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Last active January 7, 2020 03:37
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  • Save mikezimm/83a4dbdf4fb9f2aa567c32a1bf5001bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mikezimm/83a4dbdf4fb9f2aa567c32a1bf5001bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TrackMyTime @pnp/sp batch call issue
// useProjectWeb =
// useTrackMyTimeWeb =
//When I run on the same site as the 2 webs listed above, all works well with all the calls inBatch(batch)
// When I run on another subsite and am trying to call the original web:
// WORKS FINE: sp.web.currentUser.inBatch(batch)
// WORKS FINE: projectWeb.lists.getByTitle(useProjectList)....inBatch(batch)
// FAILS : trackTimeWeb.lists.getByTitle(useTrackMyTimeList).inBatch(batch)
private _getListItems(): void {
const projectWeb = Web(useProjectWeb);
const trackTimeWeb = Web(useTrackMyTimeWeb);
let batch: any = sp.createBatch();
sp.web.currentUser.inBatch(batch).get().then((r) => {
//Stuff deleted
}).catch((e) => {
.then((response) => {
//Stuff deleted
}).catch((e) => {
// HAD TO REMOVE .inBatch() from this command for it to not error out when running from different web.
// If the webpart is on the same web listed above, there are no issues.
.then((response) => {
//Stuff deleted
}).catch((e) => {
return batch.execute().then(() => {
//return trackMyProjectsInfo;
import * as React from 'react';
import styles from './TrackMyTime7.module.scss';
import { ITrackMyTime7Props } from './ITrackMyTime7Props';
import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset';
import { sp } from '@pnp/sp';
//Updated Jan 5, 2020 per
import { Web } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
import { Pivot, PivotItem, PivotLinkSize, PivotLinkFormat } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Pivot';
import { Label, ILabelStyles } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Label';
import { IStyleSet } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Styling';
import { IChoiceGroupOption } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/ChoiceGroup';
import { DefaultButton, autobind, getLanguage, ZIndexes } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';
import { Spinner, SpinnerSize } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Spinner';
import { Link } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Link';
import { Toggle } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Toggle';
import * as strings from 'TrackMyTime7WebPartStrings';
import Utils from './utils';
import { saveTheTime, saveAnalytics } from '../../../services/createAnalytics';
import { getAge, getDayTimeToMinutes, getBestTimeDelta, getLocalMonths, getTimeSpan, getGreeting, getNicks, makeTheTimeObject, getTimeDelta} from '../../../services/dateServices';
import {IProject, ILink, ISmartText, ITimeEntry, IProjectTarget, IUser, IProjects, IProjectInfo, IEntryInfo, IEntries, IMyPivots, IPivot, ITrackMyTime7State, ISaveEntry} from './ITrackMyTime7State';
import { pivotOptionsGroup, } from '../../../services/propPane';
import { buildFormFields } from './fields/fieldDefinitions';
import ButtonCompound from './createButtons/ICreateButtons';
import { IButtonProps,ISingleButtonProps,IButtonState } from "./createButtons/ICreateButtons";
import { CompoundButton, Stack, IStackTokens, elementContains } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';
import * as listBuilders from './ListView/ListView';
import * as formBuilders from './fields/textFieldBuilder';
import * as choiceBuilders from './fields/choiceFieldBuilder';
import * as sliderBuilders from './fields/sliderFieldBuilder';
import * as smartLinks from './ActivityURL/ActivityURLMasks';
const labelStyles: Partial<IStyleSet<ILabelStyles>> = {
root: { marginTop: 10 }
export default class TrackMyTime7 extends React.Component<ITrackMyTime7Props, ITrackMyTime7State> {
private createEntryInfo() {
let entryInfo = {} as IEntryInfo;
entryInfo.all = []; //All Entries
entryInfo.user = []; //Current user's entries
entryInfo.session = []; //Current user's entries = []; //Current user's entries
entryInfo.week = []; //Current user's entries
entryInfo.userKeys = []; //Current user's entry keys
entryInfo.userPriority = []; //Current user's priority entries
entryInfo.current = []; //All 'Current' entries
entryInfo.lastFiltered = []; //Last filtered for search
entryInfo.lastEntry = [];
entryInfo.newFiltered = []; //New filtered for search
return entryInfo;
private createLink(){
let link : ILink = {
description: '',
url: '',
return link;
private createSmartText(title, name) {
let smart : ISmartText = {
value: '',
required: false,
default: '',
defaultIsPrefix: false,
prefix: '',
title: title, //Required for building text fields
name: name, //Required for building text fields
mask: '', //Required for building text fields
return smart;
private createUser() {
let user : IUser = {
title: "",
initials: "", //Single person column
email: "", //Single person column
id: null,
Id: null,
ID: null,
LoginName: "",
return user;
private createPivotData(){
// Using
let pivots : IMyPivots = {
{ headerText: "Yours",
filter: "your",
itemKey: "your",
data: "Projects where you are the Leader",
{ headerText: "Your Team",
filter: "team",
itemKey: "team",
data: "Projects where you are in the Team",
{ headerText: "Everyone",
filter: "everyone",
itemKey: "everyone",
data: "Projects where Everyone is marked Yes - overrides other categories",
{ headerText: "Others",
filter: "otherPeople",
itemKey: "otherPeople",
data: "Projects where you are not the Leader, nor in the team, and not marked Everyone",
{ headerText: "Yours",
filter: "your",
itemKey: "your",
data: "History where you are the User",
{ headerText: "Your Team",
filter: "team",
itemKey: "team",
data: "History where you are part of the Team, but not the User",
{ headerText: "Everyone",
filter: "everyone",
itemKey: "everyone",
data: "Currently not in use",
{ headerText: "Others",
filter: "otherPeople",
itemKey: "otherPeople",
data: "History where you are not the Leader, nor in the team, and not marked Everyone",
return pivots;
private createFormEntry() {
let form : ISaveEntry = {
  titleProject:'Track My Time Development',
  comments: this.createSmartText('Comments','comments'),
  projectID1:this.createSmartText('Project ID1','projectID1'),
  projectID2:this.createSmartText('Project ID2','projectID2'),
  userId: null,
return form;
private createprojectInfo() {
let projectInfo = {} as IProjectInfo;
projectInfo.master = [];
projectInfo.user = [];
projectInfo.masterPriority = [];
projectInfo.userPriority = [];
projectInfo.current = [];
projectInfo.lastFiltered = [];
projectInfo.lastProject = [];
projectInfo.all = [];
projectInfo.newFiltered = []; //New filtered for search
return projectInfo;
public constructor(props:ITrackMyTime7Props){
this.state = {
// 1 - Analytics options
// 2 - Source and destination list information
projectListURL: '', //Get from list item
timeTrackerListURL: '', //Get from list item
projectListName: '', // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
timeTrackListName: '', // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
// 3 - General how accurate do you want this to be
// 4 -Project options
pivots: this.createPivotData(),
projects: this.createprojectInfo(),
entries: this.createEntryInfo(),
loadData: {
user: null,
projects: [],
entries: [],
fields: buildFormFields(this.props, this.state),
pivtTitles:['Yours', 'Your Team','Everyone','Others'],
filteredCategory: this.props.defaultProjectPicker,
onlyActiveProjects: this.props.onlyActiveProjects,
projectType: this.props.projectType,
syncProjectPivotsOnToggle: this.props.syncProjectPivotsOnToggle, //always keep pivots in sync when toggling projects/history
// 5 - UI Defaults
currentProjectPicker: '', //User selection of defaultProjectPicker: Recent, Your Projects, All Projects etc...
currentTimePicker: this.props.defaultTimePicker, //User selection of :defaultTimePicker SinceLast, Slider, Manual???
locationChoice: '', //semi-colon separated choices
blinkOnProject: 0, //Tells text fields to blink when project is clicked on and values reset
blinkOnActivity: 0, //Tells text fields to blink when project is clicked on and values reset
smartLinkRules: smartLinks.buildSmartLinkRules(this.props),
// 6 - User Feedback:
showElapsedTimeSinceLast: true, // Idea is that it can be like a clock showing how long it's been since your last entry.
elapsedTime: 0, //Elapsed Time since last entry
allEntries: [], // List of all entries
filteredEntries: [], //List of recent entries
lastEndTime: null,
formEntry: null,
// 7 - Slider Options
timeSliderValue: 0, //incriment of time slider
projectMasterPriorityChoice: this.props.projectMasterPriority, //Use to determine what projects float to top.... your most recent? last day?
projectUserPriorityChoice: this.props.projectUserPriority, //Use to determine what projects float to top.... your most recent? last day?
