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Last active October 22, 2022 12:21
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Another Python metaclass primer
#! /usr/bin/env python
Python metaclasses
A metaclass is a class factory; metaclasses serve two purposes:
1. replace ``type`` as the base class metatype for classes with the
``__metaclass__`` attribute
2. act as a class factory, to create classes dynamically
1. StackOverflow answer to `What is a metaclass in Python? \
2. Eli Bendersky's website on `Python metaclasses by example \
3. `Python Built-in Functions <>`_
4. `Overriding the __new__ method \
<>`_ and
'metaclasses <>`_
5. `A Primer on Python Metaclass Programming \
6. `Python Data Model \
7. `A Primer on Python Metaclasses \
8. Effbot `metaclass <>`_
`attributes <>`_
9. `Magic Methods <>`_
10. `Python Idioms \
``type`` is both a function and a class depending on the interface. As a
function it returns the type of the object passed as its only argument. It is
the base class for all Python objects and is its own type.
>>> type(type)
>>> type(object)
>>> type(int)
``type`` is also a class factory when passed the name <str>, tuple of bases
and dictionary of class attributes. Note that functions that are passed as
attributes must call a class instance as its first argument or use the
``@classmethod`` or ``@staticmethod`` decorators. Unbound methods can not be
>>> MyClass = type('MyClass', (object, ),
... {'cls_attr': 'foobar',
... 'inst_meth': 'lambda self, x: x**2})
>>> print MyClass
<class '__main__.MyClass'>
>>> print MyClass.cls_attr
>>> mc = MyClass()
>>> print mc
<__main__.MyClass object at 0x0000000003F85748>
>>> print mc.inst_meth(3)
``__metaclass__`` attribute
If a class has the ``__metaclass__`` attribute set to a callable that returns
a class, it will use that metaclass to create the class. If it doesn't find a
``__metaclass__`` attribute it will look in any superclasses and finally use
``type``. Either a function that calls ``type()`` or a subclass of ``type`` can
be the ``__metaclass__`` attribute. A metaclass can be used to change bases or
class attributes before they class object is created.
Class Factory
A subclass of ``type()`` can be used to alter the bases or class attributes of
classes before they're created or as a class factory to create classes
``__new__`` and ``__init__`` methods
All classes, including metaclasses first call ``__new__`` to create the class
object followed by ``__init__`` which instantiates the class object. The
most important differences between ``__new__`` and ``__init__`` are
1. ``__new__`` is always called first, immediately followed by ``__init__``
2. ``__new__`` must return the newly instantieated class object, but ``__init``
doesn`t return anything, it only intiallizes the instance.
The ``__new__`` method is mainly used for subclassing immutable types. For
example use the ``__new__`` method to subclass a ``numpy.ndarray`` and return
a view of the argument as an array.
In metaclasses inputs to ``type()`` can be altered in the ``__new__`` method
before returning the new class factory, but in the ``__init__`` method changes
will have **no** effect on the class factory, because ``__init___`` doesn't
return anything. However, the class factory instance can be altered in the
``__init__`` method, since it is used to initialize the instance. EG: new
attributes can be assigned directly to the class factory instance using dot
notation. In the ``__new__`` method, assigning attributes directly to the new
class factory object using dot notation has the same effect of creating class
variables in the metaclass.
def print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr):
print the class, name, bases tuple, and dictionary of attributes
print 'class:', cls
print 'name:', name
print 'bases:', bases
print 'attr:', attr
print '------------------------'
class Meta(type):
FOO = 'hi'
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr):
# cls.FOO = 'hi' # equivalent assignment of class attribute
# change args before returning new class factory, EG: add a class
# attribute `foo` equal to the meta class constant `FOO`
if 'bar' in attr:
attr['foo'] = Meta.FOO
print 'in Meta __new__ method:'
print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr)
return super(Meta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr)
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr):
