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Created November 10, 2015 11:39
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6.028 lecture notes

6.828 2014 L1: O/S overview


  • 6.828 goals

    • Understand operating systems in detail by designing and implementing a small O/S
    • Hands-on experience with building systems ("Applying 6.033")
  • What do applications want from an O/S?

    • Abstract the hardware for convenience and portability
    • Multiplex the hardware among multiple applications
    • Isolate applications to contain bugs
    • Allow sharing among applications
  • What is an OS?

    • e.g. OSX, Windows, Linux
    • the small view: a h/w management library
    • the big view: physical machine -> abstract one w/ better properties
  • Organization: layered picture h/w: CPU, mem, disk kernel: [various services] user: applications, e.g. vi and gcc

    • we care a lot about the interfaces and internel kernel structure
  • What services does an O/S kernel typically provide?

    • processes
    • memory
    • file contents
    • directories and file names
    • security
    • many others: users, IPC, network, time, terminals
  • What does an O/S abstraction look like?

    • Applications only see them via system calls
    • Examples, from UNIX / Linux:
  fd = open("out", 1);
  write(fd, "hello\n", 6);
  pid = fork();
  • Why is O/S design/implementation hard/interesting?

    • the environment is unforgiving: weird h/w, no debugger
    • it must be efficient (thus low-level?) ...but abstract/portable (thus high-level?)
    • powerful (thus many features?) ...but simple (thus a few composable building blocks?)
    • features interact: fd = open(); ...; fork()
    • behaviors interact: CPU priority vs memory allocator.
    • open problems: security, multi-core
  • You'll be glad you learned about operating systems if you...

    • want to work on the above problems
    • care about what's going on under the hood
    • have to build high-performance systems
    • need to diagnose bugs or security problems

Class structure

  • See web site:

  • Lectures

    • basic O/S ideas
    • extended inspection of xv6, a traditional O/S
    • several more recent topics
    • xv6 programming to re-inforce xv6 understanding
  • Lab: JOS, a small O/S for x86 in an exokernel style

    • you build it, 5 labs + final lab of your choice
    • kernel interface: expose hardware, but protect -- no abstractions!
    • unprivileged library: fork, exec, pipe, ...
    • applications: file system, shell, ..
    • development environment: gcc, qemu
    • lab 1 is out
    • make grade
  • Code review

  • Two quizzes: one in class hours, one in final's week

Shell and system calls

  • 6.828 is largely about design and implementation of system call interface. let's start by looking at how programs use that interface. example: the Unix shell.

  • the shell is the Unix command UI

    • typically handles login session, runs other processes
    • you saw it in 6.033:
    • the shell is also a programming/scripting language
    • look at some simple examples of shell operations, how they use different O/S abstractions, and how those abstractions fit together. See Unix paper if you are unfamiliar with the shell.
  • Simplified xv6 sh.c

    • See chapter 0 of xv6 book
    • Basic organization: parsing and executing commands (e.g., ls, ls | wc, ls > out)
    • Shell implemented using system calls (e.g., read, write, fork, exec, wait) conventions: -1 return value signals error, error code stored in errno, perror prints out a descriptive error message based on errno.
    • Many systems calls are encapsulated in libc calls (e.g., fgets vs read)
  • Trace system calls $ ls
    • On OSX: sudo dtruss ./a.out (where a.out is the compiled sh.c)
    • On Linux: strace ./a.out
  • what does fork() do? copies user memory copies process kernel state (e.g. user id) child gets a different PID child state contains parent PID returns twice, with different values
  • parent and child may run concurrently (e.g., on different processors).
  • what does wait() do? waits for any child to exit what if child exits before parent calls wait?
  • what are file descriptors? (0, 1, 2, etc. in read/write) echo.c

  • what is i/o redirection? echo.c How would you implement ">" in sh.c

  • what are pipes? (ls | wc ) pipe1.c pipe2.c How would you implement them in sh.c?

  • Homework assignment for shell

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