// 9 - Other web part options
loadOrder: "",
projectsLoadError: "",
projectsListError: false,
projectsItemsError: false,
timeTrackerLoadError: "",
timeTrackerListError: false,
timeTrackerItemsError: false,
showTips: "none",
loadError: "",
listError: false,
itemsError: false,
searchType: '',
searchShow: true,
searchCount: 0,
searchWhere: '',
// because our event handler needs access to the component, bind
// the component to the function so it can get access to the
// components properties (this.props)... otherwise "this" is undefined
this.onLinkClick = this.onLinkClick.bind(this);
this.toggleType = this.toggleType.bind(this);
this.toggleTips = this.toggleTips.bind(this);
this.minimizeTiles = this.minimizeTiles.bind(this);
this.searchMe = this.searchMe.bind(this);
this.showAll = this.showAll.bind(this);
this.toggleLayout = this.toggleLayout.bind(this);
this.onChangePivotClick = this.onChangePivotClick.bind(this);
this.trackMyTime = this.trackMyTime.bind(this);
this.clearMyInput = this.clearMyInput.bind(this);
this._updateComments = this._updateComments.bind(this);
public componentDidMount() {
public componentDidUpdate(prevProps){
let rebuildTiles = false;
if (this.props.defaultProjectPicker !== prevProps.defaultProjectPicker) { rebuildTiles = true ; }
if (rebuildTiles === true) {
public createProjectChoices(thisState){
let projectHeading: JSX.Element = <div>
<h2> { this.state.projectType === false ? 'Pick from the Project List' : 'Or... Your recent history'}</h2>
let elemnts = [];
if (thisState.projects.all[0]){
elemnts = => (
{ project.projectType } <span>: </span>{ project.titleProject } <span> - </span>{ project.category1 } <span> - </span>{ project.category2 }
return (
<Stack horizontal={false} wrap={false}>{/* Stack for Projects */}
public createHistoryItems(thisState){
let elemnts = [];
if (thisState.filteredEntries[0]){
elemnts = => (
{ project.titleProject } { project.startTime } { project.endTime }
return ( elemnts );
public createPivotObject(setPivot, display){
let pivotPart =
style={{ flexGrow: 1, paddingLeft: '10px', display: display }}
linkSize= { pivotOptionsGroup.getPivSize(this.props.pivotSize) }
linkFormat= { pivotOptionsGroup.getPivFormat(this.props.pivotFormat) }
onLinkClick= { this.onLinkClick.bind(this) } //{this.specialClick.bind(this)}
selectedKey={ setPivot }
return pivotPart;
public createProjectTypeToggle(thisState){
let togglePart = <Toggle label=""
onText={strings.ToggleLabel_History }
styles={{ root: { width: 120, paddingTop: 13, } }}
return togglePart;
public render(): React.ReactElement<ITrackMyTime7Props> {
let setPivot = !this.state.projectType ? this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice :this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice ;
//console.log('render setPivot:', setPivot);
console.log('Public render props:', this.props);
console.log('Public render state:', this.state);
* this section was added to keep pivots in sync when syncProjectPivotsOnToggle === true
let display1 = this.state.projectType === true ? "block" :"none";
let display2 = this.state.projectType === true ? "none" :"block";
let choice1 = this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice;
let choice2 = this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice;
if (this.state.syncProjectPivotsOnToggle){
display1 = "block";
display2 = "none";
choice1 = this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice;
choice2 = this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice;
const stackButtonTokensBody: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 40 };
const stackButtonTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 40 };
const stackFormRowTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 20 };
const stackFormRowsTokens: IStackTokens = { childrenGap: 10 };
let hoursSinceLastTime = 0;
if ( this.state.timeTrackerLoadStatus === "Complete" ) {
hoursSinceLastTime = getTimeDelta( this.state.lastEndTime.theTime, new Date() , 'hours');
let isSaveDisabled = false;
if ( this.state.currentTimePicker === 'slider' ) {
if ( this.state.timeSliderValue == 0 ) { isSaveDisabled = true; }
// Also need to add if the slider would put the start time before the last end time.
} else if ( this.state.currentTimePicker === 'sinceLast' ) {
if ( hoursSinceLastTime > 2 ) { isSaveDisabled = true; }
} // else if -- Need to add logic when Manual and days not filled out
let entryOptions = choiceBuilders.creatEntryTypeChoices(this.props,this.state, this._updateEntryType.bind(this));
let theTime;
if (this.state.timeTrackerLoadStatus === "Complete") {
if (this.state.currentTimePicker === 'sinceLast') {
theTime = <div className={( isSaveDisabled ? styles.timeError : styles.timeInPast )}>
From: { getDayTimeToMinutes(this.state.lastEndTime.theTime) } until NOW<br/>
{( isSaveDisabled ? <div>Is to far in the past.</div> : "" )}
{( isSaveDisabled ? <div>Use Slider or Manual Mode to save time.</div> : "" )}
} else if (this.state.currentTimePicker === 'slider' )
if (this.state.timeSliderValue > 0 ) {
//The START time IS NOW and the end time is in the future (based on slider)
theTime = <div className={ styles.timeInFuture }>From NOW until: { getDayTimeToMinutes(this.state.formEntry.endTime) }</div>;
} else if ( this.state.timeSliderValue < 0 ) {
//The END time IS NOW and the end time is in the past (based on slider)
theTime = <div className={ styles.timeInPast }>From { getDayTimeToMinutes(this.state.formEntry.startTime) } until NOW</div>;
} else { // Value can not be zero or the save button should not be visible.
