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Filmnr. Arkivskaber Titel
004071548 Danmark. Samsø herreds provsti (Holbæk) Skifteprotokoller, 1682-1818
004071548 Danmark. Tunø herreds provsti (Århus) Skifteprotokoller, 1682-1818
005686183 Danmark. Frisenborg gods (Skanderborg, Århus, Randers, og Viborg) Skifteprotokoller, 1719-1851
005686183 Danmark. Birketing (Frisenborg birk) Skifteprotokoller, 1849-1883
005686183 Danmark. Birketing (Fauerskov birk) Skifteprotokoller, 1849-1883
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Benjamin Musaphia and Gabriel Milan in Amsterdam & Den Haag

Below is a list of notarial documents obtained through various references as well as searches on the Amsterdam City Archives Transkribus site:

I do not speak Dutch or Portuguese natively, but give an attempt at a short summary for some of the documents.

Names of other Sephardim that jumped out at me when skimming the documents have been included below, but do note that these lists are not exhaustive!