# changing name, bases or attr in __init__ has no effect!
# attr['this'] = 'does nothing'
super(Meta,cls).__init__(name, bases, attr)
# change class directly, it was already created in `__new__`
if 'foo' in attr:
cls.barfoo = 2000
print 'in Meta __init__ method:'
print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr)
class FooBar(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta # use Meta instead of type
bar = 1999
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = 'x is %s, BAR is %s' % (x,
print 'FooBar dict:', FooBar.__dict__
f = FooBar('bye')
print 'x:', f.x, '\nbar:',, '\nfoo:',, '\nbarfoo:', FooBar.barfoo
print 'f dict:', f.__dict__
print '----------------------'
As Python reads the module it looks at the interface of each function or class
and creates an object in memory for it. When it comes across a class with the
``__metaclass__`` attribute, it parses the class definition for the "name",
"bases" and "attributes" and executes the callable given by the
``__metaclass__`` immediately. This is why you see the output from the meta
classes first.
in Meta __new__ method:
class: <class '__main__.Meta'>
name: FooBar
bases: (<type 'object'>,)
attr: {
'bar': 1999,
'__module__': '__main__',
'foo': 'hi',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.Meta'>,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002327D68>}
in Meta __init__ method:
class: <class '__main__.FooBar'>
name: FooBar
bases: (<type 'object'>,)
attr: {
'bar': 1999,
'__module__': '__main__',
'foo': 'hi',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.Meta'>,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002327D68>}
FooBar dict: {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.Meta'>,
'barfoo': 2000,
'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'FooBar' objects>,
'bar': 1999,
'foo': 'hi',
'__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'FooBar' objects>,
'__doc__': None,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002327D68>}
x: x is bye, BAR is 1999
bar: 1999
foo: hi
barfoo: 2000
f dict: {'x': 'x is bye, BAR is 1999'}
import os, json
_DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
_OUTPUTS = os.path.join(_DIRNAME, '.')
class OutputSources(object):
def __init__(self, param_file):
self.param_file = param_file
with open(param_file, 'r') as fp:
#: parameters from file for outputs
self.parameters = json.load(fp)
Now we'll define a metaclass that adds a desired subclass if it is missing,
which must be done in ``__new__`` before the metaclass is created. We'll also
create a constructor and pass it as the ``__init__`` attribute of the new
as yet uncreated class; not to be confused with the ``__init__`` method of the
metaclass. We'll also pass an extra argument in the metaclass constructor
to set instance attributes inside the as yet uncreated class `__init__` method.
Note as in the example on using just ``type()`` to dynamically create a class,
when passing methods as attributes the first argument must be the class instance,
not the class, unless the function is decorated with ``@classmethod`` or
You can pass extra args to ``__new__``, and still call ``super`` for ``type()``
with the correct interface. Note that ``type()`` requires 1 or 3 inputs only.
But weird things can happen in ``__init__`` because it will receive the exact
same arguments as ``__new__``, so if we want to pass extra arguments to the
metaclass, then we will need to override the metaclass ``__init__`` method and
pass it exactly the same args that you pass ``__new__``. This is true for any
class constructor, not just metaclasses.
When creating the metaclass if you set defaults args for ``__init__`` weird
things can happen. Whatever you set as the default for the class attributes,
will "appear" to overwrite whatever attributes where passed from ``__new__``,
but this has **no** effect because the class attributes have already been
created in ``__new__`` and the arguments passed to ``__init__`` have no effect.
Another example of this is the ``bases`` arg which is not passed from ``__new__``
to ``__init__``, which doesn't matter, because any base classes are already set
in ``__new__``. So if you print the args in ``__init__`` you will see only
the bases passed as args in the call to create the metaclass, and any bases
added to the class in ``__new__`` don't appear. However, all of the attributes
set in ``__new__`` do get passed to ``__init__``. Practially what this means is
that you should only use ``__new__`` to make changes based on what the bases are,
but you *can* use ``__init__`` to make changes based on class attributes.
