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Last active June 5, 2020 14:43
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F# conf / Pulumi Q&A

Does Pulumi help you to migrate resources from one cloud to another?

Not really… We don’t not have active “cross-cloud” solutions (except things like Kubernetes), resources are defined in terms that are specific to each cloud (S3 / Azure Storage, not “Storage”). Migration may be easier because it’s the same tool that you use, but the program is going to be different.

Does pulumi detect circular dependencies?

You can’t make circular dependencies by design. To depend B on A, you need to define A in your program before B, which is not possible.

What about security of sensitive information like passwords, certificates, etc.?

Great question! Pulumi has a built-in concept of secrets that I believe doesn’t exist anywhere else on this level. So, you can mark any value in your program as secret, and it will never be printing plain-text or stored unencrypted, while still flowing through the program. Also, you can store your secrets in Azure KeyVault etc. and use them in your programs. Examples: (edited)

What is the support for Pulumi on Azure DevOps?

There’s a Pulumi task in Azure Pipelines that deploys your Pulumi programs.

Will support for F# 5 scripts with dependency declaration be available later?

We discussed this (and other scripting) but there are no active plans. It would be awesome if you could file at issue for this in

What is the advantage of Pulumi vs AWS CDK in an AWS environment?

See (edited)

Is there support for multi account when working with AWS or any other cloud?

Yes, even from the same program. It’s called Explicit Provider Configuration where you define provider as another resource and then pass it in the options while defining other resources.

How does Pulumi licensing compare to Terraform’s?

I don’t know TF licensing that much… I guess similar? Pulumi: CLI and all providers are free for any usage. Everything that I showed you can do for free. Backend SaaS is free for individuals If you want to use our backend SaaS, it’s paid for teams per user per month If you want to deploy our backend at your company, it’s an enterprise agreement

Fun fact: the Fantomas tools are being deployed to Azure with Pulumi


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