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Created October 24, 2023 11:02
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Convert eBird GBIF simple archive to multiple DwC files for FinBIF ETL import
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
# Mikko Heikkinen 2020, 2022, 2023
# Defines which columns to use. Order is not significant.
usecols = [
# Source data
filename = "test.csv"
filename = "ebird-2023.csv"
debugLimit = 10000000 # 10 M
#debugLimit = 1000 # DEBUG
numberOfFiles = 25
#numberOfFiles = 1 # DEBUG
# Replace NaN values with empty string
df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', usecols=usecols)
df = df.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
print("Finished loading into dataframe")
data = df.to_dict(orient='records')
dwList = []
locationDict = dict()
print("Started conversions")
for i, ebirdObs in enumerate(data):
dwObs = {}
dwObs['collectionId'] = "" # Must not be changed, so that old data can be updated, and id's stay persistent.
# catalogNumber (formerly identifier) is like OBS844370107
# occurrenceID is like URN:catalog:CLO:EBIRD:OBS844370107
dwObs['occurrenceID'] = dwObs['collectionId'] + "/" + ebirdObs['catalogNumber']
dwObs['catalogNumber'] = ebirdObs['catalogNumber']
dwObs['otherCatalogNumbers'] = ebirdObs['occurrenceID']
if "HUMAN_OBSERVATION" == ebirdObs['basisOfRecord']:
dwObs['basisOfRecord'] = "HumanObservation"
print("\nSkipped " + ebirdObs['catalogNumber'] + "\n")
dwObs['eventDate'] = ebirdObs['eventDate'].replace("T00:00:00", "")
locality = ebirdObs['locality']
# Clean up locality names
# Regexes made with ChatGPT
locality = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', locality) # Remove everything in parenthesis
# locality = re.sub(r'tie \d{1,3}', '', locality) # Remove house numbers after tie, e.g. "Lintutie 13" -> "Lintutie "
# locality = re.sub(r'\b\d{1,3}(?=\s*\w*tie\b)', '', locality) # Remove house numbers before tie, e.g. "13 Lintutie" -> " Lintutie"
locality = re.sub(r'\d+\.\d+, \d+\.\d+', '', locality) # Remove coordinates separated with comma and space
locality = re.sub(r'\d+\.\d+x\d+\.\d+', '', locality) # Remove coordinates with dots, separated with x
locality = re.sub(r'\d+\,\d+x\d+\,\d+', '', locality) # Remove coordinates with commas, separated with x
locality = re.sub(r'\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}\s\d{1,2}\.\d{2}', '', locality) # Remove some datetimes
# Full matches
if locality == "Koti" or locality == "Home":
locality = ""
# Remove odd place names and characters that are in at least 100 location names (2023-01-27)
locality = locality.replace("_", " ")
locality = locality.replace("--", ", ")
locality = locality.replace(" ,", ",")
locality = locality.replace(" ", " ")
locality = locality.replace("FI-", "")
locality = locality.replace("FI ", "")
locality = locality.replace(", FI", "")
locality = locality.replace("SK ", "")
locality = locality.replace("VS ", "")
locality = locality.replace("UM ", "")
locality = locality.replace("UM, ", "")
locality = locality.replace("PS ", "")
locality = locality.replace("P ", "")
locality = locality.replace("L ", "")
locality = locality.replace("home yard", "")
locality = locality.replace("home, yard", "")
locality = locality.replace("Homeyard", "")
locality = locality.replace(", yard", "")
locality = locality.replace("Mökki", "")
locality = locality.replace("SN yard", "")
locality = locality.replace("Aa My home", "")
locality = locality.replace(" home", "")
locality = locality.replace("10300, ", "")
locality = locality.replace("Home to Citymarket and back", "")
locality = locality.replace(" Lt", ", lintutorni")
locality = locality.replace("11.8.2020 10.37-60,592, 24,432", "")
locality = locality.replace("22 Apr 2017 19:14", "")
locality = locality.replace("22.6.2021 21.45-60,35, 27,454", "")
locality = locality.replace("koiran kanssa", "")
locality = locality.replace("Finnature Tour", "")
locality = locality.replace("exact locations not known", "")
locality = locality.replace("tour de búhos", "")
locality = locality.replace("-Neljan Tuulen Tupa", "Neljän tuulen tupa")
locality = locality.replace("\t", "")
# locality = locality.lstrip("1234567890") # Remove leading house numbers
locality = locality.strip(",.- ")
if locality in locationDict:
locationDict[locality] = locationDict[locality] + 1
locationDict[locality] = 1
# locality = locality.replace("OULU", "")
dwObs['locality'] = locality
dwObs['stateProvince'] = ebirdObs['stateProvince']
dwObs['country'] = ebirdObs['countryCode']
dwObs['decimalLatitude'] = ebirdObs['decimalLatitude']
dwObs['decimalLongitude'] = ebirdObs['decimalLongitude']
dwObs['recordedBy'] = ebirdObs['recordedBy']
if "" == ebirdObs['individualCount']:
dwObs['individualCount'] = ""
dwObs['individualCount'] = int(ebirdObs['individualCount'])
dwObs['scientificName'] = ebirdObs['verbatimScientificName']
dwObs['taxonRank'] = ebirdObs['taxonRank']
# These will be saved as facts to FinBIF
dynamicProps = {}
dynamicProps['lastInterpreted'] = ebirdObs['lastInterpreted']
dynamicProps['verbatimScientificName'] = ebirdObs['verbatimScientificName']
dynamicProps['gbifID'] = ebirdObs['gbifID']
dwObs['dynamicProperties'] = dynamicProps
if i >= debugLimit:
# Pretty print
#print(json.dumps(dwList, indent=4))
print("Finished conversions")
dwDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(dwList)
baseFilename = "ebird_{id}.txt"
for id, df_i in enumerate(np.array_split(dwDataFrame, numberOfFiles)):
df_i.to_csv(baseFilename.format(id=id), sep="\t", index=False)
print("Created files")
print(str(len(locationDict)) + " locality names")
result_f = open('localities.txt', 'a')
for name, count in locationDict.items():
if count >= 10:
loc = f"{name}_{count}\n"
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