Compare this with how metaclass is used when its arguments come from the
``__metaclass__`` attribute. When you instantiate the class directly from
the metaclass, you must provide all of the arguments that eventually get passed
to ``type()``, but when the ``__metaclass__`` attribute is used, it will
collect the arguments by parsing the class definition. In both cases, exactly
the same args get passed to both ``__new__`` and ``__init__`` as always, and
just like creating a new class from a metaclass by directly calling it, bases
added in ``__new__`` do not get passed to ``__init__``.
Note also that since this class is created dynamically, the metaclass isn't
instantiated until it's actually called in the __main__ section of the script.
However, the constructor inside the metaclass still doesn't run until the
dynamically created class is instantiated.
cls is <class '__main__.MetaOutputSource'>
__dict__ is {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__new__': <staticmethod object at 0x00000000023810D8>,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384D68>,
'__doc__': None}
__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<type 'object'>,)
in MetaOutputSource __new__ method
class: <class '__main__.MetaOutputSource'>
name: PoopOut
bases: (<class '__main__.OutputSources'>,)
attr: {'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384F28>}
in MetaOutputSource __init__ method
class: <class '__main__.PoopOut'>
name: PoopOut
bases: ()
attr: {'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384F28>}
cls is <class '__main__.PoopOut'>
__dict__ is {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__doc__': None,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384F28>}
__class__ is <class '__main__.MetaOutputSource'>
__class__.__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<type 'type'>,)
inside constructor for dynamically created classes
set Cool_Fx to 100
cls is <__main__.PoopOut object at 0x0000000002382AC8>
__dict__ is {
'cool_Fx': 100,
'parameters': {
u'poop': u'crap',
u'foo': [1, 2, 3],
u'bar': {u'this': u'that'}},
'param_file': '.\\.\\poop.json'}
__class__ is <class '__main__.PoopOut'>
__class__.__class__ is <class '__main__.MetaOutputSource'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<class '__main__.OutputSources'>,)
cls is <class '__main__.OutputSources'>
__dict__ is {
'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'OutputSources' objects>,
'__module__': '__main__',
'__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'OutputSources' objects>,
'__doc__': None,
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384C88>}
__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<type 'object'>,)
cls is <__main__.OutputSources object at 0x0000000002382BA8>
__dict__ is {
'parameters': {
u'poop': u'crap',
u'foo': [1, 2, 3],
u'bar': {u'this': u'that'}},
'param_file': 'poop.json'}
__class__ is <class '__main__.OutputSources'>
__class__.__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<type 'object'>,)
class MetaOutputSource(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr):
# we can change the name, base and attributes of the class to be
# created here in the `__new__` method.
# we *could* also pass extra args to the metaclass if we are going to
# call it directly to make our class object first, but not if we're
# going to add it as a `__metaclass__` attribute. See `__call__`.
# we'll check the bases and add our desired base if it's missing,
# since we're going to override that base's `__init__` method.
if OutputSources not in bases:
bases += (OutputSources, ) # must subclass OutputSources
def __init__(self, param_file, inst_attr={'dumb_Fx': 50}):
# this doesn't get called until after both the class object and
# metaclass instances have been created!
# So there is no way to remove the class attributes and set them
# as instance attributes only
param_file = os.path.join(_OUTPUTS, param_file)
print 'inside constructor for dynamically created classes'
for k, v in inst_attr.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
print "set %s to %s" % (k, v)
print '----------------------'
OutputSources.__init__(self, param_file)
attr.update({'__init__': __init__}) # add constructor as attribute
print 'in MetaOutputSource __new__ method'
return super(MetaOutputSource, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr)
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr):
# if OutputSources not in bases:
# bases += (dict, ) # this has **no** effect
# Can't add to attributes here, because class object is already created
# even though it hasn't been instantiated
super(MetaOutputSource, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr)
print 'in MetaOutputSource __init__ method'
print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr)
This next example is actually a repeat of the 1st ``__metaclass__`` attribute
example. Python goes through the module looking for definitions, allocating
memory. When it sees a class with a ``__metaclass__`` attribute it immediately
starts creating that class factory, using the metaclass, but not the actual
class onject. This use of metaclasses is a bit like a decorator or subclassing
however it does have the advantage that the metaclass type is only created
once, whereas a decorated or subclassed class definition would be recreated
every single time.
