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Last active November 3, 2017 19:43
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check mongo boundries

By doing the following aggregation quey:

{"$project": {month: {"$month": "$timestamp"}, machineName: 1, timestamp: 1}}, 
{"$match":{month: month}},
{"$group":{_id:{machineName: "$machineName", day:{ "$dayOfMonth": "$timestamp"}}, first: {"$min":"$timestamp"}, last: {"$max":"$timestamp"}}}

I succeed to return the following result:

[ { _id: { machineName: 'DESKTOP-SH14Q6B', day: 3 },
    first: 2017-11-03T15:03:59.123Z,
    last: 2017-11-03T16:17:43.110Z }

Now, for each result, I need to go to machines collections and fetch the machine's IP, I should do this join in application level or there is a reasonable way to fetch the IP in my aggregation query?

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