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Created May 16, 2016 04:38
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Hyperledger Peer Node Log (vp3)
3:58:30.093 [crypto] main -> INFO 001 Log level recognized 'info', set to INFO
03:58:30.094 [peer] func1 -> INFO 002 Auto detected peer address:
03:58:30.094 [peer] func1 -> INFO 003 Auto detected peer address:
03:58:30.094 [peer] func1 -> INFO 004 Auto detected peer address:
03:58:30.095 [main] serve -> INFO 005 Security enabled status: false
03:58:30.095 [main] serve -> INFO 006 Privacy enabled status: false
03:58:30.096 [chaincode] NewChaincodeSupport -> INFO 007 Chaincode support using peerAddress:
03:58:30.096 [eventhub_producer] start -> INFO 008 event processor started
03:58:30.110 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 009 Loading configurations...
03:58:30.110 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 00a Configurations loaded. stateImplName=[buckettree], stateImplConfigs=map[maxGroupingAtEachLevel:%!s(int=5) bucketCacheSize:%!s(int=100) numBuckets:%!s(int=1000003)], deltaHistorySize=[500]
03:58:30.110 [state] NewState -> INFO 00b Initializing state implementation [buckettree]
03:58:30.110 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 00c configs passed during initialization = map[string]interface {}{"numBuckets":1000003, "maxGroupingAtEachLevel":5, "bucketCacheSize":100}
03:58:30.110 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 00d Initializing bucket tree state implemetation with configurations &{maxGroupingAtEachLevel:5 lowestLevel:9 levelToNumBucketsMap:map[4:321 1:3 9:1000003 5:1601 3:65 2:13 0:1 8:200001 7:40001 6:8001] hashFunc:0xa71330}
03:58:30.110 [buckettree] newBucketCache -> INFO 00e Constructing bucket-cache with max bucket cache size = [100] MBs
03:58:30.110 [buckettree] loadAllBucketNodesFromDB -> INFO 00f Loaded buckets data in cache. Total buckets in DB = [0]. Total cache size:=0
03:58:30.110 [genesis] func1 -> INFO 010 Creating genesis block.
03:58:30.110 [genesis] loadConfigs -> INFO 011 Loading configurations...
03:58:30.111 [genesis] loadConfigs -> INFO 012 Configurations loaded: genesis=map[chaincodes:<nil>], mode=[], deploySystemChaincodeEnabled=[false]
03:58:30.111 [genesis] func1 -> INFO 013 No genesis block chaincodes defined.
03:58:30.111 [genesis] 1 -> INFO 014 Adding 0 system chaincodes to the genesis block.
03:58:30.111 [consensus/controller] NewConsenter -> INFO 015 Creating consensus plugin pbft
03:58:30.111 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 016 PBFT type = *obcpbft.obcClassic
03:58:30.111 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 017 PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = 4
03:58:30.111 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 018 PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = 1
03:58:30.111 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 019 PBFT byzantine flag = false
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01a PBFT request timeout = 10s
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01b PBFT view change timeout = 2s
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01c PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = 10
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01d PBFT Log multiplier = 4
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01e PBFT log size (L) = 40
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] restoreLastSeqNo -> INFO 01f Replica 3 restored lastExec: 0
03:58:30.112 [consensus/obcpbft] restoreState -> INFO 020 Replica 3 restored state: view: 0, seqNo: 0, pset: 0, qset: 0, reqs: 0, chkpts: 1
03:58:30.112 [main] serve -> INFO 021 Starting peer with id=name:"vp3" , network id=dev, address=, discovery.rootnode=, validator=true
03:58:30.112 [rest] StartOpenchainRESTServer -> INFO 022 Initializing the REST service on, TLS is disabled.
03:58:31.114 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> INFO 023 Registering connection from <nil>
03:58:37.116 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 024 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:37.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 025 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:37.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 026 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:37.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 027 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:37.118 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 028 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:37.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 029 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:37.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 02a Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:42.116 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 02b Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:42.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 02c Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:42.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 02d Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:42.117 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 02e Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:42.118 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 02f Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:42.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 030 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:42.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 031 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:42.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 032 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:42.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 033 Error handling message: Peer FSM cannot handle message (DISC_GET_PEERS) with payload size (0) while in state: created
03:58:47.116 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 034 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:47.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 035 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:47.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 036 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:47.117 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 037 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:47.118 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 038 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:47.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 039 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:47.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 03a Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:47.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 03b Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:47.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 03c Error handling message: Peer FSM cannot handle message (DISC_GET_PEERS) with payload size (0) while in state: created
03:58:52.116 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 03d Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:52.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 03e Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:52.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 03f Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:52.117 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 040 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:52.118 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 041 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:52.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 042 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:52.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 043 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:52.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 044 Error handling message: Peer FSM failed while handling message (DISC_HELLO): current state: created, error: transition canceled with error: Error registering Handler: Duplicate Handler error: {name:"vp3" VALIDATOR }
03:58:52.118 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 045 Error handling message: Peer FSM cannot handle message (DISC_GET_PEERS) with payload size (0) while in state: created
03:58:57.116 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 046 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:57.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 047 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
03:58:57.117 [consensus/util] RegisterChannel -> WARN 048 Received duplicate connection from <nil>, switching to new connection
[repeats pattern...]
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