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Last active April 24, 2018 23:51
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cythonized example of scipy.optimized.newton to solve solar-cell for 100,000 different cases
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from math import exp, sin
from scipy.optimize.cython_optimize cimport zeros
IL = [sin(il) + 6.0 for il in range(NUM_OF_IRRAD)]
# governing equations
cdef double f_solarcell(double i, tuple args):
v, il, io, rs, rsh, vt = args
vd = v + i * rs
return il - io * (exp(vd / vt) - 1.0) - vd / rsh - i
cdef double fprime(double i, tuple args):
v, il, io, rs, rsh, vt = args
return -io * exp((v + i * rs) / vt) * rs / vt - rs / rsh - 1
cdef double solarcell_newton(tuple args):
"""test newton with array"""
return zeros.newton(f_solarcell, 6.0, fprime, args)
# cython
def bench_cython_newton(v=5.25, il=IL, args=(1e-09, 0.004, 10, 0.27456)):
return map(solarcell_newton,
((v, il_,) + args for il_ in il))
ctypedef double (*callback_type)(double, tuple);
cdef double newton(callback_type func, double x0, callback_type fprime, tuple args)
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import warnings
TOL = 1.48e-8
cdef double newton(callback_type func, double p0, callback_type fprime, tuple args):
# Newton-Rapheson method
for iter in range(MAXITER):
fder = fprime(p0, args)
if fder == 0:
msg = "derivative was zero."
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
return p0
fval = func(p0, args)
# Newton step
p = p0 - fval / fder
if abs(p - p0) < TOL: # np_abs(p - p0).max() < tol:
return p
p0 = p
msg = "Failed to converge after %d iterations, value is %s" % (MAXITER, p)
raise RuntimeError(msg)
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