declare(ticks = 1);
foreach ($rebootSignals as $signal) {
pcntl_signal($signal, array($this, 'signalHandler'));
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, array($this, 'alarmHandler'));
$sh = new WaitingQueueSignalHandler([SIGTERM, SIGINT]);
// loop forever performing tasks
$seconds = 0;
while (1) {
// do something interesting here
$seconds += 4;
print("This program has been running for $seconds seconds\n");
* Implements hook_drush_help().
function waiting_queue_drush_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'drush:process-waiting-queue':
return dt('Run the named, waiting Drupal queue. Allows for processing queues that block indefinitely waiting for new jobs without holding up other queues.');
* Implements hook_drush_command().
function waiting_queue_drush_command() {
$items['process-waiting-queue'] = array(
'callback' => 'waiting_queue_process_queue',
'description' => 'Run the named, waiting Drupal queue.',
'arguments' => array(
'queue_to_process' => 'The name of the queue to run.',
$items['test-signals'] = array(
'callback' => 'waiting_queue_test_signals',
'description' => '',
'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE,
return $items;
* Gateway to either a signal or non-signal based waiting_queue implementation.
* Signal handling gives us a much more robust and precise queue, so we use it
* if it's at all available.
* @param string $queue_name
function waiting_queue_process_queue($queue_name) {
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
$queue_runner = \Drupal::service('waiting_queue.signal_queue_runner_service');
else {
$queue_runner = \Drupal::service('waiting_queue.queue_runner_service');
function waiting_queue_test_signals() {
// var_dump(pcntl_signal_get_handler(SIGINT));
$sh = new WaitingQueueSignalHandler([SIGTERM, SIGINT]);
// loop forever performing tasks
$seconds = 0;
while (1) {
// do something interesting here
$seconds += 4;
print("This program has been running for $seconds seconds\n");
class WaitingQueueSignalHandler {
* Flag indicating that a restart is necessary.
* @var bool
protected $rebootRequired = FALSE;
* Flag indicating that a job is currently being processed.
* @var bool
protected $processing = FALSE;
* An array of all the signals for which handlers have been registered.
* @var array
protected $signals = array();
* State variable that tracks if an interrupt has already been sent once on
* this job cycle.
* By keeping track of this, we can allow external actors to forcibly shut
* interrupt a job while in process without having to resort to SIGKILL.
* We do not reuse $rebootRequired in order to clearly separate the expected
* SIGALRM case from an unexpected external signal.
* @var bool
protected $interrupted = FALSE;
* Creates a new signal handler helper, attaching to it the set of desired
* signals.
* @param array $rebootSignals
* An array of signals (e.g., SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP). The only disallowed
* signal is SIGALRM, as waiting_queue uses it internally.
public function __construct(array $rebootSignals = array()) {
* Informs the signal handler that job processing is commencing.
* @param mixed $item
* The job payload that is about to be processed. There are no restrictions
* on payload format, though they tend to be serialize()d strings.
public function startJob($item) {
$this->processing = TRUE;
* Informs the signal handler that job processing has finished.
* Calling this method does not imply success or failure of the job, only that
* processing has ceased.
public function finishJob() {
$this->processing = FALSE;
// Reset interrupt state, even though it shouldn't matter.
$this->interrupted = FALSE;
if (TRUE === $this->rebootRequired) {
* Informs the signal handler that a reboot is needed at the next possible
* opportunity.
public function rebootRequired() {
$this->rebootRequired = TRUE;
* Processes an incoming signal.
* This is the main signal handler method, used to process all signals except
* @param integer $signal
* The signal sent, as an integer.
public function signalHandler($signal) {
print("signal received!");
if (TRUE === $this->processing) {
if (SIGINT === $signal) {
if (FALSE === $this->interrupted) {
print("A job is currently being processed; the worker will be shut down when the job is finished. Press Ctrl-C again to quit immediately without waiting for the job to complete.\n");
$this->interrupted = TRUE;
else {
print("Shutting down immediately...\n");
else {
* Processes an incoming SIGALRM, used for intentional timed self-termination.
* @param integer $signal
* The integer value of SIGALRM (14).
public function alarmHandler($signal) {
if (TRUE === $this->processing) {
print("Alarm received, job is processing, exit soon\n");
else {
print("Alarm received, exiting now\n");
* Terminate the current process as safely as possible.
protected function gracefulExit() {
// Simply exit. Child classes should put cleanup logic here, if needed.
* Registers signal handlers with the current PHP process.
* @param array $rebootSignals
protected function installHandlers($rebootSignals) {
$this->signals = $rebootSignals;
declare(ticks = 1);
foreach ($rebootSignals as $signal) {
pcntl_signal($signal, array($this, 'signalHandler'));
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, array($this, 'alarmHandler'));
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