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Last active January 22, 2024 18:49
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Save mikkohei13/8a988a2351ade911b90394421c66462e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tool to compare data from bird atlas and Tiira, to see which species & observations are missing breeding index.
Tool to compare observations from Tiira to atlas data, to see which observations could increase breeding indices.
MIT License
# Source data - Tiira export saved as UTF-8 CSV file
tiira_filename = "./import/tiira.csv"
# Atlas square to compare to
atlas_square = "667:337"
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import sys
import requests
def save_html(html, atlas_square):
pre_html = """
<html><head><title>Atlasruudun havainnot</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
h3 {
padding: 0.5em;
background-color: #eee;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 999;
font-weight: normal;
h3 span {
font-weight: bold;
h3 strong {
color: #f00;
table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
td {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0.3em;
vertical-align: top;
.secret {
background-color: #f77;
color: #fff;
.breeding {
background-color: #77f;
color: #fff;
.nowrap {
white-space: nowrap;
post_html = "<p>tiira-atlas-compare v20220921</p></body></html>"
html = pre_html + html + post_html
path = f"ruutu-{ atlas_square.replace(':', '-') }.html"
text_file = open(path, "w")
n = text_file.write(html)
print(f"Saved { path }")
return True
def truncate(value, length):
if len(value) <= length:
return value
return (value[0:length] + "…")
def convert_atlas_code(value):
return value['key'].replace("MY.atlasCodeEnum", "")
def convert_atlas_class(value):
atlas_class = value['key'].replace("MY.atlasClassEnum", "")
return atlas_class
def get_square_atlas_dict(square):
square = square.replace(":", "%3A")
api_url = f"{ square }/atlas"
r = requests.get(api_url)
except ConnectionError:
print("ERROR: API error.", file = sys.stdout)
# r.encoding = encoding
data_json = r.text
data_dict = json.loads(data_json)
indexed_dict = {}
for species in data_dict['data']:
# print(species)
indexed_dict[species['speciesName']] = {}
indexed_dict[species['speciesName']]['atlas_code'] = convert_atlas_code(species['atlasCode'])
indexed_dict[species['speciesName']]['atlas_class'] = convert_atlas_class(species['atlasClass'])
return indexed_dict
def migrating(status):
status_string = str(status)
status_pieces = status_string.split(", ")
migrating_statuses = ["m", "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"]
migrating = any(item in status for item in migrating_statuses)
# if "m" in status_pieces:
if migrating:
if "p" in status_pieces:
return False
return True
return False
def atlascode(value):
if "" == value:
return ""
return "ATL:" + str(int(value))
print("------ START ------------------------------------------------------------")
sensitive_species = ['kiljuhanhi', 'merikotka', 'kiljukotka', 'sääksi', 'maakotka', 'tunturihaukka', 'muuttohaukka', 'lapinsirri', 'etelänsuosirri', 'rantakurvi', 'tunturipöllö', 'kuukkeli', 'punakuiri', 'etelänkiisla']
atlas_dict = get_square_atlas_dict(atlas_square)
tiira_df = pd.read_csv(tiira_filename, sep=";")
tiira_df = tiira_df.replace(np.nan, "", regex=True)
html = f"<h1>{atlas_square}</h1>"
html += "<div><table>"
limit = 100000
obs_count = 0
secret_count = 0
species_mem = ""
for ind in tiira_df.index:
species = tiira_df['Laji'][ind]
# Skip uncertain species and non-species
if "/" in species:
if "risteymä" in species:
if " " in species:
# Tiira datafile can contain rows without species name, skip them as well.
if "" == species:
# Skip migrating
if migrating(tiira_df['Tila'][ind]):
# Harmonize names between Tiira & Atlas
if "kesykyyhky" == species:
species = "kalliokyyhky"
# Skip if breeding is already certain
if species in atlas_dict:
if "D" == atlas_dict[species]['atlas_class']:
# Use bird coordinates if present, otherwise observer coordinates
if tiira_df['Y-koord-linnun'][ind]:
bird_has_coordinates = True
n = str(tiira_df['Y-koord-linnun'][ind])
e = str(tiira_df['X-koord-linnun'][ind])
bird_has_coordinates = False
n = str(tiira_df['Y-koord'][ind])
e = str(tiira_df['X-koord'][ind])
# Skip if wrong square
if (n[0:3] + ":" + e[0:3]) != atlas_square:
# print(f"Skipping wrong square: {latlon}")
# Skip if already probable or certain observation, and this observation does not have any notes, because any information about probable or certain breeding whould be in the notes.
if species in atlas_dict:
if "C" == atlas_dict[species]['atlas_class']:
all_notes = str(tiira_df['Lisätietoja'][ind]) + str(tiira_df['Lisätietoja_2'][ind]) + str(tiira_df['Pesintä'][ind])
if "" == all_notes:
if species != species_mem:
html += "</table></div>"
html += "<div class='species'>\n"
html += "<h3><span>" + species.capitalize() + "</span><br>\n"
if species not in atlas_dict:
html += "Ei atlashavaintoja"
elif "A" == atlas_dict[species]['atlas_class']:
html += "Epätodennäköinen pesintä"
elif "B" == atlas_dict[species]['atlas_class']:
html += "Mahdollinen pesintä"
elif "C" == atlas_dict[species]['atlas_class']:
html += "On todennäköinen pesintä"
if species in sensitive_species:
html += " <strong>(osa) lajin atlashavainnoista karkeistetaan</strong>"
html += "</h3>\n<table>\n"
table_open = True
species_mem = species
if "X" == str(tiira_df['Salattu'][ind]):
secret = "<em class='secret'>salattu</em> "
secret_count = secret_count + 1
secret = ""
if "X" == str(tiira_df['Pesintä'][ind]):
breeding = "<em class='breeding'>merkitty pesiväksi</em> "
breeding = ""
# print("Now handling obs " + str(tiira_df['Havainto id'][ind]))
html += "<tr>"
html += "<td>" + str(tiira_df['Pvm1'][ind]) + "-<br>" + str(tiira_df['Pvm2'][ind]) + "</td>\n"
html += "<td>" + str(tiira_df['Kunta'][ind]) + " " + str(tiira_df['Paikka'][ind]) + "</td>"
html += "<td class='nowrap'>" + str(tiira_df['Määrä'][ind]) + " " + str(tiira_df['Tila'][ind]) + "</td>"
html += "<td>" + secret + breeding + str(tiira_df['Lisätietoja'][ind]) + ", " + str(tiira_df['Lisätietoja_2'][ind]) + "</td>"
html += "<td>" + atlascode(tiira_df['Atlaskoodi'][ind]) + "</td>"
html += "<td>" + truncate(tiira_df['Havainnoijat'][ind], 20) + "</td>"
html += "<td><a href='" + str(tiira_df['Havainto id'][ind]) + "' target='_blank' name='tiirahavis'>[↗]</a></td>"
html += "</tr>\n"
obs_count = obs_count + 1
if obs_count > limit:
html += "</table>\n"
html += f"<p class='total'>Yhteensä {obs_count} havaintoa, joista {secret_count} salattuja Tiirassa</p>"
save_html(html, atlas_square)
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