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Created June 1, 2023 17:26
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A TypeScript type that will dynamically knows every nested object property. specially helpful when being used on a dynamic size object you want to access.
type ShapeOf<T extends Record<string, any>> = keyof {
[K in keyof T as T[K] extends string ? K: T[K] extends Record<string, unknown> ? `${K & string}.${ShapeOf<T[K]> & string}` : never]: any
const locales = {
en: {
welcome: 'welcome',
job: {
title: 'Job title',
description: 'Job description'
footer: {
left: 'sample footer left',
right: {
top: 'sample footer right'
type LocaleMap = typeof locales
type LocaleName = keyof LocaleMap
type Locale = LocaleMap[LocaleName]
let currentLocale: LocaleName = 'en'
function get(object: Record<string, unknown>, path: Array<string>, index = 0): string {
const key = path[index]
if(key === undefined) {
return ''
const result = object[key]
if(result === undefined) {
return ''
if(typeof result === 'string') {
return result;
return get(Object(result), path, index + 1)
export function t(key: ShapeOf<Locale>) {
return get(locales[currentLocale], key.split('.'))
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