theTime = <div className={ styles.timeError }>Adjust the slider before saving</div>;
} else { theTime = ""; }
const buttons: ISingleButtonProps[] =
disabled: false,
checked: true,
primary: false,
label: "Clear item",
secondary: "Press to clear form",
buttonOnClick: this.clearMyInput.bind(this),
disabled: isSaveDisabled,
checked: true,
primary: true,
label: "Save item",
secondary: "Press to Create entry",
buttonOnClick: this.trackMyTime.bind(this),
let saveButtons =
<div style={{ paddingTop: '20px' }}>
buttons={buttons} horizontal={true}
let timeSlider = sliderBuilders.createSlider(this.props,this.state, this._updateTimeSlider.bind(this));
let comments = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state, this.state.fields.Comments, isSaveDisabled, this._updateComments.bind(this));
let projectTitle = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state,this.state.fields.Title, isSaveDisabled, this._updateProjectTitle.bind(this));
let projectID1 = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state, this.state.fields.ProjectID1, isSaveDisabled, this._updateProjectID1.bind(this));
let projectID2 = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state, this.state.fields.ProjectID2, isSaveDisabled, this._updateProjectID2.bind(this));
let activity = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state, this.state.fields.Activity, isSaveDisabled, this._updateActivity.bind(this));
//let entryType = formBuilders.createThisField(this.props,this.state, this.state.fields., this._updateEntryType.bind(this));
let listProjects = (this.state.projects.newFiltered.length===0) ? "" :
listBuilders.projectBuilder(this.props,this.state,this.state.projects.newFiltered, this._getSelectedProject.bind(this));
let listBuild = listBuilders.listViewBuilder(this.props,this.state,this.state.entries.newFiltered);
let userName = this.state.currentUser
? getNicks(this.state.currentUser) + " ( Id: " + this.state.currentUser.Id + " ) entry count: " + this.state.allEntries.length
: "";
return (
<div className={ styles.trackMyTime7 }>
<div className={ styles.container }>
<div className={styles.floatLeft}>
{ this.createPivotObject(choice2, display2) }
{ this.createPivotObject(choice1, display1) }
{ /*this.createPivotObject(setPivot, "block") */ }
<div><span style={{fontSize: 20, paddingRight: 30,}}>{ getGreeting(this.state.currentUser)}</span></div>
{ this.createProjectTypeToggle(this.state) }
<Stack padding={20} horizontal={true} horizontalAlign={"space-between"} tokens={stackButtonTokensBody}> {/* Stack for Projects and body */}
{ /* this.createProjectChoices(this.state) */ }
<Stack horizontal={false} horizontalAlign={"start"} tokens={stackFormRowsTokens}>{/* Stack for Pivot Help and Projects */}
{ this.getPivotHelpText(this.state, this.props)}
{ listProjects }
</Stack> {/* Stack for Pivot Help and Projects */}
<Stack horizontal={false} horizontalAlign={"end"} tokens={stackFormRowsTokens}>{/* Stack for Buttons and Fields */}
{ entryOptions }
{ (timeSlider) }
{ theTime }
{ projectTitle }
{ activity }
{ comments }
{ /* entryType */ }
<Stack horizontal={true} tokens={stackFormRowTokens}>{ projectID1 }{ projectID2 }</Stack>
{ saveButtons }
<div>More stuff below buttons</div>
</Stack> {/* Stack for Buttons and Fields */}
</Stack> {/* Stack for Projects and body */}
<div style={{ paddingLeft: '20px', paddingRight: '20px' }}>
<div><h2>Recent TrackYourTime History { userName }</h2></div>
{ /* this.createHistoryItems(this.state) */ }
private _getProjectIndexFromArray(val,prop,array){
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
if (array[index][prop] === val) {
//console.log('Found index: ', index);
return index;
private _getSelectedProject(items: any[]){
if (this.state.userLoadStatus !== 'Complete') { return; }
if (this.state.timeTrackerLoadStatus !== 'Complete') { return; }
if (this.state.userLoadStatus !== 'Complete') { return; }
if (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
if (items.length === 0 ) { return; }
console.log('Selected items:', items);
let item : IProject;
for (let p of this.state.projects.newFiltered ) {
if ( === items[0].id) {
item = p;
let selectedProjectIndex = this._getProjectIndexFromArray(,'id',this.state.projects.newFiltered);
if (selectedProjectIndex === this.state.selectedProjectIndex) { return ;}
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.titleProject = item.titleProject;
formEntry.projectID1 = item.projectID1;
formEntry.projectID2 = item.projectID2;
formEntry.category1 = item.category1;
formEntry.category2 = item.category2;
formEntry.leaderId = item.leaderId;
formEntry.leader = item.leader; =;
formEntry.teamIds = item.teamIds;
formEntry.ccEmail = item.ccEmail;
formEntry.ccList = item.ccList;
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry,
blinkOnProject: this.state.blinkOnProject === 1 ? 2 : 1,
selectedProjectIndex : selectedProjectIndex,
lastSelectedProjectIndex: this.state.selectedProjectIndex,
private _updateTimeSlider(newValue: number){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
let now = new Date();
let then = new Date();
then.setMinutes(then.getMinutes() + newValue);
if (newValue < 0) {
formEntry.startTime = then.toLocaleString();
formEntry.endTime = now.toLocaleString();
} else if (newValue > 0 ) {
formEntry.startTime = now.toLocaleString();
formEntry.endTime = then.toLocaleString();
timeSliderValue: newValue,
formEntry: formEntry,
blinkOnProject: 0,
private _updateActivity(newValue: string){
if (this.state.timeTrackerLoadStatus !== 'Complete' ||
this.state.userLoadStatus !== 'Complete' ||
this.state.projectsLoadStatus !== 'Complete' ) {
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
let result = smartLinks.convertSmartLink(newValue, this.state.smartLinkRules);
if ( result ) {
formEntry.comments.value = result.commentText ? result.commentText : null;
formEntry.activity.description = result.activityDesc ? result.activityDesc : null;
formEntry.activity.url = newValue ? newValue : null ;
formEntry.category1 = [ result.category1 ] ? [ result.category1 ] : null;
formEntry.category2 = [ result.category2 ] ? [ result.category2 ] : null;
formEntry.projectID1.value = result.projectID1 ? result.projectID1 : null;
formEntry.projectID2.value = result.projectID2 ? result.projectID2 : null;
console.log('updated formEntry: ', formEntry);
} else {
console.log('Did not update anthing based on activity.');
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry, blinkOnProject: 0,});
private _updateComments(newValue: string){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.comments.value = newValue;
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry, blinkOnProject: 0,});
private _updateProjectTitle(newValue: string){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.titleProject = newValue;
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry, blinkOnProject: 0, });
private _updateProjectID1(newValue: string){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.projectID1.value = newValue;
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry, blinkOnProject: 0, });
private _updateProjectID2(newValue: string){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.projectID2.value = newValue;
this.setState({ formEntry:formEntry, blinkOnProject: 0, });
private _updateEntryType(ev: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>, option: IChoiceGroupOption){
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.entryType = option.key;
console.log('_updateEntryType: this.state', this.state);
console.log('_updateEntryType: formEntry', formEntry);
console.log('_updateEntryType: formEntry.entryType', formEntry.entryType);
currentTimePicker : option.key,
blinkOnProject: 0,
private searchMe = (item: PivotItem): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
let searchType = "";
let newSearchShow = e.altKey === true ? true : !this.state.searchShow;
let searchCount = this.state.projects.lastFiltered.length;
let searchWhere = this.state.searchWhere;
if (e.altKey) {
searchType = "all";
newSearchShow = true;
//searchCount = this.state.projects.all.length;
searchWhere = ' in all categories';
let projects = this.state.projects;
//projects.lastFiltered = (searchType === 'all' ? this.state.projects.all : this.state.lastFilteredProjects );
console.log('newSearchShow: ', newSearchShow, searchType);
searchType: searchType,
searchShow: ( e.altKey === true ? true : !this.state.searchShow ),
projects: projects,
searchCount: searchCount,
searchWhere: searchWhere,
blinkOnProject: 0,
} //End searchMe
public searchForItems = (item): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
console.log('searchForItems: e',e);
console.log('searchForItems: item', item);
console.log('searchForItems: this', this);
let searchItems = [];
if (this.state.searchType === 'all'){
searchItems =this.state.projects.all;
} else {
searchItems =this.state.projects.lastFiltered;
let searchCount = searchItems.length;
let newFilteredProjects = [];
for (let thisItem of searchItems) {
let fileName = thisItem.href.substring(thisItem.href.lastIndexOf('/'));
let searchString = 'title:' + thisItem.title.toLowerCase() + 'tescription:' + thisItem.description.toLowerCase() + 'href:' + fileName;
if(searchString.indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
//console.log('fileName', fileName);
searchCount = newFilteredProjects.length;
let projects = this.state.projects;
//projects.lastFiltered = (searchType === 'all' ? this.state.projects.all : this.state.lastFilteredProjects );
projects: projects,
searchCount: searchCount,
return ;
} //End searchForItems
public onLinkClick = (item): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
if (e.ctrlKey) {
//Set clicked pivot as the hero pivot
this._updateStateOnPropsChange({heroCategory: item.props.headerText});
} else if (e.altKey) {
