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Created April 15, 2020 08:21
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="Pulumi.Azure" Version="2.5.0-preview" />
<PackageReference Include="Pulumi.FSharp" Version="1.14.1-preview" />
module Program
open Pulumi.FSharp
open Pulumi.Azure.Core
open Pulumi.Azure.Network
open Pulumi.Azure.Network.Inputs
open Pulumi.Azure.Storage
let infra () =
// Create an Azure Resource Group
let resourceGroup = ResourceGroup "resourceGroup"
// let c19_nsg_waf =
// let name = "c19-nsg-waf"
// NetworkSecurityGroup
// (name,
// NetworkSecurityGroupArgs
// (Name = input name,
// ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name,
// SecurityRules =
// ([ NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRulesArgs
// (Name = input "c19-nsgrule-in-valid-internet",
// Description = input "Allow inbound traffic from the Internet",
// Access = input "Allow", Direction = input "Inbound",
// SourceAddressPrefix = input "*", SourcePortRanges = inputList [input "80"],
// DestinationAddressPrefix = input "",
// DestinationPortRanges = inputList [input "80"], Priority = input 100,
// Protocol = input "Tcp");
// NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRulesArgs
// (Name = input "c19-nsgrule-in-invalid",
// Description = input "Deny outbound traffic to the Internet",
// Access = input "Deny", Direction = input "Outbound",
// SourceAddressPrefix = input "VirtualNetwork", SourcePortRange = input "*",
// DestinationAddressPrefix = input "Internet",
// DestinationPortRange = input "*", Priority = input 101,
// Protocol = input "*") ]
// |> input
// |> inputList)))
let c19_nsg_waf =
let name = "c19-nsg-waf-2"
NetworkSecurityGroupArgs(Name = input name, ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name))
let c19_nsgrule_in_valid_internet =
let name = "c19-nsgrule-in-valid-internet"
(Name = input name,
Description = input "Allow inbound traffic from the Internet",
Access = input "Allow", Direction = input "Inbound",
SourceAddressPrefix = input "*", SourcePortRange = input "*",
DestinationAddressPrefix = input "Internet",
DestinationPortRange = input "*",
NetworkSecurityGroupName = io c19_nsg_waf.Name, Priority = input 100,
Protocol = input "Tcp", ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name))
let c19_nsgrule_out_all =
let name = "c19-nsgrule-in-invalid"
(Name = input name,
Description = input "Deny outbound traffic to the Internet",
Access = input "Deny", Direction = input "Outbound",
SourceAddressPrefix = input "VirtualNetwork",
SourcePortRange = input "*",
DestinationAddressPrefix = input "Internet",
DestinationPortRange = input "*",
NetworkSecurityGroupName = io c19_nsg_waf.Name, Priority = input 101,
Protocol = input "*", ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name))
dict []
let main _ = infra
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