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Created December 19, 2019 02:15
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Just an example of string naming
define([], function() {
return {
"PropertyPaneAbout": "Enter PropertyPaneAbout in strings",
"PropertyPaneDescription": "Description",
"BasicGroupName": "Group Name",
"DescriptionFieldLabel": "Description Field",
// 0 - Context
"DefaultProjectListTitle": "Projects", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
"DefaultTrackMyTimeListTitle": "TrackMyTime", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
// 1 - Analytics options - Optional
"FieldLabel_AnalyticsWeb": "Site where analytics are maintained",
"FieldLabel_AnalyticsList": "List Title where analytics are maintained",
"analyticsList": "TilesCycleTesting",
"analyticsWeb": "",
"minClickWeb": "",
// 2 - Source and destination list information
"FieldLabel_ProjectListTitle": "Project List Title",
"FieldLabel_ProjectListWeb": "Project List Site URL",
"FieldLabel_TimeTrackListTitle": "Time Tracking List Title",
"FieldLabel_TimeTrackListWeb": "Time Tracking Site URL",
// 3 - General how accurate do you want this to be
"PropPaneGroupLabel_Accuracy": "General accuracy",
"FieldLabel_RoundTime": "Incriment to round time to", //Up 5 minutes, Down 5 minutes, No Rounding,
"FieldLabel_ForceCurrentUser": "Allow Proxy entry", //
"FieldLabel_ConfirmPrompt": "Confirm all entries", //
// 4 -Project options
"PropPaneGroupLabel_ProjectOptions": "Project options",
"FieldLabel_OnlyActiveProjects": "Only read in active projects",
"FieldLabel_AllowUserProjects": "Allow User Projects (direct from history)", // Use to allow getting list of user write-in projects
"FieldLabel_ProjectMasterPriority": "Master Project Priority", //Use to determine what projects float to top.... your most recent? last day?
"FieldLabel_ProjectUserPriority": "User Project Priority", //Use to determine what projects float to top.... your most recent? last day?
"FieldLabel_DefaultProjectsOrHistory": "Default projects: Projects or History?", //Label to ask for default setting: Projects or User History?
"FieldLabel_SyncProjectPivotsOnToggle": "Keep Projects and History pivots in sync", //always keep pivots in sync when toggling projects/history
"FieldLabel_Yours": "Yours", //Heading and label for "Your" projects or history
"FieldLabel_YourTeam": "Your Team", //Heading and label for "Your Team's" projects or history
"FieldLabel_Others": "Others", //Heading and label for "Your Team's" projects or history
"ToggleLabel_Projects": "Projects", //Projects or Time History
"ToggleLabel_History": "History", //Projects or Time History
// 5 - UI Defaults
"PropPaneGroupLabel_UIDefaults": "UI Defaults",
"FieldLabel_DefaultProjectPicker": "Default Project Category", //Recent, Your Projects, All Projects etc...
"FieldLabel_DefaultTimePicker": "Default Time Entry format", //SinceLast, Slider, Manual???
"FieldLabel_LocationChoices": "Location choices - separate with ;", //Office, Customer, Traveling, Home
"FieldLabel_DefaultLocation": "Default Location", //
// 6 - User Feedback:
"PropPaneGroupLabel_UserFeedback": "User Feedback",
"FieldLabel_ShowElapsedTimeSinceLast": "Show elapsed time since last entry", //Day, Week, Both?
"FieldLabel_ShowTargetBar": "Show Target bar", //Day, Week, Both?
"FieldLabel_ShowTargetToggle": "Show Targets", //Day, Week, Both?
"FieldLabel_DailyTarget": "Target hours per Day to track", //Day, Week, Both?
"FieldLabel_WeeklyTarget": "Target hours per Week to track", //Day, Week, Both?
// 7 - Slider Options
"PropPaneGroupLabel_SliderOptions": "Start-End Slider Options",
"FieldLabel_ShowTimeSlider": "Show Time Slider",
"FieldLabel_TimeSliderInc": "Incriment of time slider (minutes)",
"FieldLabel_TimeSliderMax": "Max of time slider (hours)",
// 9 - Other web part options
"FieldLabel_WebPartScenario": "Should come from webpart", //Choice used to create mutiple versions of the webpart.
"FieldLabel_ToggleTextOff": "Off",
"FieldLabel_ToggleTextOn": "On",
"FieldLabel_PivSize": "Pivot size",
"FieldLabel_PivFormat": "Pivot format",
"FieldLabel_PivOptions": "Pivot options",
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