//Enable-disable ChangePivots options
} else {
console.log('onLinkClick: this.state', this.state);
let thisFilter = [];
let pivots = this.state.projectType === false ? this.state.pivots.projects : this.state.pivots.history;
for (let p of pivots){
if ( p.headerText === item.props.headerText ) {
console.log('pivots', pivots);
console.log('thisFilter', thisFilter);
let projects = this.state.projects;
projects.lastFiltered = projects.newFiltered;
let filterThese = this.state.projectType ? projects.user : projects.master ;
projects.newFiltered = this.getTheseProjects(filterThese, thisFilter);
//projects.lastFiltered = (searchType === 'all' ? this.state.projects.all : this.state.lastFilteredProjects );
let newProjectMasterPriorityChoice = !this.state.projectType ? thisFilter[0] : this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice;
let newProjectUserPriorityChoice = this.state.projectType ? thisFilter[0] : this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice;
if ( this.state.syncProjectPivotsOnToggle ) {
newProjectMasterPriorityChoice = thisFilter[0];
newProjectUserPriorityChoice = thisFilter[0];
filteredCategory: item.props.headerText,
projectMasterPriorityChoice: newProjectMasterPriorityChoice,
projectUserPriorityChoice: newProjectUserPriorityChoice,
projects: projects,
//searchCount: newFilteredProjects.length,
searchType: '',
searchWhere: ' in ' + item.props.headerText,
//pivotDefSelKey: defaultSelectedKey,
blinkOnProject: 0,
} //End onClick
public getTheseProjects(startingProjects: IProject[], filterFlags : string[]){
//console.log('getTheseProjects: filterFlags', filterFlags);
let filteredProjects: IProject[] = [];
if (filterFlags.length === 0) {
return startingProjects;
for (let thisItem of startingProjects) {
if (Utils.arrayContainsArray(thisItem.filterFlags,filterFlags)) {
console.log('getTheseProjects: filteredProjects', filteredProjects);
return filteredProjects;
public toggleType = (item): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
if (e.ctrlKey) {
//Set clicked pivot as the hero pivot
} else if (e.altKey) {
//Enable-disable ChangePivots options
} else {
let newProjectType = !this.state.projectType;
console.log('toggleType: item', item);
console.log('toggleType from ' + this.state.projectType + ' to ' + newProjectType);
let projects = this.state.projects;
projects.lastFiltered = projects.newFiltered;
let filterThese = newProjectType ? projects.user : projects.master ;
let setPivot = newProjectType ? this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice :this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice ;
projects.newFiltered = this.getTheseProjects(filterThese, [setPivot]);
projectType: newProjectType,
projects: projects,
blinkOnProject: 0,
} //End onClick
public onChangePivotClick = (item): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
} //End onClick
private showAll = (item: PivotItem): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
if (e.altKey && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) {
} else if (e.ctrlKey) {
} else {
let newFilteredProjects = [];
for (let thisItem of this.state.projects.all) {
let showthisItem = true;
if (showthisItem === true) {newFilteredProjects.push(thisItem) ; }
let projects = this.state.projects;
projects.lastFiltered = (this.state.searchType === 'all' ? this.state.projects.all : this.state.projects.lastFiltered );
projects: projects,
searchCount: this.state.projects.all.length,
pivotDefSelKey: "-100",
searchWhere: ' in all categories',
blinkOnProject: 0,
private minimizeTiles = (item: PivotItem): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let e: any = event;
if (e.altKey && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) {
if (strings.analyticsWeb.indexOf(this.props.tenant) === 0 ) {
let openThisWindow = strings.analyticsWeb + '/lists/' + strings.analyticsList;, '_blank');
} else {
console.log('the analyticsWeb is not in the same tenant...',strings.analyticsWeb,this.props.tenant);
} else if (e.ctrlKey) {
if (strings.minClickWeb.indexOf(this.props.tenant) === 0 ) {
let openThisWindow = strings.minClickWeb + this.props.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl;, '_blank');
} else {
console.log('the minClickWeb is not in the same tenant...',strings.minClickWeb,this.props.tenant);
} else {
let newFilteredProjects = [];
let projects = this.state.projects;
projects.newFiltered = [];
projects.lastFiltered = projects.all;
projects: projects,
searchCount: this.state.projects.all.length,
pivotDefSelKey: "-100",
searchWhere: ' in all categories',
blinkOnProject: 0,
} //End onClick
public toggleLayout = (item: any): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let setLayout = this.state.setLayout;
if (setLayout === "Card") {
setLayout = this.props.setSize
} else if (setLayout === "List") {
setLayout = "Card"
} else { setLayout = "List" }
setLayout: setLayout,
} //End toggleTips
* This should save an item
public trackMyTime = () : void => {
this.saveMyTime (this.state.formEntry , 'master');
public clearMyInput = () : void => {
//this.saveMyTime (this.state.entries.all[0] , 'master');
public toggleTips = (item: any): void => {
//This sends back the correct pivot category which matches the category on the tile.
let newshowTips = this.state.showTips === 'none' ? 'yes' : 'none';
showTips: newshowTips,
} //End toggleTips
// - based on createImage
public createPivot(pivT: IPivot) {
return (
public createPivots(thisState,thisProps){
let pivots = this.state.projectType === false ? this.state.pivots.projects : this.state.pivots.history;
let piv2 =;
return (
//Added for Get List Data:
private getPivotHelpText (parentState: ITrackMyTime7State, parentProps: ITrackMyTime7Props) {
let helpText = null;
let pivots = parentState.projectType === false ? parentState.pivots.projects : parentState.pivots.history;
let setPivot = !this.state.projectType ? this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice :this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice ;
for (let p of pivots){
if ( setPivot === p.itemKey ) {
// DOES NOT WORK helpText = new DOMParser().parseFromString(, "text/xml");
helpText =;
//return "";
return <div className={ styles.pivotLabel }>{ helpText }</div>;
private _updateStateOnPropsChange(params: any ): void {
public buildSmartText (makeThisSmart) {
let projectText : string = makeThisSmart ;
let isRequired : boolean = ( projectText && projectText.indexOf("\*") === 0 ) ? true : false ;
let projectString = isRequired ? makeThisSmart.substring(1) : makeThisSmart;
let isDefault : boolean = (projectString && projectString.indexOf("\?") === 0 ) ? true : false ;
projectString = isDefault ? projectString.substring(1) : projectString;
let lastIndexOfDots : number = projectString ? projectString.lastIndexOf("...") : -1;
let defaultIsPrefix = lastIndexOfDots > -1 ? true : false;
let prefix : string = (projectString && lastIndexOfDots === projectString.length -3 ) ? projectString.substring(0,lastIndexOfDots) : null ;
let mask : string = (makeThisSmart && makeThisSmart.indexOf('mask=')===0) ? makeThisSmart.replace('mask=','') : '';
let thisProj : ISmartText = {
value: defaultIsPrefix ? "" : makeThisSmart,
required: isRequired,
default: projectString ,
defaultIsPrefix: defaultIsPrefix,
prefix: prefix,
mask: mask,
return thisProj;
// private async loadListItems(): Promise<IPivotTileItemProps[]> {
private _getListItems(): void {
let useProjectList: string = strings.DefaultProjectListTitle;
if ( this.props.projectListTitle ) {
useProjectList = this.props.projectListTitle;
let useProjectWeb: string = this.props.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl;
if ( this.props.projectListWeb ) {
useProjectWeb = this.props.projectListWeb;
let useTrackMyTimeList: string = strings.DefaultTrackMyTimeListTitle;
if ( this.props.timeTrackListTitle ) {
useTrackMyTimeList = this.props.timeTrackListTitle;
let useTrackMyTimeWeb: string = this.props.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl;
if ( this.props.timeTrackListWeb ) {
useTrackMyTimeWeb = this.props.timeTrackListWeb;
//const fixedURL = Utils.fixURLs(this.props.listWebURL, this.props.pageContext);
let projectSort: string = "SortOrder";
let trackTimeSort: string = "EndTime";
// let projectRestFilter: string = "Team eq '" + 20 + "'";
// let trackTimeRestFilter: string = "User eq '" + 20 + "'";
let projectRestFilter: string = "";
let trackTimeRestFilter: string = "";
let selectCols: string = "*";
let expandThese = "";
let peopleColumns = ["Author","Editor","Team","Leader"];
let peopleProps = ["Title","ID","Name","EMail","UserName"];
let allColumns = [];
for (let peep of peopleColumns){
for (let pro of peopleProps){
allColumns.push(peep + "/" + pro);
let expColumns = this.getExpandColumns(allColumns);
let selColumns = this.getSelectColumns(allColumns);
selColumns.length > 0 ? selectCols += "," + selColumns.join(",") : selectCols = selectCols;
if (expColumns.length > 0) { expandThese = expColumns.join(","); }
let expandTheseTrack = expandThese + ',User';
let selectColsTrack = selectCols + ',User/Title,User/ID,User/Name,User/EMail,User/UserName';
//Updated Jan 5, 2020 per
const projectWeb = Web(useProjectWeb);
const trackTimeWeb = Web(useTrackMyTimeWeb);
let batch: any = sp.createBatch();
let loadProjectItems = new Array<IProject>();
let loadTrackMyTimeItems = new Array<ITimeEntry>();
let trackMyProjectsInfo = {
projectData: loadProjectItems,
timeTrackData: loadTrackMyTimeItems,
* projectWeb.lists.getByTitle(useProjectList).items
* Another way.... go by full URL
* $pnp.sp.web.getList("/sites/development/Lists/sample").items
* projectWeb.getList("/sites/Templates/Tmt/Lists/TrackMyTime/").items
* projectWeb.getList("/sites/Templates/Tmt/Lists/Projects").items
* projectWeb.getList().items
//Removed r: CurrentUser with @pnp/sp v2.