in MetaPoop __new__ method
class: <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>
name: PoopSources
bases: (<class '__main__.OutputSources'>,
<class __main__.St00pid at 0x0000000002364B28>)
attr: {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>,
'PARAM_FILE': '.\\.\\poop.json',
'POOPY': 'poopy.json',
'POOP': 'poop.json',
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384EB8>}
in MetaPoop __init__ method
class: <class '__main__.PoopSources'>
name: PoopSources
bases: (<class '__main__.OutputSources'>,)
attr: {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>,
'PARAM_FILE': '.\\.\\poop.json',
'POOPY': 'poopy.json',
'POOP': 'poop.json',
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384EB8>}
cls is <class '__main__.PoopSources'>
__dict__ is {
'__module__': '__main__',
'__metaclass__': <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>,
'POOPY': 'poopy.json',
'__init__': <function __init__ at 0x0000000002384EB8>,
'CRAP': 'crap.json',
'POOP': 'poop.json',
'PARAM_FILE': '.\\.\\poop.json',
'__doc__': None}
__class__ is <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>
__class__.__class__ is <type 'type'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<type 'type'>,)
cls is <__main__.PoopSources object at 0x0000000002382978>
__dict__ is {
'parameters': {
u'poop': u'crap',
u'foo': [1, 2, 3],
u'bar': {u'this': u'that'}},
'param_file': '.\\.\\poop.json'}
__class__ is <class '__main__.PoopSources'>
__class__.__class__ is <class '__main__.MetaPoop'>
__class__.__bases__ are (<class '__main__.OutputSources'>,
<class __main__.St00pid at 0x0000000002364B28>)
class St00pid(): pass
class MetaPoop(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr):
# if we add a subclass here, you may encounter problems:
# This can happen if your new base has another metaclass other than this
# one or `type`
# TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
# metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a
# (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases
# And this can happen if you new base has another base that has a
# conflicting constructor
# TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
# Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases
# object, <conflicting base object>
if St00pid not in bases:
bases += (St00pid, ) # be careful
# changes to name, base and attr can only be made in __new__ before the
# class is instantiated
if 'POOP' in attr:
attr['POOPY'] = 'poopy.json'
print 'in MetaPoop __new__ method'
print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr)
return super(MetaPoop, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr)
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr):
super(MetaPoop,cls).__init__(name, bases, attr)
# make changes to the class directly in __init__ using dot notation.
# we can add new attributes, but not subclass new bases or change the
# class name
if 'POOPY' in attr:
cls.CRAP = 'crap.json'
print 'in MetaPoop __init__ method'
print_cls_name_bases_attr(cls, name, bases, attr)
class PoopSources(OutputSources):
__metaclass__ = MetaPoop #
POOP = 'poop.json'
PARAM_FILE = os.path.join(_OUTPUTS, POOP)
def __init__(self):
super(PoopSources, self).__init__(PoopSources.PARAM_FILE)
def print_class_dict_class_bases(cls):
print 'cls is %s' % cls
print '__dict__ is %s' % cls.__dict__
print '__class__ is %s' % cls.__class__
print '__class__.__class__ is %s' % cls.__class__.__class__
print '__class__.__bases__ are %s' % repr(cls.__class__.__bases__)
print '----------------------'
if __name__ == "__main__":
po = PoopSources()
# when calling metaclass directly (vs using `__metaclass__` attribute, we
# provide all of the arguments that `type()` expects.
PoopOut = MetaOutputSource('PoopOut', (), {})
p = PoopOut('poop.json', {'cool_Fx':100})
o = OutputSources('poop.json')
"poop": "crap",
"foo": [1, 2, 3],
"bar": {
"this": "that"
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I hope you got an A+ for making a meta-poop primer.

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