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Created September 27, 2020 20:59
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HW2 Q3 Solution
# Link to original idea:
#provides system specifics
import sys
#needed to make web requests
import requests
#store the data we get as a dataframe
import pandas as pd
#convert the response as a strcuctured json
import json
#mathematical operations on lists
import numpy as np
#parse the datetimes we get from NOAA
from datetime import datetime
#add the access token you got from NOAA
Token = 'QbUfrFiAhMCQJpobnyrIDvnbDycnanjZ'
#Long Beach Airport station
station_id = 'GHCND:USW00023129'
# Amherst Station
# station_id = 'GHCND:USC00190120'
# initialize lists to store data
dates_temp = []
dates_prcp = []
class QuestionThree(object):
def highest_temp(self, alist):
This function receives an array of max. temperature data from a specified period
and returns the highest temperature (highest T) in that period and the index on the array
when that highest temperature occurred.
:param alist: list with max. temp. data
:return: highest temp and the index
current_max = 0
for i in alist:
if i > current_max:
current_max = i
return current_max, alist.index(current_max)
def lowest_temp(self, alist):
Similar to the previous method, this function receives an array with min. temp. data
from a specific period and returns the lowest temp. (lowest T) and the index
when this lowest temp. occurred.
:param alist: list with min. temp. data
:return: lowest temp. and the index
current_min = sys.maxsize
for i in alist:
if i < current_min:
current_min = i
return current_min, alist.index(current_min)
def average_high(self, alist):
This function receives an array with max. temp. data from a specific period and
returns the average temp.
:param alist: list with max. temp. data
:return: average max. temp.
count = 0
avg = 0
for i in alist:
avg = avg + i
count = count +1
return avg/count
def average_low(self, alist):
This function receives an array with min. temp. data from a specific period and
returns the average temp.
:param alist: list with min. temp. data
:return: average min. temp.
count = 0
avg = 0
for i in alist:
avg = avg + i
count = count + 1
return avg / count
def GetTemps(startyear, endyear, type):
dates_temp = []
tempsmax = []
tempsmin = []
for year in range(startyear, endyear):
year = str(year)
print('working on year ' + year)
for type in type:
print('working on Type:' + type)
# make the api call
r = requests.get(
'' + type + '&limit=1000&stationid=GHCND:USC00190120&startdate=' + year + '-01-01&enddate=' + year + '-12-31',
# '',
headers={'token': Token})
# load the api response as a json
d = json.loads(r.text)
if type == 'TMAX':
# get all items in the response which are average temperature readings
max_temps = [item for item in d['results'] if item['datatype'] == 'TMAX']
# get the date field from all average temperature readings
dates_temp += [item['date'] for item in max_temps]
# get the actual average temperature from all average temperature readings
tempsmax += [item['value'] for item in max_temps]
elif type == 'TMIN':
# get all items in the response which are average temperature readings
min_temps = [item for item in d['results'] if item['datatype'] == 'TMIN']
# get the date field from all average temperature readings
dates_temp += [item['date'] for item in min_temps]
# get the actual average temperature from all average temperature readings
tempsmin += [item['value'] for item in min_temps]
print('Datatype not supported!!!')
return tempsmax, tempsmin, dates_temp
maxTemps, minTemps, datesTemp = GetTemps(2010,2011,['TMAX', 'TMIN'])
statistics = QuestionThree()
max, maxindex = statistics.highest_temp(maxTemps)
min, minindex = statistics.lowest_temp(minTemps)
print('Max:', max , maxindex, ' Min:', min, minindex)
avg_max = statistics.average_high(maxTemps)
avg_min = statistics.average_low(minTemps)
print("Average high:", avg_max, " Average low:", avg_min)
#initialize dataframe
df_temp = pd.DataFrame()
#populate date and average temperature fields (cast string date to datetime and convert temperature from tenths of Celsius to Fahrenheit)
df_temp['date'] = [datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for d in dates_temp]
df_temp['avgTemp'] = [float(v)/10.0*1.8 + 32 for v in maxTemps]
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