//sp.web.currentUser.inBatch(batch).get().then((r: CurrentUser) => {
// This did not seem to work when on another site:
// sp.web.currentUser.inBatch(batch).get().then((r) => {
// trackTimeWeb.currentUser.inBatch(batch).get().then((r) => {
// console.log('sp.web:', sp.web);
// console.log('sp.web.currentUser:', sp.web.currentUser);
sp.web.currentUser.inBatch(batch).get().then((r) => {
let currentUser : IUser = {
title: r['Title'] , //
initials: r['Title'].split(" ").map((n)=>n[0]).join(""), //Single person column
email: r['Email'] , //Single person column
id: r['Id'] , //
Id: r['Id'] , //
ID: r['Id'] , //
isSiteAdmin: r['IsSiteAdmin'],
LoginName: r['LoginName'],
let formEntry =this.createFormEntry();
console.log('formEntry: currentUser', formEntry);
formEntry: formEntry,
loadOrder: (this.state.loadOrder === "") ? 'User' : this.state.loadOrder + ' > User',
currentUser: currentUser,
userLoadStatus: "Complete"
if (this.state.projectsLoadStatus === "Pending") {
if (this.state.timeTrackerLoadStatus === "Pending") {
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('ERROR: catch sp.web.currentUser');
.then((response) => {
//console.log('fetched Project Info:', response);
trackMyProjectsInfo.projectData = => {
let daily: any = false;
let weekly: any = false;
let total: any = false;
if (p.TimeTarget) {
let options = p.TimeTarget.split(';');
for (let opt of options) {
let thisOption = opt.split('=');
if (thisOption[1] && thisOption[0].toLowerCase() === 'daily') {
daily = parseInt(thisOption[1]);
} else if (thisOption[1] && thisOption[0].toLowerCase() === 'weekly') {
weekly = parseInt(thisOption[1]);
} else if (thisOption[1] && thisOption[0].toLowerCase() === 'total') {
total = parseInt(thisOption[1]);
let targetInfo : IProjectTarget = {
value: p.TimeTarget,
daily: daily ? daily : 0,
weekly: weekly ? weekly : 0,
total: total ? total : 0,
dailyStatus: daily ? true : false,
weeklyStatus: weekly ? true : false,
totalStatus: total ? true : false,
let leader : IUser = {
title: 'p.' , //
initials: 'p.' , //Single person column
email: 'p.' , //Single person column
id: p.LeaderId , //
Id: p.LeaderId , //
ID: p.LeaderId , //
let team : IUser = {
title: 'p.' , //
initials: 'p.' , //Single person column
email: 'p.' , //Single person column
id: p.TeamId , //
Id: p.TeamId , //
ID: p.TeamId , //
let project : IProject = {
projectType: 'Master',
id: p.Id,
editLink: null , //Link to view/edit item link
titleProject: p.Title,
comments: this.buildSmartText(p.Comments),
active: p.Active,
everyone: p.Everyone,
sort: p.Sort,
category1: p.Category1,
category2: p.Category2,
leader: p.Leader ,
team: p.Team,
leaderId: p.LeaderId,
teamIds: p.TeamId,
filterFlags: [],
projectID1: this.buildSmartText(p.ProjectID1),
projectID2: this.buildSmartText(p.ProjectID2),
timeTarget: targetInfo,
ccEmail: p.CCEmail,
ccList: p.CCList,
//Values that relate to project list item
// sourceProject: , //Add URL back to item
return project;
//console.log('trackMyProjectsInfo:', trackMyProjectsInfo);
if (this.state.userLoadStatus === "Complete") {
} else {
let loadData = this.state.loadData;
loadData.projects = trackMyProjectsInfo.projectData;
loadOrder: (this.state.loadOrder === "") ? 'Project' : this.state.loadOrder + ' > Project',
projectsLoadStatus: "Pending",
loadData = null;
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('ERROR: projectWeb.lists.getByTitle(useProjectList)',useProjectList);
.then((response) => {
* This loop loosely increases performance by compounding number of entries.
* End test performance loop
if (this.props.stressMultiplier > 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.stressMultiplier; i++ ) {
//trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData = trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData.concat(trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData);
response = response.concat(response);
trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData = => {
let listCategory = "";
if ( item.Category1 !== null && item.Category1 ) {
listCategory += item.Category1.join(', ');
if ( item.Category2 !== null && item.Category2 ) {
listCategory += item.Category2.join(', ');
let listProjects = "";
if ( item.ProjectID1 !== null ) {
listProjects += item.ProjectID1;
if ( item.ProjectID2 !== null ) {
listProjects = listProjects !== "" ? listProjects += ", " : listProjects;
listProjects += item.ProjectID2 + ' ';
let listComments = item.Comments ? item.Comments : "";
let timeEntry : ITimeEntry = {
//Values that would come from Project item
id: item.Id ,
editLink: null , //Link to view/edit item link
titleProject : item.Title ,
comments: this.buildSmartText(item.Comments),
category1 : item.Category1 ,
category2 : item.Category2 ,
leader : item.Leader , //Likely single person column
team : item.Team , //Likely multi person column
leaderId: item.LeaderId,
teamIds: item.TeamId,
filterFlags: [],
projectID1 : this.buildSmartText(item.ProjectID1) , //Example Project # - look for strings starting with * and ?
projectID2 : this.buildSmartText(item.ProjectID2) , //Example Cost Center # - look for strings starting with * and ?
//Values that relate to project list item
sourceProject : item.SourceProject , //Link back to the source project list item.
activity: item.Activity , //Link to the activity you worked on
//Values specific to Time Entry
user : item.User , //Single person column
userId : item.UserId , //Single person column
startTime : item.StartTime , //Time stamp
endTime : item.EndTime , // Time stamp
duration : item.Hours , //Number -- May not be needed based on current testing with start and end dates.
