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Created February 26, 2017 21:49
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SpriteSheet and AnimatedSpriteSheet classes for Monogame.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System;
namespace AdvancedWars
class AnimatedSpriteSheet
private string baseName;
private int frameCount;
private int tileWidth;
private int tileHeight;
private int tilePadding;
private SpriteSheet[] sheets;
public AnimatedSpriteSheet(string baseName, int frameCount, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int tilePadding = 0)
this.baseName = baseName;
this.frameCount = frameCount;
this.tileWidth = tileWidth;
this.tileHeight = tileHeight;
this.tilePadding = tilePadding;
sheets = new SpriteSheet[frameCount];
public void LoadContent(ContentManager content)
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
sheets[i] = new SpriteSheet(content.Load<Texture2D>(baseName + i.ToString()), tileWidth, tileHeight, tilePadding);
public void DrawSprite(SpriteBatch batch, int spriteIndex, Vector2 location, int frame)
if (frame < 0 || frame >= frameCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Tried to draw a frame that's either less than 0, or greater than the number of frame in the sheet.");
sheets[frame].DrawSprite(batch, spriteIndex, location);
public void DrawSpriteSet(SpriteBatch batch, int[] spriteSet, int rowLength, Vector2 location, int frame)
if (frame < 0 || frame >= frameCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Tried to draw a frame that's either less than 0, or greater than the number of frame in the sheet.");
sheets[frame].DrawSpriteSet(batch, spriteSet, rowLength, location);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace AdvancedWars
class SpriteSheet
Texture2D sheet;
int tileWidth;
int tileHeight;
int padding;
int sheetWidthInTiles;
int sheetHeightInTiles;
public int TileCount { get; private set; }
Rectangle[] SourceRects;
public SpriteSheet(Texture2D sheet, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int padding = 0)
this.sheet = sheet;
this.tileHeight = tileHeight;
this.tileWidth = tileWidth;
this.padding = padding;
private void CalculateSheet()
sheetWidthInTiles = sheet.Width / (tileWidth + padding) + (padding > 0 ? 1 : 0);
sheetHeightInTiles = sheet.Height / (tileHeight + padding) + (padding > 0 ? 1 : 0);
TileCount = sheetWidthInTiles * sheetHeightInTiles;
SourceRects = new Rectangle[TileCount];
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < sheetHeightInTiles; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < sheetWidthInTiles; x++)
SourceRects[index++] = new Rectangle((x * tileWidth) + (x * padding), (y * tileHeight) + (y * padding), tileWidth, tileHeight);
public void DrawSprite(SpriteBatch batch, int spriteIndex, Vector2 location)
batch.Draw(sheet, location, SourceRects[spriteIndex], Color.White);
public void DrawSpriteSet(SpriteBatch batch, int[] spriteSet, int rowLength, Vector2 location)
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < spriteSet.Length; i++)
if (spriteSet[i] != -1)
batch.Draw(sheet, location + new Vector2(tileWidth * x, tileHeight * y), SourceRects[spriteSet[i]], Color.White);
if (i % rowLength == rowLength - 1)
x = 0;
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