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Created March 17, 2019 22:17
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import frontmatter
import glob
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, TIT2, TPE1, TRCK, TALB
import os
post = frontmatter.load('podcast.yaml')
print("podcast.yaml not found or not parseable")
if post:
title = post['title']
author = post['author']
for audio_file in glob.glob('*.mp3'):
audio = ID3(audio_file)
episode = os.path.splitext(audio_file)[0]
track = [int(s) for s in episode.split() if s.isdigit()]
audio.add(TIT2(encoding=3, text=episode + " - " + title))
audio.add(TPE1(encoding=3, text=author))
audio.add(TALB(encoding=3, text=title))
audio.add(TRCK(encoding=3, text=str(track[0])))
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