age: getAge(item.EndTime,"days"),
//Saves what entry option was used... Since Last, Slider, Manual
entryType : item.EntryType ,
deltaT : item.DeltaT , //Could be used to indicate how many hours entry was made (like now, or 10 2 days in the past)
timeEntryTBD1 : '' ,
timeEntryTBD2 : '' ,
timeEntryTBD3 : '' ,
//This block for use in the history list component
//Getting initials using:
userInitials: item.User.Title.split(" ").map((n)=>n[0]).join(""),
listCategory: listCategory,
listTimeSpan: getTimeSpan(item.StartTime, item.EndTime),
listProjects: listProjects,
listTracking: '',
listComments: listComments,
//Other settings and information
location : item.Location,
settings : item.Settings,
ccEmail: item.CCEmail,
ccList: item.CCList,
return timeEntry;
if (this.state.userLoadStatus === "Complete") {
} else {
let loadData = this.state.loadData;
loadData.entries = trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData;
loadOrder: (this.state.loadOrder === "") ? 'Entries' : this.state.loadOrder + ' > Entries',
timeTrackerLoadStatus: "Pending",
loadData = null;
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('ERROR: trackTimeWeb.lists.getByTitle(useTrackMyTimeList)',useTrackMyTimeList);
return batch.execute().then(() => {
//return trackMyProjectsInfo;
* Returns number of days
* @param time
private processCatch(e) {
console.log("Can't load data");
//var m = e.status === 404 ? "Tile List not found: " + useTileList : "Other message";
let sendMessage = e.status + " - " + e.message;
this.setState({ loadStatus: "Not sure what happened!", loadError: e.message, listError: true, });
private processProjects(projectData){
//console.log('projectData: ', projectData);
* Things we need to do during intial state
* Populate all these arrays:
all: IProject[];
master: IProject[]; //Projects coming from the Projects list
masterPriority: IProject[]; //Projects visible based on settings
current: IProject[]; //Makes up the choices
lastFiltered: IProject[];
lastProject: IProject[];
newFiltered: IProject[];
* Put them into state.projects
let master: IProject[] = [];
let masterKeys: string[] = [];
let userId =;
//console.log('processProjects: userId',userId, typeof userId);
//console.log('projectData[1].leaderId:', projectData[1].leaderId, typeof projectData[1].leaderId);
for (let i = 0; i < projectData.length; i++ ) {
let countThese = "all";
let fromProject = projectData[i];
let yours, team :boolean = false;
//Check if project is tagged to you
if (fromProject.teamIds && fromProject.teamIds.indexOf(userId) > -1 ) { team = true; }
if (fromProject.leaderId === userId ) { yours = true; }
if (fromProject.everyone) { fromProject.filterFlags.push('everyone') ; countThese = 'everyone'; }
else if (yours) { fromProject.filterFlags.push('your') ; countThese = 'your'; }
else if (team) { fromProject.filterFlags.push('team') ; countThese = 'team'; }
else { fromProject.filterFlags.push('otherPeople') ; countThese = 'otherPeople'; }
fromProject.key = this.getProjectKey(fromProject);
if (masterKeys.indexOf(fromProject.key) < 0) {
//This is a new project, add
let all: IProject[] = master.concat(this.state.projects.all);
let stateProjects = this.state.projects;
stateProjects.all = all;
stateProjects.master = master;
stateProjects.masterKeys = masterKeys;
let filterThese = this.state.projectType ? stateProjects.user : stateProjects.master ;
let setPivot = !this.state.projectType ? this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice :this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice ;
stateProjects.newFiltered = this.getTheseProjects(filterThese, [setPivot]);
stateProjects.lastFiltered = this.state.projectType === false ? master : stateProjects.user ;
let masterPriority: IProject[] = [];
loadOrder: (this.state.loadOrder === "") ? 'Process Projects' : this.state.loadOrder + ' > Process Projects',
projects: stateProjects,
projectsLoadError: "",
projectsListError: false,
projectsItemsError: false,
private createNewProjectCounts() {
function createMe(){
let yourCounts = {
total: 0,
today: 0,
week: 0,
month: 0,
quarter: 0,
recent: 0,
return yourCounts;
let counts = {
all: createMe(),
team: createMe(),
your: createMe(),
otherPeople: createMe(),
return counts;
private processTimeEntries(timeTrackData : ITimeEntry[]){
//console.log('timeTrackData: ', timeTrackData);
* Things we need to do during intial state
* Populate all these arrays:
* user: IProject[]; //Projects coming from TrackMyTime list
* userPriority: IProject[]; //Projects visible based on settings
* Put them into state.projects
let counts = this.createNewProjectCounts();
let userKeys : string[] = [];
let allEntries: ITimeEntry[] = timeTrackData;
let yourEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let teamEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let everyoneEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let otherEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let sessionEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let todayEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
let user: IProject[] = [];
let userPriority: IProject[] = [];
let stateProjects = this.state.projects;
let stateEntries: IEntryInfo = this.state.entries;
let userId =;
//console.log('processTimeEntries: userId',userId, typeof userId);
//console.log('timeTrackData[1].userId:', timeTrackData[1].userId, typeof timeTrackData[1].userId);
let thisUserParam = this.props.urlVars['User'];
let thisUser = this.state.currentUser.title;
if (thisUser) {
//alert("User found thisUser: " + JSON.stringify(thisUser) )
else if (thisUserParam) {
//alert("User found thisUserParam: " + JSON.stringify(thisUserParam) );
} else { //alert("NOT found: " );
let lastEndTime = makeTheTimeObject("2007");
let nowEndTime = makeTheTimeObject(null);
let recentDays = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < timeTrackData.length; i++ ) {
let thisEntry : ITimeEntry = timeTrackData[i];
let countThese = "all";
let fromProject = this.convertToProject(thisEntry);
let yours, team, today, week, month, quarter, recent :boolean = false;
let thisEndTime = makeTheTimeObject(thisEntry.endTime);
//Check if timeTrackData is tagged to you
if (thisEntry.userId === userId ) { yours = true; }
if (yours) {
countThese = 'your';
//Checks for latest end time
if ( thisEndTime.milliseconds > lastEndTime.milliseconds ) {
//Only update lastEndTime if it's in the past.
if ( thisEndTime.milliseconds < nowEndTime.milliseconds) {
lastEndTime = thisEndTime;
//Check if project is tagged to you
if (fromProject.teamIds.indexOf(userId) > -1 ) { team = true; }
if (fromProject.leaderId === userId ) { team = true; }
if (!yours && team) {
countThese = 'team';
if (!yours && !team) {
countThese = 'otherPeople';
let daysSince = thisEntry.age;
counts[countThese].total ++;
if ( daysSince <= 0 ) { today = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('today') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('today') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '0. These went Back to the Future :)';
counts[countThese].today ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 1 ) { today = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('today') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('today') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '1. Ended Today';
counts[countThese].today ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 7 ) { week = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('week') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('week') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '2. Ended Past Week';
counts[countThese].week ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 31 ) { month = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('month') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('month') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '3. Ended Past Month';
counts[countThese].month ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 91 ) { month = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '4. Ended Past Quarter';
counts[countThese].quarter ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 365 ) { month = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '5. Ended Past Year';
counts[countThese].quarter ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= 730*4 ) { month = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('quarter') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '6. Ended a LONG time ago';
counts[countThese].quarter ++ ; }
else if ( daysSince <= recentDays ) { recent = true;
fromProject.filterFlags.push('recent') ;
thisEntry.filterFlags.push('recent') ;
thisEntry.timeGroup = '5. Ended Who knows when :)';
counts[countThese].recent ++ ;
if (userKeys.indexOf(fromProject.key) < 0) {
//This is a new project, add
if (thisEntry.filterFlags.indexOf('today') > -1) {
if (thisEntry.filterFlags.indexOf('your') > -1) {
if (thisEntry.filterFlags.indexOf('team') > -1) {
if (thisEntry.filterFlags.indexOf('everyone') > -1) {
if (thisEntry.filterFlags.indexOf('otherPeople') > -1) {
console.log('nowEndTime', JSON.stringify(nowEndTime));
if ( lastEndTime.milliseconds > nowEndTime.milliseconds ) {
lastEndTime = nowEndTime;
let all: IProject[] = this.state.projects.all.concat(user);
stateProjects.all = all;
stateProjects.user = user;
let filterThese = this.state.projectType ? stateProjects.user : stateProjects.master ;
let setPivot = !this.state.projectType ? this.state.projectMasterPriorityChoice :this.state.projectUserPriorityChoice ;
stateProjects.newFiltered = this.getTheseProjects(filterThese, [setPivot]);
stateProjects.lastFiltered = stateProjects.newFiltered ;
stateProjects.userKeys = userKeys;
/* 2019-12-17: Testing here 2019-12-17: Testing here */
stateEntries.all = allEntries;
stateEntries.user = yourEntries;
stateEntries.your = yourEntries; = teamEntries;
stateEntries.everyone = everyoneEntries;
stateEntries.other = otherEntries; = todayEntries;
stateEntries.newFiltered = allEntries;
stateEntries.lastFiltered = allEntries;
//Change from sinceLast if the time is longer than x- hours ago.
let hoursSinceLastTime = this.state.currentTimePicker === 'sinceLast' && getTimeDelta( lastEndTime.theTime, new Date() , 'hours');
console.log('currentTimePicker state:', this.state);
console.log('currentTimePicker hoursSinceLastTime:', hoursSinceLastTime);
let currentTimePicker =
( hoursSinceLastTime > 2 )
? 'slider'
: this.state.currentTimePicker ;
let formEntry = this.state.formEntry;
formEntry.entryType = currentTimePicker;
loadOrder: (this.state.loadOrder === "") ? 'Process Entries' : this.state.loadOrder + ' > Process Entries',
projects: stateProjects,
userCounts: counts,
entries: stateEntries,
currentTimePicker: currentTimePicker,
lastEndTime: lastEndTime,
allEntries: timeTrackData,
filteredEntries: timeTrackData,
timeTrackerLoadError: "",
timeTrackerListError: false,
timeTrackerItemsError: false,
formEntry: formEntry,
private processResponse(trackMyProjectsInfo){
console.log('processResponse: trackMyProjectsInfo', trackMyProjectsInfo);
console.log('trackMyProjectsInfo.projectData', trackMyProjectsInfo.projectData);
console.log('trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData', trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData);
let all: IProject[] = trackMyProjectsInfo.projectData;
let filteredEntries: ITimeEntry[] = trackMyProjectsInfo.timeTrackData;
console.log('processResponse: all', all);
console.log('processResponse: filteredEntries', filteredEntries);
if (trackMyProjectsInfo.length === 0){
this.setState({ loadStatus: "NoItemsFound", itemsError: true, });
return ;
const fixedURL = Utils.fixURLs(this.props.listWebURL, this.props.pageContext);
let listStaticName = this.props.listTitle;
let projectListName = ""; // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
let timeTrackListName = ""; // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
let listStaticName = "";
//listStaticName = response[0].File.ServerRelativeUrl.replace(this.props.pageContext.web.serverRelativeUrl,"");
//listStaticName = listStaticName.substring(1,listStaticName.indexOf('/',1));
const listURL = fixedURL + ( this.props.listDefinition.indexOf("Library") < 0 ? "lists/" : "" ) + listStaticName;
const currentPageUrl = this.props.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl +;
const editItemURL = listURL + (listURL.indexOf('/lists/') > -1 ? '' : '/Forms') + "/DispForm.aspx?ID=" + "ReplaceID" + "&Source=" + currentPageUrl;
let pivotProps = this.props;
let pivotState = this.state;
let tileCollectionResults = Utils.buildTileCollectionFromResponse(response, pivotProps, editItemURL, pivotProps.heroCategory);
console.log('tileCollectionResults: ', tileCollectionResults);
let tileCollection = tileCollectionResults.tileCollection
let tileCategories = Utils.buildTileCategoriesFromResponse(pivotProps, pivotState, tileCollection, pivotProps.heroCategory, 'category');
let tileCategories = []; // ERASE THIS LINE SINCE IT SHOULD BE determined above?
const defaultSelectedIndex = tileCategories.indexOf(this.props.defaultProjectPicker);
let defaultSelectedKey = defaultSelectedIndex.toString();
defaultSelectedKey = this.props.defaultProjectPicker.toString(); // Added this because I think this needs to be the header text, not the index.
defaultSelectedKey = Utils.convertCategoryToIndex(defaultSelectedKey);
tileCollectionResults.categoryInfo.lastCategory = tileCategories[0];
let heroTiles = this.getHeroTiles(pivotProps, pivotState, tileCollection, pivotProps.heroCategory);
let heroIds = this.getHeroIds(heroTiles);
let newFilteredProjects = this.getnewFilteredProjects(pivotProps, pivotState, tileCollection, heroIds, heroTiles, 'category');
console.log('processResponse: tileCategories', tileCategories);
console.log('processResponse: this.props.defaultProjectPicker', this.props.defaultProjectPicker);
console.log('processResponse: defaultSelectedIndex', defaultSelectedIndex);
console.log('processResponse: defaultSelectedKey', defaultSelectedKey);
let projects = this.state.projects;
//projects.all = (searchType === 'all' ? this.state.projects.all : this.state.lastFilteredProjects );
projects: projects,
pivotDefSelKey: defaultSelectedKey,
loadError: "",
endTime: this.state.endTime ? this.state.endTime : makeTheTimeObject(""),
searchCount: projects.newFiltered.length,
searchWhere: ' in ' + this.props.defaultProjectPicker,
projectListName: projectListName, // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
timeTrackListName: timeTrackListName, // Static Name of list (for URL) - used for links and determined by first returned item
return true;
* This builds unique string key based on properties passed in through this.props.projectKey
* @param project
private getProjectKey(project){
let key = "";
for (let k of this.props.projectKey ){
let partialKey = project[k];
if ( k === 'comments' || k === 'projectID1' || k === 'projectID2' || k === 'timeTarget') {
//These properties have custom object model to them so we need to check the .value
if ( project[k] ) { partialKey = project[k].value ; } else { partialKey = '' ; }
if ( typeof partialKey === 'object') {
if (partialKey) { key += partialKey.join(' '); }
} else if (partialKey) { key += partialKey;}
key += ' ';
return key;
private convertToProject(timeTrackData){
let thisProject: IProject = {
//Values that would come from Project item
projectType: 'User', //master or user
id:, //Item ID on list
editLink: timeTrackData.editLink, //Link to view/edit item link
titleProject: timeTrackData.titleProject,
comments: timeTrackData.comments, // syntax similar to ProjID?
active:, //Used to indicate inactive projects
everyone: timeTrackData.everyone, //Used to designate this option should be available to everyone.
sort: timeTrackData.sort, //Used to prioritize in choices.... ones with number go first in order, followed by empty
key: this.getProjectKey(timeTrackData),
category1: timeTrackData.category1,
category2: timeTrackData.category2,
leader: timeTrackData.leader, //Likely single person column
team:, //Likely multi person column
leaderId: timeTrackData.leaderId,
teamIds: timeTrackData.teamIds ? timeTrackData.teamIds : [] ,
filterFlags: [], // what flags does this match? yourRecent, allRecent etc...
projectID1: timeTrackData.projectID1, //Example Project # - look for strings starting with * and ?
projectID2: timeTrackData.projectID2, //Example Cost Center # - look for strings starting with * and ?
timeTarget: timeTrackData.timeTarget,
//This might be computed at the time page loads
lastEntry: timeTrackData.lastEntry, //Should be a time entry
//Values that relate to project list item
sourceProject: timeTrackData.sourceProject, //Link back to the source project list item.
ccList: timeTrackData.ccList, //Link to CC List to copy item
ccEmail: timeTrackData.ccEmail, //Email to CC List to copy item
created: timeTrackData.created,
modified: timeTrackData.modified,
createdBy: timeTrackData.createdBy,
modifiedBy: timeTrackData.modifiedBy,
return thisProject;
private saveMyTime (trackTimeItem: ISaveEntry , masterOrRemote : string) {
//trackTimeItem = current this.state.formEntry
let teamId = { results: [] };
if (trackTimeItem.teamIds) { teamId = { results: trackTimeItem.teamIds } ; }
let category1 = { results: [] };
if (trackTimeItem.category1) { category1 = { results: trackTimeItem.category1 } ; }
let category2 = { results: [] };
if (trackTimeItem.category2) { category2 = { results: trackTimeItem.category2 } ; }
let itemStartTime;
let itemEndTime;
if (this.state.currentTimePicker === 'sinceLast') {
itemStartTime = new Date(this.state.lastEndTime.theTime).toLocaleString();
itemEndTime = new Date().toLocaleString();
} else if (this.state.currentTimePicker === 'slider') {
itemStartTime = this.state.formEntry.startTime;
itemEndTime = this.state.formEntry.endTime;
} else {
itemStartTime = new Date(this.state.lastEndTime.theTime).toLocaleString();
itemEndTime = new Date().toLocaleString();
let comments = trackTimeItem.comments ? trackTimeItem.comments.value : null;
let projectID1 = trackTimeItem.projectID1 ? trackTimeItem.projectID1.value : null;
let projectID2 = trackTimeItem.projectID2 ? trackTimeItem.projectID2.value : null;
if (trackTimeItem.comments.defaultIsPrefix) {comments = trackTimeItem.comments.prefix + comments; }
if (trackTimeItem.projectID1.defaultIsPrefix) {projectID1 = trackTimeItem.projectID1.prefix + projectID1; }
if (trackTimeItem.projectID2.defaultIsPrefix) {projectID2 = trackTimeItem.projectID2.prefix + projectID2; }
let Activity = {
Description: trackTimeItem.activity.description ? trackTimeItem.activity.description : null,
Url: trackTimeItem.activity.url ? trackTimeItem.activity.url : null,
let saveThisItem = {
//Values that would come from Project item
//editLink : ILink, //Link to view/edit item link
Title: trackTimeItem.titleProject,
Comments: comments,
Category1: category1,
Category2: category2,
LeaderId: trackTimeItem.leaderId, //Likely single person column
TeamId: teamId, //Likely multi person column
ProjectID1: projectID1, //Example Project # - look for strings starting with * and ?
ProjectID2: projectID2, //Example Cost Center # - look for strings starting with * and ?
//Values that relate to project list item
//SourceProject: trackTimeItem.sourceProject, //Link back to the source project list item.
Activity: Activity, //Link to the activity you worked on
//CCList: trackTimeItem.ccList, //Link to CC List to copy item
//CCEmail: trackTimeItem.ccEmail, //Email to CC List to copy item
//Values specific to Time Entry
UserId: this.state.currentUser.Id, //Single person column
StartTime: itemStartTime, //Time stamp
EndTime: itemEndTime, // Time stamp
//Duration: trackTimeItem.duration, //Number -- May not be needed based on current testing with start and end dates.
//Saves what entry option was used... Since Last, Slider, Manual
EntryType: trackTimeItem.entryType,
DeltaT: 999, //Could be used to indicate how many hours entry was made (like now, or 10 2 days in the past)
//timeEntryTBD1: string,
//timeEntryTBD2: string,
//timeEntryTBD3: string,
//Other settings and information
Location: trackTimeItem.location, // Location
Settings: trackTimeItem.settings,
const allKeys = Object.keys(saveThisItem);
let saveThisItemNew = {};
for (let key of allKeys){
let thisElement = saveThisItem[key];
if (saveThisItem[key]) { saveThisItemNew.push( {key : thisElement})}
let useTrackMyTimeList: string = strings.DefaultTrackMyTimeListTitle;
if ( this.props.timeTrackListTitle ) {
useTrackMyTimeList = this.props.timeTrackListTitle;
let useTrackMyTimeWeb: string = this.props.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl;
if ( this.props.timeTrackListWeb ) {
useTrackMyTimeWeb = this.props.timeTrackListWeb;
//Updated Jan 5, 2020 per
const trackTimeWeb = Web(useTrackMyTimeWeb);
if (masterOrRemote === 'master'){
trackTimeWeb.lists.getByTitle(useTrackMyTimeList).items.add( saveThisItem ).then((response) => {
//Reload the page
console.log('save response', response);
this.addThisItemToState(trackTimeItem,masterOrRemote, response);
alert('save successful');
}).catch((e) => {
//Throw Error
} else if (masterOrRemote === 'remote'){
trackTimeWeb.getList("/sites/Templates/Tmt/Lists/TrackMyTime/").items.add( saveThisItem ).then((response) => {
//Reload the page
alert('save successful');
}).catch((e) => {
//Throw Error
private addThisItemToState (trackTimeItem: ISaveEntry , masterOrRemote : string, response) {
if (masterOrRemote === 'master') {
console.log('trackTimeItem', trackTimeItem);
let created = new Date();
let listCategory = "";
if ( trackTimeItem.category1 !== null && trackTimeItem.category1 ) {
listCategory += trackTimeItem.category1.join(', ');
if ( trackTimeItem.category2 !== null && trackTimeItem.category2 ) {
listCategory += trackTimeItem.category2.join(', ');
let listTimeSpan = getTimeSpan(trackTimeItem.startTime, trackTimeItem.endTime);
let listComments = trackTimeItem.comments ? trackTimeItem.comments.value : "";
let listProjects = "";
if ( trackTimeItem.projectID1 !== null && trackTimeItem.projectID1.value ) {
listProjects += trackTimeItem.projectID1.value + ' ';
if ( trackTimeItem.projectID2 !== null && trackTimeItem.projectID2.value ) {
listProjects += trackTimeItem.projectID2.value + ' ';
let newEntry : ITimeEntry = {...trackTimeItem,
user: this.state.currentUser,
userInitials: "You!",
  filterFlags: ["your","session"],
  timeGroup: "0. This browser session",
  duration: getTimeDelta( trackTimeItem.endTime , trackTimeItem.startTime , 'hours').toString(),
  age: getAge(trackTimeItem.endTime,"days"),
  created: created,
  modified: created,
  createdBy: this.state.currentUser.Id,
  modifiedBy: this.state.currentUser.Id,
listCategory: listCategory,
listComments: listComments,
listTimeSpan: listTimeSpan,
listProjects: listProjects,
comments: this.buildSmartText(,
projectID1 : this.buildSmartText( , //Example Project # - look for strings starting with * and ?
projectID2 : this.buildSmartText( , //Example Cost Center # - look for strings starting with * and ?
let entries = this.state.entries;
let thisEntry: ITimeEntry[] = [];
entries.all = thisEntry.concat(entries.all);
entries.lastFiltered = thisEntry.concat(entries.lastFiltered);
entries.user = thisEntry.concat(entries.user);
entries.session = thisEntry.concat(entries.session);
entries.newFiltered = thisEntry.concat(entries.newFiltered);
let filteredEntries: ITimeEntry[] = [];
filteredEntries = filteredEntries.concat(this.state.filteredEntries);
console.log( 'newEntry', newEntry);
let lastEndTime = makeTheTimeObject(newEntry.endTime);
lastEndTime: lastEndTime,
} else {
//Currently do nothing
* Copied from Pivot-Tiles
* @param thisProps
* @param findMe
* @param findOp
private getKeysLike(thisProps,findMe,findOp){
//Sample call: getKeysLike(this.props,"col","begins")
//console.log('FoundProps that ' + findOp + ' with ' + findMe);
const allKeys = Object.keys(thisProps);
let foundKeys = [];
const lFind = findMe.length;
findMe = findMe.toLowerCase();
findOp = findOp.toLowerCase();
if (findOp==="begins") {
foundKeys = allKeys.filter(k => k.toLowerCase().indexOf(findMe) === 0);
} else if (findOp === "ends") {
foundKeys = allKeys.filter(k => k.toLowerCase().indexOf(findMe) === ( k.length - lFind));
} else {
foundKeys = allKeys.filter(k => k.toLowerCase().indexOf(findMe) > -1);
let foundProps = [];
for (let thisProp of foundKeys) {
if (thisProp && thisProp !== "" ) { foundProps.push(thisProps[thisProp]) ; }
return foundProps;
* Copied from Pivot-Tiles
* @param lookupColumns
private getSelectColumns(lookupColumns){
let baseSelectColumns = [];
for (let thisColumn of lookupColumns) {
// Only look at columns with / in the name
if (thisColumn && thisColumn.indexOf("/") > -1 ) {
let isLookup = thisColumn.indexOf("/");
if(isLookup) {
return baseSelectColumns;
* Copied from Pivot-Tiles
* @param lookupColumns
private getExpandColumns(lookupColumns){
let baseExpandColumns = [];
for (let thisColumn of lookupColumns) {
// Only look at columns with / in the name
if (thisColumn && thisColumn.indexOf("/") > -1 ) {
let splitCol = thisColumn.split("/");
let leftSide = splitCol[0];
if(baseExpandColumns.indexOf(leftSide) < 0) {
return baseExpandColumns;
export default class TrackMyTime7 extends React.Component<ITrackMyTime7Props, {}> {
public render(): React.ReactElement<ITrackMyTime7Props> {
return (
<div className={ styles.trackMyTime77 }>
<div className={ styles.container }>
<div className={ styles.row }>
<div className={ styles.column }>
<span className={ styles.title }>Welcome to SharePoint!</span>
<p className={ styles.subTitle }>Customize SharePoint experiences using Web Parts.</p>
<p className={ styles.description }>{escape(this.props.description)}</p>
<a href="" className={ styles.button }>
<span className={ styles.label }>Learn more</span>
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